Weight lifting/loose skin help needed...

Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
Hello all!

Today is the 105th day of keto for me. Jan 1 and 2 were jor keto friendly, do technically 103 days??

I have lost about 30lbs, and I have been at the gym for about 60-70% of the time. I was doing 1400kcal, under 20g net carbs, high fat and medium protein. I reversed the last 2 half way through and jow I am doing higher protein medium fat.

I do mostly weights and some cardio when I am st the gym. Some swimming as well. But... I have noticed that my body is just...flabby. I used to be able to go back to the gym, do weights and notice the muscle in my legs right away. Not anymore. My calf muscles, which have always been very prominent, are no longer there. My quads and hamstrings seem flabby and loose. My arms are hideous, bat wings all over.

I know that nothing completely tightens loose skin. I have been overweight my whole adult life and am 37, so I do not expect the body of a 20yr old. But I know muscle helps some, especially with the appearance...and I want to be stronger!!!

I try to lift as much as I can, weight wise, but I hardly ever feel sore the next day, which feels like I didn't do enough weight, even thought I struggle when actually lifting.

I upped my calories by 200 a day, and an increasing my protein as well. I hope this helps increase my muscles. I obviously want to continue to lose weight, but I rather see the numbers get smaller on my measuring tape than my scale.

Is this situation normal? Will my skin/muscles catch up? What am I doing wrong? Any assistance is greatly appreciated!!


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    In order to build muscle you need a progressive overload strength routine. This means that you have to increase work over time to challenge the muscles. weight x reps = work

    Some of the increase in work will come from adaptation (the muscle you have will adapt to lift more weight be being more efficient at lifting), but the increase in work should also stimulate actual muscle growth, which is what it sounds like you are seeking.

    So, if you can't lift more weight, then you need to lift the same weight more times. Or lift less weight more times as long as the overall work for that muscle group is increasing over time.

    If you do squats now with 30 lbs dumbells and do 3 sets of 15 (45 total reps, 1350 work), then you can do the same squats in 5 sets of 12 (60 total reps, 1800 work) - you are lifting the same weight, but you have increased reps, so you are doing more work. Or, if you find that you simply can't do 5 sets of 12 at 30 lbs, then you can 4 sets of 12 at 30 lbs and the last set at 20 or 25 lbs, then over time increase to doing them all at 30 lbs.

    The point is you want to be always pushing the heavier weights or more reps until you are reaching failure on each muscle group, and possibly failure on each set. Whatever you are comfortable with, obviously the point is not to get injured so you need to listen to your body and pay attention to form. If you can't lift it with correct form, then you have reached failure and you need to stop/rest.

    DOMS - not everyone gets that even working at full capacity, some people just have magical genetics and miss that pain in the...glutes...

    Taking measurements and photos is an awesome way to track progress...I do feel like to a certain extent losing fat can cause muscles to look smaller, particularly if there is excess skin...for me it took about 2 years for my belly skin to finish kind of tightening up and it's still not the greatest looking thing...I started on a very glute focused routine about a year or maybe a year and a half ago and I'm finally not seeing as many wrinkles on my upper thighs and glutes, so I guess about that long for that area of skin to tighten up after or with fat loss...to some extent just be patient and trust the measurements.

    Definitely eating more protein helps to protect against muscle loss.
  • Freischuetz
    Freischuetz Posts: 147 Member
    edited January 2019
    also take a rest for one week or 10 days after four/five weeks of workout. you will need it and come back stronger after.

    especially at your age

    btw: in keto you will have anyway less soreness
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    In order to build muscle you need a progressive overload strength routine. This means that you have to increase work over time to challenge the muscles. weight x reps = work

    Some of the increase in work will come from adaptation (the muscle you have will adapt to lift more weight be being more efficient at lifting), but the increase in work should also stimulate actual muscle growth, which is what it sounds like you are seeking.

    So, if you can't lift more weight, then you need to lift the same weight more times. Or lift less weight more times as long as the overall work for that muscle group is increasing over time.

