January 6 sign in



  • lessn00
    lessn00 Posts: 377 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?    Yes .. Hiit
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?    Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?  Yes

    Exercise is crucial for me! I like to feel like I have energy and strength. Besides it's incredible health benefits..I also like the way it makes me look!
  • Sue2bthin
    Sue2bthin Posts: 21 Member
    I want to thank you all for your inspiration; I am leaving this app to return to Sparkpeople. For me, it is simply easier to navigate in all areas. Stay healthy everyone, and thank you again.
  • Thomasgrenaud
    Thomasgrenaud Posts: 52 Member
    Exercised? Yes
    Calories? Yes
    Tracked? Yes
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    Yes , yes and yes
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    edited January 2019
    If you made your own croissants seriously you do deserve a pass day. How are you supposed to resist the buttery smell coming out of the oven?

    Hope you feel better tomorrow. I think most people - me at least--have had some days when we just couldn't stop eating. Do what you need to do to get your head back on the game.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: January 6, 2019 -
    Exercised?: Yes: 3.9 km walk
    Calories?: Yes, under goal... even though I didn't think I'd be :)
    Tracked?: Yes
  • anndeemarie
    anndeemarie Posts: 88 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, walked the dog - she was glad!
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes! by more then usual
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes not quite 100 today - a little low!

    Thanks for the book recommendation. I was able to grab it from digial library download so I'll take a look at it tonight. From your description I totally agree!
    My Gram died at 93 (super sudden, we call it "twinkled". She walked or rode her stationary bike every day, was still taking care of her farm house living alone, and was adored by all. She's my hero and she could have written such a book.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,369 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,989 Member
    Exercise: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Tracking: Yes

    Today was an off day for me. I dropped my husband off at the airport super early and then went into the office to catch up on work and ended up staying most of the day. I got behind on my exercise and really had to force myself to exercise when I got home. I am trying to complete the circles on my Apple watch each day so it took me a while to get there. My heart just wasn't in it but I did finish. I finished the last bit reading the posts while on the treadmill. I got inspired reading Rick's post about the book "Younger Next Year". It took me a while to find it but I realized I had ordered it as a digital download but never read it. I am excited to read it now! Rick, thanks so much for all the info that you share. And of course, everyone else. :)