


  • I really like the L'Oreal Kids Swim & Sport shampoo. UltraSwim is fine, but much more expensive, and I've always found it to be very runny and easy to waste. I also think the L'Oreal Kids has a better scent. The only con for the L'Oreal Kids is that the blue fish-shaped bottle can sometimes leak or pop open in my swim bag, so I'm keeping it in a plastic bag, and not in my mesh hanging bag, which I'd prefer.
  • LKuderna
    LKuderna Posts: 31 Member
    It really helps to get completely wet in the shower before you start, get your hair wet (and use a little conditioner in it if you want) before putting on your cap. I went to "Ulta" (big box beauty store in the US) and they suggested "H2O+ Sea Salt body wash" that seems to realy neutralize the chlorine effects. Of course, moisturize thoroughly when you're still damp after your shower. Let me know how it goes. There's also a product available on-line "Tri-Swim" body wash that is probably excellent.
  • zerryz
    zerryz Posts: 168 Member
    Someone once suggested to rinse mybody with vinegary or lemony water. Never tried it though cuz at the time, I simply switched to open water swimming. The salt in the ocean took care of the eczema/itch problem created by the pool chemicals. I'd say try swimming in open waters.
  • I use baby oil after every swim to cut down the itching.
  • murdy745
    murdy745 Posts: 71 Member
    I've never been able to get rid of the chlorine smell. Love it and embrace it!!! On the upside, my cardio sessions seem much more disinfected. lol
  • sandytaffy
    sandytaffy Posts: 20 Member
    The smell never bothered me either, but I too have a problem with the itchy skin. I am currently using coconut oil. I does solidify if the temperature is under 72 (or there abouts) and chlorine and coconut oil smell reminds me of when I was a kid during the summer.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Someone once suggested to rinse mybody with vinegary or lemony water. Never tried it though cuz at the time, I simply switched to open water swimming. The salt in the ocean took care of the eczema/itch problem created by the pool chemicals. I'd say try swimming in open waters.

    i have given up on trying to get rid of the chlorine smell.
    i rarely need to use deodorant now too.
    tho i do get skinburn and mild exczema on my legs for the first time ever.
    all explained now.
    v informative.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Definitely get yourself some chlorine removal shampoo. Here's a 4-pack of what I use. I've only ever bought a bottle at a time... but I have significantly less hair on my head ;)

    They also make a conditioner, if you're into that. I use Dial bar soap for cleaning the smell off the rest of me.

    Another thing that works is sweating it out with a non-pool workout the morning following your pool workout.

    ^Ultra Swim - I DO use the conditioner too, even though my hair is short it's too dry without it. I also buy it by the 4 pack from Amazon.....

    My 13 year old daughter has a T-Shirt that says "Swim Chick, Chlorine is My Perfume"
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    I don't notice it in my hair and just use normal shampoo and conditioner. For the body just shower gel on its own is not enough - I take a bamboo type sponge in the shower and that rough scrub gets the chlorine off then lotion (cocoa butter at the moment) works a treat.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    If you have access to open water - you can't beat the experience.
  • Ms_J1
    Ms_J1 Posts: 253 Member
    I still think like a child when it comes to the pool. To me, swimming IS a bath.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I still think like a child when it comes to the pool. To me, swimming IS a bath.

    After all, you ARE soaking in bleach ;-)
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I use L'oreal body wash and body scrubber. Be gentle.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    The smell of chlorine at the baths used to trigger panic attacks because I associated the smell with going to the swimming lessons at school where I was terrified of the water and bullied by fellow pupils and even the teachers who took us there.

    It has taken some years, first teaching myself to swim in a fashion and then taking coaching sessions as I gained confidence.

    Now I celebrate the smell of the pool because it means I have overcome my fear and am comfortable in that environment.

    This journey has opened up to my swims now in the sea and lakes outside and meeting some great people along the way.

    I have no problem with the smell of chlorine. When I come back to work after a lunchtime swim - people know I have been for a swim and they wish they had gone too!

    As for itching - I do find that chlorine dries my skin quite a bit. I find any moisturiser or body butter helps with dryness and showering with a moisturising shower crème when I get home - they don't like suds in the showers at eh baths because of the risk of people slipping over.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Ascorbic acid ( powdered vitamin c) dissolved in warm water will remove the chlorine smell.

    I put a tablespoon full in a plastic spray bottle of water and keep it in my shower bag. Spray liberally all over, even in your hair and rub it in, rinse off. Avoid spraying it in your eyes.

    I bought mine in the baking area of my grocery store. It's used for canning. You can also by powdered vitamin C at Trader Joe's or Walgreens. It's cheap and effective.

    I also use this to rinse the chlorine out of my bathing suits.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    my blue swimshorts leached pink by chlorine in pool over only 3 weeks.
    also informed by the matrons of aqua aerobics that they are now see- through too.!
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    And in an unrelated moment, CW was asked out for coffee by 3 different members of the water aerobics class ;-)
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 947 Member
    also informed by the matrons of aqua aerobics that they are now see- through too.!

    Lolest! Did you pinch yourself hoping to wake up from the nightmare?