Megan's Fitness Journal



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    You made it all the way through Whole30 - good work!!!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    You made it all the way through Whole30 - good work!!!

    Thank you! I'm so excited to reintroduce cheese on Thursday lol.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member

    At midnight tonight I will have officially made it through Whole30. It seems like it's flown by! It's getting hard to find clothes for work that aren't too loose. I'm afraid to buy anything new because I don't know how much I'm going to put back on with reintroduction.

    Closing this chapter makes today feel like a Friday. I've been so unfocused at work as if I'm waiting for the weekend to start, but that's two days away! I suppose eating some good ol' cheddar cheese tomorrow will feel like a vacation from the lifestyle I've had for the past 30 days.

    Today I've eaten well. I had two mini cucumbers, a banana, and home fries for breakfast. Lunch was chicken breast, steamed veggies, and pistachios. I had a small snack of mango pieces in between. Bae is at home getting dinner ready right now, which will consist of salmon and some kind of vegetable. I'm hoping for some roasted brussels sprouts! We have set in stone our plan to climb tonight. It's been over a week due to the basement fiasco so I'm really ready to get back on the wall. Hopefully I didn't lose any strength! I'll be back tomorrow to document my first post-Whole30 reintroduction!
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Great job on completing whole30!!! I've heard how hard it is. That is some kind of accomplishment!!! I hope you get to climb today and glad the basement is all fixed up! So what's the next step? I saw reintroduce cheese right? Wow, I'd be so excited too! I LOVE cheese! 😍
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean and we are getting out of- the tank is clean. THE TANK IS CLEAN?!


    If you haven't seen Finding Nemo, I'm very sorry for you.

    I'm in an unbelievably good mood today and every time I'm having a particularly good day that snippet pops into my head! It could be because I've lost 8 pounds or that I'm finished Whole30. It could be because I am feeling healthy and I lost 2 inches around my waist. It could be anything! What matters is that today I feel good and I'm spreading the joy.

    Down to the good stuff: Dinner last night was indeed salmon accompanied by sweet potatoes and sauteed green beans. I rediscovered that I hate salmon. So I had one bite and struggled to get it down. I had a "dessert" of sweet potato and apple pieces cooked with coconut oil, cinnamon, and cloves. It is my favorite thing I started making during Whole30. I don't have to have cake or ice cream to have a treat, this stuff checks all my dessert boxes and can be eaten with any other meal! Breakfast today was rushed. I had some sugar-free bacon, applesauce, and a banana. I kind of felt like a kid! Lunch was a chicken burger and steamed veggies. I also indulged and got a latte (and said heck with the low-lactose, I'm getting real skim milk), so I'm trying to see how the sugar and caffeine both affect me. Currently, I'm sweating even though it is RIDICULOUSLY COLD outside.

    Yesterday I once again had to postpone climbing. My main man was emotionally worn out from the day (therapy, and it's his last week at the job he's had and grown with for years) so we decided we'll go today, no excuses, no exceptions. I hope he'll get a picture of me on the wall so I can compare it to an older photo that's pre-Whole30. I'm really excited to see the difference visually.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    Great job! That's quite some fantastic results! I'm so proud of you! I hope you get to go climbing today! I LOVE finding Nemo! I'm still a kid at heart. I still love all my old movies and made my son watch cars the other day just so I could watch it 😉.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Awesome job!!

    I also love finding nemo!!

    Fish are friends, not food! haha
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Whoops. I meant to write a log yesterday, but I guess I forgot!

    I finally got to go climbing, which felt great even though my hands have gotten a bit soft in the meantime. I'll be going again either today or tomorrow and I can't wait. I also walked about two miles on Monday because it was so beautiful out! Yesterday I had a short walk at lunch and I'm hoping the rain holds off long enough for me to do the same today.

    Food reintro has been interesting. Lactose is most definitely a no-go! I felt absolutely awful after having it on Thursday and I do not want to repeat that experience. When I woke up in the middle of the night it was like someone had filled a balloon inside my stomach. Yikes. Sugar has shown itself to be my true enemy. I've been breaking out, I've had energy crashes, and I cannot stop thinking about more sugar. There are donuts in my office break room right now and I've thought about them at least once every five minutes since arriving. That is ridiculous. Grain doesn't seem to have an effect besides making me feel very full. I think it could be a good thing every once in a while because it helps me to stop eating. As long as I'm eating whole grains it might be worth permanently adding them back into my diet.

    For today, the only non-Whole30 thing I'll be having is a slice of gluten and wheat free bread with my tuna salad :)
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    NSV: I am wearing my favorite dress and it is loose! Woohoo!

