Pilates for Beginners

I'm currently on track with my weightloss goals however it has became apparent that I need to do some toning. Is there any good reference either videos or books on Pilates you can recommend.


  • I recommend a Pilates teacher Cassey Ho. She is on YouTube is you don't want to buy her DVD. She is a wonderful motivator &' she will absolutely help you tone up alot.! Her name on YouTube is Blogilates is you want to research her on YouTube.(:
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    If at all possible, even for a few classes, I suggest you work with a Pilates teacher/class in real life. I am relatively advanced through progressive studio training and am very aware of what one CANNOT learn by reading a book or watching a video. In fact, years/decades ago, I read about Pilates and tried a few movements and thought it was the lamest thing ever! That's because a lot fo the right technique involves very very subtle control that you can really feel but cannot see just by looking at someone on a DVD.

    Failing that, or just to get yourself educated, you may check out http://www.merrithew.com/stottpilates/warmup/en/principles/five-basic-principles. Google for others too, I would totally focus on beginners only info. Trust me, it may seems boring and you may want to go quick, but it takes time to really absorb and integrate those body control. And then you will get to the fun stuff and see the results - quick and lasting!

    As it is a common quesitons, I will try to find some good YouTube videos for all.

    Avoid buying DVDs for now, I would go for YouTube first. Winsor, Gaiam etc..all prove to be not so good IMO.
  • Thank you for the materials. I'll be checking them out.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Hi all :)

    I just want to add that I found this video especially helpful for beginners (like me!):

    POP Pilates for Beginners - Total Body Workout
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks for brining blogilates to my attention. I watched the first few mins of Cassie's ntro video and have to say was shocked that she did not mention powerhouse, the fundamental concept of classical pilates. All she said was "pull the belly button in" which is not really correct. It is about activating a triangular zone.

    She also mentioned that your lower back needs to be in contact with the ground, which is not correct. In Pilates, one should keep to a natural arch, called the "neutral position". You will have a small gap, as that is the natural shape of your spine. The position she demonstrated is a variation called "imprint position".

    Don't get me wrong, she is certified and definitely has lots of experience. I may need to see a few more videos to decide if her instruction is good enough for beginners. For sure she needs to cater for the masses, and a lot of her brand is about blogging, beauty, etc.

    Very interesting to discover something/someone new, thank you!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Thanks for brining blogilates to my attention. I watched the first few mins of Cassie's ntro video and have to say was shocked that she did not mention powerhouse, the fundamental concept of classical pilates. All she said was "pull the belly button in" which is not really correct. It is about activating a triangular zone.

    She also mentioned that your lower back needs to be in contact with the ground, which is not correct. In Pilates, one should keep to a natural arch, called the "neutral position". You will have a small gap, as that is the natural shape of your spine. The position she demonstrated is a variation called "imprint position".

    Don't get me wrong, she is certified and definitely has lots of experience. I may need to see a few more videos to decide if her instruction is good enough for beginners. For sure she needs to cater for the masses, and a lot of her brand is about blogging, beauty, etc.

    Very interesting to discover something/someone new, thank you!

    Eso, thank you for your evaluation of the POP pilates video for beginners. I'm so used to being instructed to keep my lower back to the floor for many exercises that I didn't realize this would be incorrect in pilates.

    If you have time, could you let us know if these instructions are good for the neutral back position?

    The Pilates Neutral Spine Position: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-pilates-neutral-spine-position.html

    Thanks :)
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Eso, thank you for your evaluation of the POP pilates video for beginners. I'm so used to being instructed to keep my lower back to the floor for many exercises that I didn't realize this would be incorrect in pilates.

    If you have time, could you let us know if these instructions are good for the neutral back position?

    The Pilates Neutral Spine Position: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-pilates-neutral-spine-position.html

    Thanks :)

    You are welcome! The dummies article is accurate. But let me dig around to see if I can find videos. Some instructors are relaly good in cuing and having you imagine ...it's subtle but will make a huge difference.

    will post as soon as I find some good ones!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    You are welcome! The dummies article is accurate. But let me dig around to see if I can find videos. Some instructors are relaly good in cuing and having you imagine ...it's subtle but will make a huge difference.

    will post as soon as I find some good ones!

    Esoooooooo, come back!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Sorry!! Busy with that thing called "life outside MFP"...so inconvenient :) OK, will make a mental note to find those videos for you. Feel free to bug me!!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Found a series of freebies - let me know if you like them!


    I subscribe to Pilatesanytime BTW. Both Meredith Rogers and Kristi Coopers in these videos are very good. I think you have to like the person and the way s/he teaches/cues as well. Every teacher has his/her own style (and from different pilates disciplines).

    Hope this helps!