foods you dont mess with or lose control

brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
I just bought sea salt peanuts and oh my, thought they were healthy but I could not control myself, those things were too good. I was thinking about Xmas foods like scallopped potatoes, macaroni and cheese,broccoli casserole, all with lots of carbs so I was leaving them alone now but peanuts are healthy but not for me it seems. Maybe it was the sea salt, I dont remember getting carried away with other nuts. Anyone else have to leave nuts or other foods low in carbs alone? I thought I was safe with peanuts, low carb but guess not.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I pretty much avoid fruits, even lower carb ones, because once I start I just cannot I don't start unless I just have a small amount left in the house.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Nuts and cheese can sometimes be a problem for me, but mostly it's not so much the food as my "mood." I need to straighten my attitude out first and foremost.
  • Cheese... And definitely but butters! I can eat a tub of the latter.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    I have to be very careful with Cheese. I have no off switch.
  • Ecosse2018
    Ecosse2018 Posts: 33 Member
    Cheese is a problem for me. I think I will just have a little bit, an ounce, with a cup of coffee, to finish my dinner, but once I have eaten that little bit I want another bit and so on. It is an addiction for me. I read once that there is something in cheese which makes it addictive - I cant remember what is is called, but even knowing that I continued to eat cheese. Recently I have managed to control my addiction and have lost lbs. I am now at my lowest weight since 2012. I still want to lose another 16 lbs and am determined to do that by my birthday at the end of April.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    itzcath wrote: »
    My nemisis is peanut butter. If I don't put my portion in a measuring container things get ugly.

    Not even allowed in my home. If it were a drug, I'd be a junkie. I cannot control myself with it, even if I try to say "Oh, just a measured TBS". Nope.

    If I need it for a recipe, I go to stores that have the fresh ground and get what I need. The struggle is real, lol!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It would be pecans and cashews for me. So easy to over eat without realizing it! I will count out a portion and purposely eat them slowly so I can enjoy them and remember eating them!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Tortilla chips. Especially nachos.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    NAAAACHOS. I love nachos. LOVE THEM. I tried a bunch of substitutes for tortilla chips including the whole mini pepper thing. yeah. no. that's....not nachos. I have had some limited success with plain unseasoned pork rinds.

    I've recently become a pork rind connoisseur. lol
  • t2leary
    t2leary Posts: 12 Member
    Nuts other than almonds are hard for me to regulate. I have to put them in a measuring cup and promise myself not to go back for seconds.
  • cinnygirl38
    cinnygirl38 Posts: 42 Member
    Nuts, definitely. I have to portion them. For PB and almond butter, I buy the pre-portioned individual packs. I know they are more expensive, but that's what works for me. Yep, tortilla chips but I didn't have them very often in the past and still don't.

    And surprisingly, gum. Once I get started, I want to chew piece after piece.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    oh yes I got carried away with gum also, had to give that up. Peanut butter and cheese does not bother me at all. Those nuts definitely get to me, I can eat them til I have a tummy ache. Yes I will give them up for now, and if I go back small packages definitely or I will weigh them and put in baggies. I got tired of pork rhinds after a while so they don't bother me. Thanks, it is something to see how people have different stuff to trigger them.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    The only kind of nuts I get in trouble with are the spiced nuts my friend and mother make around the holidays. my brain goes "oh! nuts, they're good for you, let's eat them" and I have to remind my brain these aren't just any old nuts they're covered in deliciousness and I will eat them till I'm sick.

    Regular, plain, unsalted any other kind of nut I can portion out and be happy with. but these? I run the other way when I see they've been made.
  • Genmon02
    Genmon02 Posts: 17 Member
    Fruit! Thats what caused me to derail. It was summer, and the frutero (fruit salesman lol) would bring these big containers of delicious looking fruit mix and I would fall for it everytime. So yea, if I eat berries, I count them out or else I'll eat a whole container.
  • So cricket power interestingly my brain was almost on fire it lit up so much. Yet yesterday all these things were tempting but I could easily ignore... today all gone.
  • numyummybutter
    numyummybutter Posts: 8 Member
    Berries. Berries, for me, are a gateway sweet :(
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    Gateway sweet gave me the giggles.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,762 Member
    edited January 2019
    mmultanen wrote: »
    NAAAACHOS. I love nachos. LOVE THEM. I tried a bunch of substitutes for tortilla chips including the whole mini pepper thing. yeah. no. that's....not nachos. I have had some limited success with plain unseasoned pork rinds.

    I've recently become a pork rind connoisseur. lol

    I loved nachos too. Had stopped eating them except for some I made with pork rinds, which I love by the way. But then I found out how to make tortillas with baby corn. Give this a try.

    In a bowl, add 5 tablespoons almond flour, one tablespoon ground flaxseed, one egg white and 1/2 cup baby corn purée and 1/4 t. of salt. Blend together well.

    Form into a ball Take about a tablespoon of the dough and form into a ball. Place it between two sheets of parchment paper or you can cut a sturdy ziplock bag along the seams to make two sheets of that. Now press down with a sturdy pan or a tortilla press if you own one. Makes a nice roung tortilla. Repeat until the dough is gone. Bake at 350F for 10 mins. They should be flexible now, stack them up and cut into quarters for making your chips.

    Heat up some fat in a roomy pan, lard is great, but avocado oil will do a good job too. Place as many chips as fit in the pan easily without over lapping. Cook for 1 min. they should be browned and done take them out quickly and place on a cooling rack with a paper towel to absorb the extra fat, this will make them chrunchy, and let them cool. Enjoy with salsa, guacamole, or make nachos with them.

    You can cook up larger batchs and freeze them before the cooking step.

    Baby corn is primarily fiber but adds tons of corny tasting goodness.

    What I have given up is sour dough breads, home made. Can't stop eating that stuff, so I just don't make it anymore. Don't really miss anything else. I focus on all the goodies I didn't eat for decades because of the low fat crap diets.
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    @retirehappy I will try this!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Party sized bags of candy. I can eat the entire thing.

    Most refined and processed carbs will lead to cravings for me. I'm okay with something once in a while, but when it is eaten often, like every day such as right at Xmas, It takes quite an effort to get back out of that rut.
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    For me it's always something savory and salty like nuts, and it's usually my body telling me that I need something. Had a few ounces of peanuts yesterday, a bit of extra salt and magnesium, and today I'm fine.

    Plus it didn't screw with my way of eating as I allowed for it when I planned my eating for the rest of the day.

    I was never a sugar/sweets eater. Heck, sometimes the smell of something super sugary sweet will literally make my stomach queasy. Yeah, I'm a weirdo. :/
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    sometimes the smell of something super sugary sweet will literally make my stomach queasy.

    Vanilla does this to me. In any form. Ice cream, cakes, hand lotion...... barf.

  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Fruit or lime tostitos...
    Can’t just have one piece!
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    So cricket power interestingly my brain was almost on fire it lit up so much. Yet yesterday all these things were tempting but I could easily ignore... today all gone.

    Ive been thinking about trying that!
  • I wanted to add if I’m in “that mood” any carb is a potential victim!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Does it help to limit nuts or berries to the weekend?