Anyone as sad as me?!

RAFLowCarb Posts: 30 Member
Since doing LCHF for over 6 months I’m still obsessed by learning about the lifestyle and dipping into the science. Is anyone else still really into this aspect?! Here’s a list of podcasts
Peter Attia’s Drive
Joe Rogan Experience (the nutrition ones)
Living La Vida Low Carb - Jimmy Moore
Primal Blueprint
Low Carb MD
Diet Doctor
Fat for weight loss show
Peak Human
Fitness Confidential

I also try to watch lots on YouTube by the following people (and follow on Twitter)
Nina Teicholz, Gary Taubes, Mark Sisson, Dom D’Agostino, Assem Malhotra, Eric Westman, DAE Feldman, Ivor Cummings, Tim Noakes, Bret Scheur, Jason Fung, David Unwin, Robert Lustig, Steve Phinny, Jeff Volek, David Purlmutter, Rangan Chattergee. To name a few. All heroes!

Plus I have pretty much watched all the Low carb documentary’s on Netflix/Amazon/

Books wise obviously ‘Good Calories, Bad Calories’ By Taubes. The Keto Reset Diet by Mark Sisson is very good too!

What/where do I go next?! Anyone got any obscure films or YouTube videos to watch or any books or podcasts to look out for?


  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    The title and your post don't seem related. Why are you sad?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I think it's because he's geeking out too much to have a life...I can relate!
  • RAFLowCarb
    RAFLowCarb Posts: 30 Member
    Perhaps it’s a colloquial thing - ‘sad’ in this context is probably ‘geeky’ or ‘obsessive’!
  • lhs7134
    lhs7134 Posts: 7 Member
    Me too, completely addicted! Researching every night and listening to podcasts in the car!
  • lhs7134
    lhs7134 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks op for all the recommendations!
  • RAFLowCarb
    RAFLowCarb Posts: 30 Member
    lhs7134 wrote: »
    Thanks op for all the recommendations!

    My pleasure... lots I’ve prob forgotten!
  • swagosweetheart
    swagosweetheart Posts: 17 Member
    I'm relative new to it, but have been reading and researching online for a while. Oddly, I haven't seen any of the youtube channels you mentioned, but I've watched what my own friends have recommended. I'll check into some of the ones you've mentioned. I watch Keto connect (mostly recipes and "on-a-budget" tips), Keto with Kristie (again a lot of recipes. She wrote Keto Living Day by Day), KenDBerryMD and Dr Eric Berg DC
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    You mention listening to David Perlmutter, but have you read his books? Grain Brain? I think is one of his. It’s been a while since I’ve read his stuff but they’re informative. Talk of how modern food affects the brain potentially leading to the explosion in dementia and Alzheimer’s we see today.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Ludwig is interesting.
    Ken Berry is entertaining.

    Did you read Teicholtz' book? Really good.

    Ketogenic Bible is another well written book.

    Metabolic Approach to Cancer is interesting
  • RAFLowCarb
    RAFLowCarb Posts: 30 Member
    Some good suggestions. I’ve not read grain brain but have listened to some of Dr Perlmutter’s arguements. He talks a lot of sense and I believe in type 3 diabetics. And hope not to get it.
  • RAFLowCarb
    RAFLowCarb Posts: 30 Member
    Watched Robert Lustig ‘hacking the American mind’ lecture on YouTube. Very good