Back From Vacation

Hi everyone..its good to be home! We just spent two traveling from SC to Ohio and then over to NY visiting grandkids.
We are exhausted but had a great trip. I didn't do all that well diet wise, but I'm hopeful I didn't "blow" it too badly. I'm
actually looking forward to getting back into the groove and getting into the exercises on a daily basis. We only see
the northern parts of the family about once a year. But I did find it was easier than I thought to stay pretty darn close to
the game plan!


  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 415 Member
    Southerngramm: I know exactly how you feel. It is great to get back into the routine after a vacation. I feel so much better since I started exercising regularly again after spending time with the grandkids. This was an unusual "wonderful summer of the grandchildren." We usually see them only once or twice a year for a few days--this year we saw the distant ones several times for a total of about 6 weeks. It was great, though, and I really enjoyed it. Nice to get back to a routine though. LOL