11/28 Weigh-In



  • vacamama
    vacamama Posts: 228 Member
    I noticed on the sheet you put 287.0...its 287.6 :'(:'(
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    vacamama wrote: »
    I noticed on the sheet you put 287.0...its 287.6 :'(:'(

    Awww!! It's OK. Make this a good week. One pound at a time.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi everyone - one to one's are all set up. Due to the delay in broken scales, I will be posting results late tonight or early tomorrow morning!!

    But, more importantly, what do I do with theis beast inspired by this week's challenge. Brussel sprouts? Any great recipes - or - do I throw them at the Hangry Birds?

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    November 28 Prizes….

    #1 Loser - 0.5 lb. advantage
    #2 Loser - 0.25 lb. advantage
    #1 Gainer - 0.5 lb. disadvantage
    #2 Gainer - 0.25 lb. disadvantage

    Emwalker is the winner of this week losing 3.1 lbs this week and losing a total of 4.4 lbs for the contest thus far. Congratulations you are the #1 winner this week and have earned a 0.5 lb. advantage next week.

    Boncharlie is the #2 winner of the week and has earn a 0.25 lb. advantage next week. Which makes things a little more complicated for me, me, me. Please, eat some late night cookies and I will drink the late night wine.

    I don’t know what party you guys were at, but invite me next time!!!
    Vacamama is the #1 gainer and will have a 0.5 lb. penalty for next week.
    Peregrin is the #2 gainer and will have a 0.25 lb. penalty for next week.

    Team Winners…Hangry Birds

    Winning team means that you keep all your players and the other team should eliminate one. Since Chunkysloth did not weigh in this week and is dropped from the contest, you will have a 1 lb. advantage. You guys need to build some calmaderie because you can’t afford to lose anymore.

    Boo, our eliminated player….Second Chance Challenge (lose 1% of your lowest recorded weight, come back and pick the team you want to be on)

    Chunkysloth, boooo. Baby, come, back!

    Nutrition and Fitness Winners….many factors I look at to include weight loss.
    NUT - Sisumom 0.75 lb.
    NUT - Emwalker 0.75 lb.

    FIT - Nisijam 0.25 lb.
    FIT - Sisumom 0.50 lb.
    FIT - Emwalker 0.25 lb.
    FIT - Fourathomej 0.50

    Weight Dropper….soon to be panty droppers (or, maybe boxers)

    Boncharie, chip, chip, chipping away - good bye 200’s and welcome to the one-derland’s. Next week, break those kilos from the 90’s to the 80’s.

    Fourathomej, You have dropped 3.6 lbs and moved from the 150’s to the 140’s. How nice that is to see on the scale!!

    Oops, I went the wrong way…Anyone with a gain of greater than 1.2 lbs is given a disadvantage. Why do I do that? It’s not fair to have someone gain a large amount of weight and then lose it the next week and end up being the winner. This helps to balance out the true winners. Sucks to be here, I know.

    Two very naughty, but nice girls
    Vacamama - 2.05 lb. penalty
    Peregrin - 1.4 lb. penalty

    1:1 Prizes to be awarded to the best of the best

    Who will be the next winner of the Fit-n-Trim contest? Will it be you?