Vegetarian Keto

Is there anything like Vegan-vegetarian Keto. I have been watching people loosing weight but i cant imagine eating any meat fish chiken eggs etc...not only o am allergic to these but these lives are not food for me at all....

Please respond and add me to your list


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    There is...I actually did that for a's a challenge to get a decent amount of protein with veggie eating and low carb, but it can be done...

    Tofu is amazingly good if you cook it right (my favorite was worchestershire and tumeric with a bit of avocado oil)...and I love the vegan "dairy" stuff like yogurts with coconut milk and soy cream cheese, etc...I was also a huge fan of the "tofu pups" soy hot dogs...and all the low-carb veggies and nuts and things...the plus side to vegan is you get a huge volume of food for the calories, so you can indulge in the higher calorie items like nuts pretty regularly.

    here's one person's blog about it:

    this site has a very detailed food list:

    You can add me if you like, but I don't do vegan or even vegetarian any more so I'm not sure how helpful I will be.