Scales are not my friend.

bluebent1 Posts: 12 Member
I threw out my scales years ago but now that I'm doing Keto, I've decided to weigh myself once a week at work. I missed last week and was pretty sure I would be down when I weighed this a.m. I've only lost 1 pound in nearly two weeks! I lost 8 the first week. I feel so much better though so I know I should not let the scale rule my emotions but I was just so sure I would be happy with the result this a.m. Blah! One thing I'm telling myself is that the scale indicated it had a low battery, though it was still working. I weighed myself twice with the same result. Grrrr....


  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    A good tailor's tape, time, a scale, and persistence are going to be your best friends, months later. Just stick with it. The sticking with it part seems to be the hardest thing to do.
  • Tubbytucka
    Tubbytucka Posts: 83 Member
    I found my weight stayed the same for a couple of weeks but I noticed clothes getting looser and belts tightening another hole. Just be patient and it will work. Think of it as losing 9lbs in two weeks - that's pretty good.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    Another option, that while not as pleasing as numbers dropping on the scale, is profile pics once or twice a month. i can't tell a difference in my appearance, but when I look at the profile pics (idea stolen from others), I can see a difference. I can also fit in pants sizes I haven't for 20+ years (depending on the brand, the same size is either actually wearable or at least they can now pass my thighs. another idea stolen from others in the group is clothing that either almost fits or doesn't fit yet)
  • admckee486
    admckee486 Posts: 10 Member
    Don’t give up! A 1lb loss is still a loss, and that’s something to celebrate.
    Possible factors of not losing more:
    -The closer you are to your goal weight, the slower weight comes off.
    - The amount you’re eating. I know keto doesn’t focus on counting calories, but for me personally I had to keep track. My problem was both what AND how much I was eating.
    - If you started strength training and are also gaining muscle you may not see a drop in weight that accurately reflects what you’ve lost.

    Those are a few possibilities. I agree with taking measurements and/or photos as well.
    Good luck! And keep going!