    Dinner last night was chicken soup with rice noodles, but I really didn't even need the noodles. I got way too full too fast. Next time I'll be doing zoodles or just soup. Breakfast today was some turkey breast lunch meat, mango pieces, and a half-caf coffee with nutpods creamer. I was definitely tempted to have some cheese with that turkey, but I held off so I didn't have to start the day bloated.

    Lunch is chicken breast, sweet potatoes, an apple, and some nuts. I've managed to keep away from the donuts in the kitchen both yesterday and today (it's just the rejects now) so I'm pretty proud of myself.

    As I'm sure I've said before, a non-strict diet doesn't work for me. I will find excuses to eat what I want when I want if it's just me saying "I shouldn't" instead of "I will not." SMART goals are a thing for a reason and Whole30 meets all the requirements. Being in the post-Whole30 stage I'm really scared of backsliding all the way into my old habits. I think I'll need to make a new goal each week from here on out. A Thursday is as good as any day to start!

    Specific: I will stay under my sugar goal every day.

    Measurable: My sugar goal is 45g.

    Achievable: It can be achieved by keeping added sugars to a minimum and recording how many grams of sugar each item has.

    Relevant: Being aware of the amount of sugar in my foods will help me to have a healthier lifestyle.

    Time Constrained: I will do this for the next seven days.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Scale: down .8 lbs this week
    NSV: ate lunch until satiety, not until I was full
    SMART: under by 4g of sugar yesterday

    Instead of eating and then recording, I chose what I ate yesterday and this morning based on the amount of total sugar and added sugar. Unfortunately a lot of what I ate had way too many unnatural ingredients, which is not in the spirit of Whole30. I'm still trying to stay as close to that as I can without feeling unnecessary restriction. Today I started out with processed food, but I aim to keep my foods simple for the rest of the day.

    Dinner last night was naked chicken burgers (no bun) with honey mustard and sauteed vegetables. For breakfast I had more of the turkey I had yesterday wrapped in a corn tortilla. Lunch was my chicken breast and sweet potatoes that I didn't feel like eating yesterday, buy I only got through about 3/4 of it before feeling satisfied. I haven't been hungry again yet so it was definitely enough :)

    Tonight is climbing as long as bae is up for it. I need to build up those subdermal calluses again. I think I'll make that steak I have in the fridge to fuel up!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Friday night I did try to make that steak, but somebody left it marinating in a very vinegary solution for several days and it was practically inedible. He was very sorry. We went to a restaurant instead and I had some delicious tacos, elote, and pesto rice. Climbing had to wait since the dogs were alone so long.

    Saturday I did really well with food and I did a lot of cleaning! We went climbing in the morning (I'm still sore) and then went grocery shopping and cleaned the rest of the day. I was definitely tired by the time I went to bed. Despite the exhaustion, my brain just wouldn't stop talking and woke me up at 2:30am. Annoying. Friday night was the same except I was awake at 3am. Lack of sleep is not helping my health!

    Part of that high energy, exhaustion, not sleeping cycle is that I was just given a preliminary diagnosis of ADHD. It's not official because I haven't gone through the full examination, but my therapist is pretty certain. I'm just going and going and going lately. In the past it's been covered up well with my depression and anxiety. Now those are much more controlled and I'm still on a focus roller-coaster. Either I'm all in or I'm somewhere in lala land. Ugh!

    Sunday MFP decided to not work for me at all. My app wasn't communicating with the server or something? I just gave up eventually. I have no idea how my SMART goal was yesterday, but there's nothing I can do about it. I've been doing well today with a breakfast of steel cut oats with frozen strawberries and raspberries and a lunch of chicken meatloaf and skin-in mashed potatoes. I'm on track with my goal and hopefully it'll stay that way!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Ohhh my. Yesterday was a cheat/treat day for sure. It was all good until my early Valentine's Day date where I had half an entree (555 cal), a side (100 cal) and half a giant slice of carrot cake (900 calories). I knew going into it that I was going to allow myself this treat, but holy moly! I didn't realize half of a slice of cake would be a day's worth of calories! Or maybe I did, I just was really hoping it would be more like 500 instead of 900. I would have expected 900 for the full slice. Needless to say, it was a break from the SMART goal.

    Today I had a lower sugar Greek yogurt, some turkey, and a homemade breakfast bar in the morning. Lunch was the leftover half entree and some broccoli. I've been so hungry today! I think eating all that food yesterday made my body just want more and more. Hopefully the chicken breast and veggie sheet pan dinner I have planned will hit the spot and get me back on track.

    My SMART goal is going well so far today. I had 22g of sugar left after my two meals and hopefully I won't have too much at dinner either. I'll be climbing tonight so hopefully I'll work off some of that cake!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Happy Hump Day! Yesterday I ended up having a few bites of the cake after climbing. I was sooo hungry and had little self control. Luckily I only had half a layer so the damage wasn't too bad and I stayed under my sugar goal!