    If you do squats now with 30 lbs dumbells and do 3 sets of 15 (45 total reps, 1350 work), then you can do the same squats in 5 sets of 12 (60 total reps, 1800 work) - you are lifting the same weight, but you have increased reps, so you are doing more work. Or, if you find that you simply can't do 5 sets of 12 at 30 lbs, then you can 4 sets of 12 at 30 lbs and the last set at 20 or 25 lbs, then over time increase to doing them all at 30 lbs.

    The point is you want to be always pushing the heavier weights or more reps until you are reaching failure on each muscle group, and possibly failure on each set. Whatever you are comfortable with, obviously the point is not to get injured so you need to listen to your body and pay attention to form. If you can't lift it with correct form, then you have reached failure and you need to stop/rest.

    DOMS - not everyone gets that even working at full capacity, some people just have magical genetics and miss that pain in the...glutes...

    Taking measurements and photos is an awesome way to track progress...I do feel like to a certain extent losing fat can cause muscles to look smaller, particularly if there is excess skin...for me it took about 2 years for my belly skin to finish kind of tightening up and it's still not the greatest looking thing...I started on a very glute focused routine about a year or maybe a year and a half ago and I'm finally not seeing as many wrinkles on my upper thighs and glutes, so I guess about that long for that area of skin to tighten up after or with fat loss...to some extent just be patient and trust the measurements.

    Definitely eating more protein helps to protect against muscle loss.

    Thanks @tcunbeliever!! I was working on some workouts with more weight/reps, but compared to my pre-keto days, it seemed to take longer for my muscle to be seen, or felt. Because I am at a caloric deficit, I wasn't sure if this was causing the issue for me. I will keep on working with the weights, I still have a good20-35lbs to lose, but I mostly want to avoid as much sagginess as possible. I guess I will have to give my body time to adjust once I hit maintenance. I keep forgetting that I cannot be comparing my results to others, but sometimes, the envy kicks in! I have saggy skin, low muscle tone and my boobs have become even more saggy... :(

    I will keep at it...I cannot give up, I am halfway there!!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    also take a rest for one week or 10 days after four/five weeks of workout. you will need it and come back stronger after.

    especially at your age

    btw: in keto you will have anyway less soreness

    @Freischuetz I actually just went back to the gym today after a 2 week hiatus...I feel weaker than before I left...but I also changed my routine, so I guess I just have to get used to it...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I also feel like it's harder to gain muscle on keto. I was doing better with a low carb version of leangains in 2017, however went keto for migraine control.

    keto is magic for my migraines, and that is a way better quality of life than any amount of muscle

    I find that extra salt helps when I'm feeling weak...might be a thing to try having some prior to the workout

    the saggy boob thing, if you find a way to fix that clue me in...I would really like to trim up the tummy and loose and inch or two on my waist...however...that's not were things seem to be coming off from, oh no, that can't seem to happen, I think my boobs look more sad every week...<sigh>
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    I also feel like it's harder to gain muscle on keto. I was doing better with a low carb version of leangains in 2017, however went keto for migraine control.

    keto is magic for my migraines, and that is a way better quality of life than any amount of muscle

    I find that extra salt helps when I'm feeling weak...might be a thing to try having some prior to the workout

    the saggy boob thing, if you find a way to fix that clue me in...I would really like to trim up the tummy and loose and inch or two on my waist...however...that's not were things seem to be coming off from, oh no, that can't seem to happen, I think my boobs look more sad every week...<sigh>

    I have PCOS, so this diet is highly recommended for that. I do like the way I feel while eating this way. But, nothing is perfect, so I guess I have to work a little harder to get muscle where I want it. I am not trying to get a six-pack or "guns" lol, I am just trying not to be thin and weak and be able to lift things without falling apart...and looking good doing it ;)

    And regarding the boobage... I think my 40th birthday present will be getting them perked up...age, weight and hormones have done enough damage to them...they need some TLC...but if I find anything that works in the meantime...I will send you any and all the info!!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    @tcunbeliever I changed my workout methods...sort of...I started going to the gym with my brother, who definitely guides and pushes me more...have definitely been sore all week! Did legs on Thursday last week and was sore till Monday! apparently I wa doing something wrong lol

    Question is...will doing more/heavier weights have an impact on my weight loss? I know I gained some lbs on the challenge this month, I blamed my cheating on day 1 and 2 of the month, then I went down a bit, but I started weights last week and I have gone up again...I am staying keto, and even though my carbs are higher, they are not at 20 net...

