FAO Minimyzeme (Kim) -OT

savignr Posts: 711 Member
I’ve seen a couple references to your move. Where are you moving from/to?


  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    @savignr Bob, believe it or not, I'm headed to the Rochester area. Most of my family is still in the Finger Lakes south of there. After 15 years outside of Jamestown, clobbered by many of the lake-effect storms, ironically, I think Rochester will provide a welcome relief. I'll even have high-speed internet--something that's not even an option out here in the sticks.
  • savignr
    savignr Posts: 711 Member
    Hope you love it there. I have three nephews there and a niece in college there. Brother, sister, and daughter in Nuagara Falls area so I try to get back when I can.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thanks Bob. After having lived rurally all my life, I'm almost in a state of shock this is my choice, but I think it will be a good, "final" living situation. Being close enough to visit family has become more important to me over the last several years. Due largely to the weather and lots to take care of at the Jamestown place, too often I've had to cancel or change plans to see siblings or nieces / nephews (and their kids). Proximity to medical practices and downsizing responsibilities are in the mix too. Plus, the Finger Lakes are one of the few "thriving" parts of NYS.