Having a hard time with 25 net carbs

Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
I'm new to Keto and cannot seem to be at or below 25 net carbs. I'm finding myself limiting the number of non-starchy vegetables I eat, when they've never been off limits. Also having a hard time with enough fats. Can I still get to Ketosis with about 40 net carbs per day (my average so far). My macros today so far are 60% fat, 19% carbs, 21% protein. Are macros more important or grams?


  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Carbs shouldn't be going over 5-10% unless you are able to use them right away like in a workout etc.

    The 40 net carb is a tricky one as it depends totally on you. If you are utilizing your carb intake to do intense workouts like crossfit etc then you likely will not have an issue. If you have a desk job and don't workout you will struggle to stay in ketosis and get to the ultimate success of being fat adapted. (After about 2 months of strict keto you normally become fat adapted and you can up your carb limits without much issue).

    Cauliflower is your friend on Keto. Riced, raw, frozen, lightly flavored: It's a great side dish that you can almost make taste however you want it to. Also look at edamame beans. Lettuce/Spinach are also keto friendly.

    Keto has one rough stigma on it in that a lot of newer adapters to this WOE think they have to max out: fat. That is not the case at all:

    Protein is a must. Hit or exceed this macro daily.
    Carb is a limit.
    Fat is available but should only be used up to the point of satiety.
  • Lucy17128
    Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you! I have a desk job but am walking and doing weight training as well (5X per week is the goal). I will need to learn to like cauliflower more.
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Love the dedication but 5X a week of strength training may be rough on the body with the limited muscle recovery time. You may want to switch to a protein focused keto (google it) if you will be doing a lot of lifting (I am personally on this version). I used these macros on a protein focused keto: 10% carbs/50% Protein/40% fat for my biggest success.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Most people will be in ketosis at below 50g of carbs. Some won't. For net carbs, I'm not sure. Maybe? Maybe not.

    It's not a huge deal though, IMO. If you feel good at around 40 g net carbs, and have a diet that is sustainable, I think that's a really important consideration. There is no weight loss "need" to go lower unless you find that lowered carbs helps you with appetite and cravings reductions. Unless you have a health need to go lower, like uncontrolled T2D, I would do whatever works well for you.

    There is no need for a certain fat level to achieve ketosis. Ketosis is achieved when carb intake is low enough, which will vary between people. Medium chain triglycerides, like in coconut oil, will raise ketones, but other extra fats usually do not. Since ketones are not needed for weight loss,nits a non issue for most people.

    Plus those who are losing weight want to use up body fat; if you eat a lot of fat, you may not burn your own. ;)

    I think a common approach to Keto is eat to meet or exceed your protein goals (more than 0.8 x weight in pounds), try not to exceed you carb limit (be it 20 or 40 g) and fill in the rest with fat.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I did 30-40 gm net carbs per day my initial 6 months or so on keto (some days less but often in the 30-40 net range) and had no problems. I still tested positive for ketones (when I tested) and didn't notice differences in terms of weight loss or other benefits of keto. YMMV.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    I have not found it especially challenging to stay under 20 net with the carbs. The problem is not the veggies for me in the carbs. You have to eat a lot of broccoli, greens, cauliflower, etc. to have net carbs of consequence. The problem I find is with sauces, dressings, etc.

    My actual consumed macros are typically closer to ~50% fat and ~50% protein. Carbs will be less than 5%.
  • Lucy17128
    Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
    I think I got this figured out- I’m at 16 grams of carbs today and 5% total. Thank you for all of your help