What is motivating you?

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
edited December 2018 in Social Groups
Or not.

This is just going to be a general rant.
I woke up this morning, too early, feeling unrested with a headache and sinus congestion. For the third day in a row. What the heck!? .... ok, I know why... headache is the result of me cringing into a ball in a fruitless attempt to escape my own snoring. Sinus congestion probably from snoring but compounded by the dairy and sugar I’ve been eating lately. Both of these issues had previously disappeared when my weight went down but now have returned with my weight gain. So, why can’t I see to get back on track and do what I know needs to be done???

I know that several of us have struggled with a variety of issues this fall. So, I have to ask — what is motivating you right now?



  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    The same things that are holding me back are what is motivating me. I KNOW that when I lose weight, I will be healthier overall. I think that my overall health problems are the underlying issues due to my weight gain. Not everything of course, but a lot. My mental health has been at risk here with all of the issues too. The anxiety is REAL. I WILL do this! It just may take longer than it would have once upon a time.

    We can all do this! I genuinely believe it!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Nothing. I guess that’s why I keep yo-yoing.
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