    Climbing was really great and I successfully climbed my first ever V3 problem! I know most people don't know what that means, but I was previously only climbing up to V2 level so this is a level up. For my top-rope skill I should have been bouldering V3s a long time ago, but I have a mental block when there's nothing keeping me from falling. It's not hitting the ground that freaks me out, it's hitting the wall below me with all the hand holds and stuff sticking out. That could really hurt! I've safely fallen about 18 feet before, which was enough for me. I don't need a random slip that lands me in the hospital.

    Breakfast was another Greek yogurt and an apple chicken sausage. Lunch was brought in from The Corner Bakery Cafe so I had half a roast beef sandwich with only the top part of the bread, some fruit, and 1/4 of a cookie. Looking at the nutrition information on MFP before eating really makes me think about what I'm about to consume. Being conscious of my health and not looking at MFP, I would have eaten half that cookie and thought I was being good. Half of it would have put me right over my sugar goal. I didn't have a good way of approximating the half open faced sandwich so I entered it as .4 of the whole. I would have liked to separate it out, but I don't know what the spread was or how much of everything was in there. With only 1/4 the bread of the whole sandwich and probably less than 1/4 the spread, it might have even been less than 40% of the calories.

    I have no idea what's on the menu for dinner. Hopefully I can pull something decent together and not feel the need to snack after. I might even have time for a walk! Tomorrow will probably be hard on my sugar goal, but maybe I'll have the self control I need.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Happy Wednesday! It sounds like all in all you had a successful day, I have no doubt you can do the same tomorrow! =)
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day! As expected, I've already eaten several chocolates. I'm not all that bothered, I just don't want to go overboard. I have two chocolates and a lollipop that I put in a drawer in my desk. Out of sight, out of mind? I certainly hope so. Breakfast was just two slices of sugar free bacon and a banana. I had to leave extra early and travel about an hour away for a project so I was on the run most of the morning. I haven't even eaten lunch yet, but I'm just going to wait until I'm actually hungry.

    Tonight is steak dinner with my boo since we did our romantic dinner out on Monday. I'm really excited to spend some quality time together and with the dogs. They'll be chowing down on the bones while we chow down on dinner. I know this is really a Hallmark Holiday, but it's a good chance to slow down and show appreciation.

    Tomorrow I might go climbing after work, which is probably a good idea given today's chocolate feast. Work is stressing me out so it would be good to get some of that negative energy out through exercise. I'm not looking forward to my weigh in. It's not fair that it's the day after Valentine's Day! I might push it to Saturday just to appease my brain. Who knows. Ta ta for now!
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Sounds like you are doing amazingly on the Whole30! Congrats on the progress!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Valentine's Day recap: ate too much sugar, didn't get quite enough protein, didn't officially exercise but did walk a lot for work, ate an amazing dinner, and went to bed early!

    Tonight we agreed to have pizza for dinner and I have to admit I'm kind of nervous. I know my body does not like dairy at all and carbs from grains slow me down. Eep. I'm only having a small amount of food for lunch to balance the calories. Breakfast was just tuna salad (made with Whole30 mayo) on a slice of toast. Simple and satisfying. I definitely only want to have one serving of grains per day in the future. Today is going to be an exception because we planned this on Sunday.

    I finally got into work in time to do yoga today! It was amazing. The instructor has the best yoga voice and makes the whole experience really soothing even when you're struggling to stretch and balance. Somehow even though it's in the office I don't feel the office pressure. I'm definitely going to try to come in early every Friday for this. If I'm lucky I'll be able to go bouldering after work and really work off that chocolate from yesterday!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Brief Saturday update:
    I went bouldering last night and went hard. We did a post-climb workout and stretch after and then got a scoop of ice cream. This morning I climbed again, both top-rope and bouldering. Needless to say I'm hella sore!
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member

    I'm actually happy that it's Monday for once. I don't have off for Presidents Day, I'm just glad yesterday is over. After Friday and Saturday's workouts I was dead to the world. I had breakfast, snacked throughout the day, and then had a steak dinner. The only time I left the house was for grocery shopping and I napped in the afternoon.

    Today I woke up with more energy. I walked the dogs, had my favorite cereal for breakfast (even though I knew it wouldn't keep me full), and prepped some meatballs and spaghetti sauce for dinner. I'm going home during lunch time to stir the sauce and take the dogs on a short walk. After work is climbing! I'm excited to keep climbing more frequently. I want to see how far I can progress!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @megbeveridge93 What's your favorite cereal? Yay for waking up with more energy! Hope you had a good rest of the day!