OOOH SHINY! - How to distract from eating?

miliskinny Posts: 11 Member
Hi Ladies, am I the only one who eats without being hungry, once started cannot stop and consequently has issues with weight? ;)

Guess not!

So, for all of you like me to whom it does not come naturally to stay within caloric deficit, does not feel full quickly and can binge - I thought we should have a thread with tips and tricks on how to distract ourselves from eating.

I'll start and please do jump in:

- lurk around this forum and reddit
- go out and walk around the block
- step away from the kitchen, imagine there is a fire in there
- boil huge pot of tea and add cinnamon in it
- snoop around ebay

How do you distract yourselves? How do you know when is enough?


  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    My husband thinks I am crazy, but I watch the food channel. Watching other people eat and describe food like on Chopped or Drive ins, Diners and Dives is weirdly satisfying.
  • treenapenney45
    treenapenney45 Posts: 6 Member
    I take long bath, go for walk, and chew alot of gum😊😊
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Have different flavours of tea. In a day I normally get through a variety of rooibos flavours, green tea, the odd black tea, etc. For me it's a great way of tricking my brain in to thinking it's full.

    And food prep, including snack prep.

    @Nightcometh My 600lb Life is just mind-boggling to me. Which I'm glad about, because I can't imagine ever letting myself go to that extent.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I tend to eat when I'm bored as well. I chew lots of gum. And make sure to stay hydrated. Other things I like to do is drink tea sometimes. Just the activity and the flavor is enough usually. Also, getting up and doing something is helpful too. It could a walking, or just getting up to do the dishes or tidy up something. But an acticity gets my mind off of the craving.

    To note though: I make sure to fit in my cravings into my budget. If I don't, and I finally cave into it after holding off a while, I end up eating way more then if I had just eaten a smaller amount earlier. Also, if it's hunger that's getting me and not boredom I make sure I'm getting in enough protien. Seems if I'm having a hungry day, I can usually trace it back to not starting my day off with enough protien.
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    I use fruits for this. It helps get my blood sugar back up and fills my stomach so that I'm not feeling entirely hungry.
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    decaf coffee with two cream packets and splenda; sugar free jello, diet vernors, vitamin water zero
  • Tjpressler
    Tjpressler Posts: 2 Member
    I've made "friendly" snacks (sugar-free gummies, fresh fruit, nuts, etc...) whenever I get cravings. If I'm out and about or don't have access to anything else, I chew gum. I also try to supplement water with a calorie-free sweetener if I'm really desperate for something sweet.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    Tjpressler wrote: »
    I've made "friendly" snacks (sugar-free gummies, fresh fruit, nuts, etc...) whenever I get cravings. If I'm out and about or don't have access to anything else, I chew gum. I also try to supplement water with a calorie-free sweetener if I'm really desperate for something sweet.

    As long as they are not the Haribo sugar free gummy bears... the old reviews on this product are hilarious
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  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I read somewhere that you should do a task that gets your hands dirty. Can't eat with dirty hands!
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    jesspen91 wrote: »
    I read somewhere that you should do a task that gets your hands dirty. Can't eat with dirty hands!

    Great Idea!
  • figyello
    figyello Posts: 34 Member
    I try to plan my errands for mid-afternoon, when I'm most likely to want to snack. Being out of the house helps a ton.
  • jillmkern
    jillmkern Posts: 17 Member
    I make a cup of broth - 1/4 tsp of Better than Bullion and my biggest coffee cup - it keeps me a little busy with a task, and the smell and taste make me feel like I'm eating a meal for some reason. I wish there wasn't as much sodium involved, but what can you do?

    I also get out of my house and take a quick walk, but that doesn't always work for me. I'm also pretty shameless about texting my friends and asking them to keep me company til my useless eating craving passes :smiley:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I love Better than Bullion too! Tastes like real soup and it's perfect when I'm Intermittently Fasting and the sodium is essential for anyone eating low carb.
  • keri2007
    keri2007 Posts: 1 Member
    I get myself out of the kitchen and take a shower, chew gum, drink herbal tea or if I'm desperate I drink a Bubly. I try to stay away from carbonated drinks, but every now and then I'll drink one and it'll fill me up!
  • clynds
    clynds Posts: 41 Member
    I do bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, etc.... It's a good distraction, and if I do end up snacking, I've burned off a few calories. lol
  • elviebird516
    elviebird516 Posts: 3 Member
    This is my problem too. The best thing is to not have any food around me, but my husband constantly buys snack food. I drink a ton of tea (I like Celestial Seasons herbal blends) or broth if I need something salty. I've learned that I can't just have a "small" snack. Once I start eating I won't stop until I'm full/800 calories later.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I drink decaf coffee at night, tell myself to not eat so I wont feel guilty and disappointed in the morning when I weigh.
  • kmreid1990
    kmreid1990 Posts: 2 Member
    Lately I have been making hot tea, or just preparing for the fact that I prefer to have my calories at night. So I track everything and leave a deficit for an ideal midnight snack.
  • itsdd2
    itsdd2 Posts: 5 Member
    clynds wrote: »
    I do bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, etc.... It's a good distraction, and if I do end up snacking, I've burned off a few calories. lol

    Definitely. I started doing FITT classes recently, by the time they are over, I have no interest in whatever temptation that might be lurking in my kitchen. So far 4 lbs gone in four weeks plus an inch off my waistline. I consider that a good start :)

  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,823 Member
    I crave sweet things so I will have a low cal (9 calories) hard boiled sweet (not sure what you'd call them in the US). My favourite are sugar free Werther's originals.

    In the evening I will go and brush my teeth!
  • svlofthouse
    svlofthouse Posts: 46 Member
    I usually find that I crave things when I’m bored or procrastinating. Exercise kills the bordom cravings and actually cracking down to a task (even if it’s not the one I’m putting off) helps to take my mind off procrastination cravings.
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    I'm having trouble tonight. I am absolutely not hungry -- and that is when I am the most tempted. Why is that? I just had a part of an apple and another cup of tea. Let's see how good I am at distracting myself...
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    Update: shopping on my favorite online consignment site was a great distraction! I have purchased nothing, just added to my favorites, and imagined how much nicer the clothes would look after a few more pounds lost.