Water, the good, the bad, and the ugly

Water has been my biggest enemy. Although I am currently on day 4 of keto, I made my water intake goal for the first time on day 3. It seems like such a chore right now. I'm waiting for the day where it will feel more natural. Your thoughts?


  • KetoMamaRoo
    KetoMamaRoo Posts: 1 Member
    although I'm not by definition a "newbie" (I've been on and off keto for many years for various reasons) I'm back on the bandwagon for the new year. I always just drink to thirst. I notice if I put too much pressure on one aspect of the lifestyle i tend to fall off the wagon, and kick myself the next morning when I step on that scale.
  • loveswife1122
    loveswife1122 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your response. I didnt meet my goal yesterday. In the past I would have beat myself up, but this time I was like oh well I'll try again tomorrow. It's a process and if I start beating myself up I will give up.
  • taliilagi1992
    taliilagi1992 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a hard time drinking enough. I talk to clients all day, talk about insurance for 1-2 hours at a time. Let’s keep each other going 🤗 I drank 40 oz of water, which is good for me. But I really need to be better