
Anyone else have trouble with logging food because I dont measure out the ingredients. I've done keto before but just trying out my fitness pal even though I downloaded it a long *kitten* time ago lol

I need pals to keep me on track!! Please add me if you're looking for support like me. 😊


  • wanderingptp
    wanderingptp Posts: 6 Member
    I have found that inputting most of the things in My Foods in standard amounts, i.e. 1 cup,100 grams, 1 ounce, is best. If you eat something with a 1 cup serving amount, change the serving size to .5. That way on your food log the item will give you the fat, etc., for 1/2 of what you have eaten. If you eat 4 ounces of something that has a 1 ounce in My Foods, you can input 4 servings and the fats, etc., will come out correctly on your food diary. Hope this makes sense.
  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Gimme,

    It's time to start measuring and weighing.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I just guesstimate, I will never be diligent enough for measuring and weighing. If it looks like a cup, then that's what I log.

    2 tablespoons is about the size of a golf ball or 4d6
    1 cup is about the size of a baseball
    16T = 1 cup = 8 ounces
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Me too @tcunbeliever! I don’t measure! I guesstimate! I’ve managed to maintain for three years without measuring and weighing.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    I think a scale is beneficial and then you can ween yourself off if desired. I use one to accurately gauge portions (my problem is that without one, I don’t get as much as I put down, which leads to hunger and binges). I am _starting_ to guesstimate (and validate) so I can travel without one or log portions when work takes us out
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    I use my food scale for any out of the norm foods but everything else is an estimate after so much repetition.
  • IronGiant0
    IronGiant0 Posts: 48 Member
    I found I would underestimate meat...
    Started weighing it and was shocked at how tiny a 6 ounce steak really is.
    I still guess at many things based on volume. A cup is easy to visualize.
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    I weigh everything as far as foods, liquids, and condiments that I know have calories/carbs. The only things I don't measure are things like salt/pepper but I do measure other spices when creating a recipe. Grams & ounces are more accurate than measuring cups/spoons.

    I sometimes lose track of how much water I drink but I get at least 12 - 16 cups a day as I have some kidney issues and have to stay hydrated. I've already polished off 64 oz of water so far today.

    It's so easy to underestimate things. You'll be shocked at how small one serving of nuts or an ounce of cheese is once you've got a scale.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited January 2019
    When I logged, I only weighed some things that I found I was not often accurate on, like meat or how much nuts I was actually eating. Cheese too. An ounce of cheese is not very much. LOL

    Now I mostly guesstimate and don't log.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Yea, I will count the nuts when I eat them. The cheese comes slices, or in sticks. I don’t trust myself with a block of cheese! Lol!!
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    When I am on the go, I tend to eat things in pre-measured servings. So, I will have a can of chicken, a tin of sardines or cheese sticks. When I am at home, I weigh meat, cheese, etc. I weighed peanuts enough that I know what an ounce of them in my hand looks like. I guessimate on things like broccoli, but if I am a little off in my half cup estimate, that is not such a big deal.