Week 2 Challenge! Fast Diet

lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
Well done for everyone who has fasted this week. If you didn't lose weight, don't worry about it. It will gradually come off and I often find it's slow for a week or so and then I see a loss so stick with it :)

Next week's challenge is thanks to cindysatx! She has been reading all about the 4 day Win and it sounds perfect for us!

The idea is that sticking to something for 4 days in a row is much more manageable than the suggested 21 days that it takes to make a habit. So you make a plan to do something for 4 days and at the end of those days, if you're feeling good you can continue for another 4 days etc etc until it is a firm habit. I think this is a great idea for us (I know I can rarely stick to something for a week even!) and it will help us to develop good habits on our non-fast days.

So for this week the challenge is to set an evening deadline for your last meal/snack. The longer you spend without food, the more time your body has to burn it off, plus it will stop any late night snacking!

So, for me I'm going to set 2 deadlines. One for fast days and one for non fast days. My fast day deadline will be 2pm. That way I'll have about 19hours of pure fasting. On my non fast days my deadline will be 9pm (because we eat late in my house) and I'm going to start today! Best of luck everyone! Tell us what your deadline/s are and update the board with how you are doing.


  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    I think the 4 day plan is a good idea as well. I will stop eating after 7pm.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    I will try this as well.
    We also eat late meals until late fall/early winter, so I'm also going with a 9 pm cutoff on non-fasting days. I will make 5 pm my cutoff on fasting days ( a bit nervous about this one :)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I will continue with my no coffee on fast days this 2nd week.

    I will also commit to trying my best (Leaning on The Lord for His Strength and Help) to do 10,000 steps EVERYDAY this week. That's either 4 miles or 5 miles per day.

    Sooooo proud of you ladies and thrilled to be a part of this group....{{{ Hugs and High Fives }}}} Let's DO THIS (as the young people say):bigsmile: :drinker: :wink: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Yes, let's do this!! I on,y managed 1 fast day last week and I totally forgot to keep to my evening deadline so I've got to be better this week. I really want to b in onederland in 5 weeks time :) I'm upping my exercise, reducing the amount of junk I eat and going to aim for 3 fast days this week. Fingers crossed for over a pound loss at the weekend :)

    Feels like I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for years now but the reality is that in 2010-2011 I lost nearly 2 stone but as soon as I stopped running I swiftly gained it back plus more. So from summer 2011 to summer 2013 I've gone from about 170lbs to 215 lbs!! Even though the whole time I was trying to lose!! This is actually working for me so hopefully once I'm back to a healthy weight I can just do 1 fast day a week and maintain :)
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Sounds great to me...my challenge this week mirrors new lifestyle"s, I want to walk those 10,000 steps too! So I" m gonna do this and the 4 day challenge.....good luck to everyone this week.....yes we can do this!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    2pm and no more food for me!! Fingers crossed this will keep me from snacking!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    2pm and no more food for me!! Fingers crossed this will keep me from snacking!

    Praying now! If this is proving too hard or driving you bonkers initially, perhaps you can "wean" yourself on this goal over a next few weeks. Ya know, stopping eating at 7pm oneday, 6pm the next fast day, 5pm the next was day so on and so forth and/or cutting. This is a super goal and I'm proud of you for attempting it.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Sounds great to me...my challenge this week mirrors new lifestyle"s, I want to walk those 10,000 steps too! So I" m gonna do this and the 4 day challenge.....good luck to everyone this week.....yes we can do this!

    {{{{ Hugs and High Fives }}}}} What I'm going to do to reach this (God Willing and His Help) is walk twice a day around my neighborhood (2 mile walk 30-45 minutes) that's 4 miles. I have a ton of Leslie Sansone dvds and my favorite is called Walk Strong which is a fairly easy 2 mile walk with intervals strength training (not hard)...also if weather won't permit my outside walking, doing 15 minutes treadmill walking@2.5mph then 10-15 minutes on my exercise bike--then 10-15 minutes back on my treadmill@3.0mph.

    One of the main reasons I am fat and flabby/obese is that I don't move enough--this is hard for me, because I'm naturally lazy and slothful. If I would simply walk more, this yuck would be off me quicker than you can say...Wow, look at you! Help Lord, I believe....HELP my unbelief as one person once cried!
  • greenbirdsings
    greenbirdsings Posts: 15 Member
    I love this 4-day idea, mini goals feel a lot easier to reach than long term. I want to workout at lease four days a week and stop eating by 7 on non-fast days. and 5:00 on fast days.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Me too, I really need to move more!! and you're right I think I'll have to work up to 2pm as at the moment I'm just so hungry! So I'm fastin today and I'm going to aim for 6pm :)
  • cindysatx
    I forgot to mention one important part of the 4-day win concept - rewards!

    Find a small reward to give yourself when you accomplish your daily goal, then a larger reward when you do it for four days. Obviously, pick something other than food.

    For example, I tend to allow myself a couple of sessions of a Facebook. game for my small reward. Then, I might buy an electronic book on sale for my Kindle for at the end of the four days.

    It's very important that you don't indulge yourself unless you complete your goal.
  • laserqueen
    laserqueen Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in for the daily food deadline challange. Today is a fast day, and I will stop eating by 6:00 today. On regular days, 9:00 pm will have to do as we frequently eat late in the summer/early fall. Next fast day I will be more prepared and do the one meal thing to enable a longer fast.

    Onward we go!
  • CynthiaEvans
    CynthiaEvans Posts: 37 Member
    I already had a cut off of 7pm so I will just make sure to stick to it. It is really important for weight loss. Also getting enough sleep.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Argh I'm rubbish at this weeks goal. I stick to it and then totally forget! I'm going to set a reminder on my phone for the next 4 days and STICK TO IT! I love the treat idea so I will have to think of something suitable :)
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    So far so good, but I didn't have an early cut-off for regular days like some of you (we eat late dinners). Stuck to the 5 pm on fast days, though.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm going to include walking 10,000 steps in my 4 day goal. Day 1 today :)