    I know it can be multiple things, especially water weight, but, can it possibly be my body retaining...something?... or should I redo my macros again?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Being sore means that you are probably retaining some water in your muscles...it's part of the repair process, and totally normal and you should not make changes for that extra weight, it's working and you are getting stronger plus probably building some muscle which is awesome!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    Being sore means that you are probably retaining some water in your muscles...it's part of the repair process, and totally normal and you should not make changes for that extra weight, it's working and you are getting stronger plus probably building some muscle which is awesome!

    @tcunbeliever That is what I thought...but since I have not lost anything this month, I was starting to freak out a bit... I am at the halfway mark and hope to keep losing and toning up...thanks for the piece of mind! :smile:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Force the water when you’re sore and it can help flush the inflammation out of the muscles. But yes, that’s water in your muscles. I predict a whoosh on the scale once that goes!
  • I’m loving this thread. Lack of visible progress, where the heck did my leg muscles go, saggy boobs....
    Before this week I had not seen noticeable results since September!! But I just kept going and added some intermittent fasting (very mixed). The other day I wore a knee length skirt to work and my muscles were there! Not the thick thighs and calves I’ve had for years but thinner, more sharply legs! Woohoo!
    So I guess I’m saying keep at it, keep pushing, and eventually it will happen. I still have about 15-20 pounds to lose but I know the important thing is I’m getting healthy so even if I can’t see it in the mirror; I always feel it! 😊
    But the boobs...let me know😖
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I like watching the scale go down.
    I like seeing the body fat percentage drop.
    I don't always like the visual impact it has on my body.

    It sometimes reminds me of watching bangs grow out...there's inevitably that stage where they just look terrible no matter what you do and you just have to wait it out for them to look nice again.

    So, I lose body fat generally top down and bottom up...so my arms and upper body look pretty buff...and my legs and lower body look pretty buff...but then when my torso starts to slim it's the boobs/ribcage first and the upper thighs, and then it creeps down slowly and my waist and love handles will start to slim, and the thighs will creep up and my glutes will start to shrink, and my low belly is the very last to go...so it creates this time period where all of me is smaller EXCEPT the stupid low belly, which means that in relation to everything else my belly looks way fatter than when I started just because the proportions are shifted, not because I have actually gotten any fatter...so frustrating...but, there's no fixing that, I just have to wait it out and eventually the belly shrinks too and the proportions look balanced again.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    @tcunbeliever - your advice is spot on!

    @Everyonelies - you have several things that are working against you and having the definition that you want:
    1) you are losing weight - as the fat cells in your body give up the fat they are holding (along with the water that helps hold the fat), they tend to get squishy, kind of like partially deflated balloons - which just plays hell with muscle definition
    2) you are eating keto - this is not a bad thing, but the lack of carbs in the diet causes muscle to become less defined until you bulk up some. Carbs are stored in the muscles as glycogen along with water and this gives the muscles a 'fuller' look, so lower the carbs, less glycogen/water storage, less definition (at first).
    3) as tc said, it takes longer to build muscle eating keto - it sucks, but carbs stimulate muscle growth faster and more efficiently than ketones
    4) muscle gains in a deficit are difficult to achieve - not impossible, but definitely much harder

    All is not lost and you don't need to give up keto to get the body definition that you are seeking! You will need to be patient with the process and with yourself and be willing to stay the course until the results come!

    The squishy-ness in the fat cells will resolve itself as you lower your body fat - the cells do eventually completely deflate and allow the muscle that you have underneath to show.
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    @tcunbeliever & @ccrdragon Thanks guys! a ;opt of useful information for a newbie who doesnt want to look like my body has melted after losing weight...I will definitely keep all this info in mind!

    I haven't dropped any weight this month, but I rather maintain than gain it by going back to my old ways. Definitely a way to test my patience... :)