

  • Fat2_Fit
    Fat2_Fit Posts: 14 Member
    There are so many people that take that differently, but to me it basically means being able to understand the food label. Take for example Chips A'hoy:



    Take for example Miss Graces sunflower cookies:


    Forgive me, I couldn't find a picture of the ingredients but here they are:

    INGREDIENTS: Enriched Wheat Flour, (Containing Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine, and Riboflavin), Rolled Oats, Sweet Cream Butter, Brown Sugar, Sunflower Seeds, Sugar, Eggs, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Baking Soda

    Now I can understand what is in them. It doesn't take a PHd in chemestry to understand what is in the cookies.

    It is too hard to get away from all processed things. I mean, even Stevia and sugar goes through a process to make it to your counter. Wheat is processed into the flour that makes it to your bread. So you can't truly rid the world of all processed items. But to me, the less of a proccess it takes to get to your door the cleaner it is.

    This is a great example.
  • riotatme23
    riotatme23 Posts: 56 Member
    What eating clean means to me:

    Grilled and baked lean meats and fish instead of fried, fatty cuts. All meats must be natural (no artificial fillers etc)

    Fresh raw, steamed, or grilled vegetables and fruits with light dry seasoning instead of slathering them in butter, oil, and sugared syrups.

    Breads from the bakery instead of the bread aisle. Less preservatives means more actual nutrients your body can use.

    Drinking water, clear 100% juices, and whole milk. Filling up on soda leaves me bloated and uncomfortable, plus the syrup leaves a slimy feel in my throat.

    A general rule: if it doesn't expire within a 2 weeks its not going in my cart. If it needs a label it should have 5 ingredients or less (legible, natural ingredients that are easy to pronounce)