One week keto - one Neuro symptom gone

freckleston Posts: 36 Member
edited January 2019 in Social Groups

1 week already! Im so glad i found this group and learnt about keto eating. I found you while searching desperately for help with my neuro problems and i now cant imagine ever wanting to go back.

The best thing about this week is that my visual disturbance symptom has almost gone and i managed to return to work for a few hours today!
BUT I must hasten to add that i cant completely attribute this to keto eating as Ive had a small dose of medication kicking in at same time too for undiagnosed Neuro problem but Ive tried a lot of similar meds and they have never helped me.

I have enjoyed all my meals and have not been hungry nor craved any foods even when my teenage daughter has been eating carb foods. I find that weird as my whole lifetime ive always loved fries, crisps, sandwiches, big portions of pasta etc. Its odd that ive been so easily willing to leave them behind.

Im a bit worried Im not doing something right as not felt any worse than usual this week. so i seem to have evaded 'keto flu'? Unless im just so happy that my latest symptom has disappeared that i just feel grateful for that improvement. Maybe im just not noticing any new unwellness i may have developed?!

Weight loss not my primary reason -but im happy to report that I lost 6lb this week.
Apparently my medication (Nortriptyline) can cause weight gain so if I stay on the med i will need to watch this carefully.

My week to view is in the image so if anyone sees something odd then please let me know. Otherwise i will continue what Im doing.
Thank you!


  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    That is great! Not everyone gets the keto flu but if you were low carb before starting your body would have been more prepared for the change.

    Keep it going. It keeps getting better.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    So glad you’ve had a great week! Your macros look spot on! If you begin to feel sluggish, have muscle cramps, or experience headaches I’m sure you’ve read that electrolytes are the likely culprit and what to do about it!

    It makes me excited to see more potential medical applications for the Keto way if eating! Even more excited to witness your progress!! If I recall you weren’t able to even type a post as long as the one you typed above when you began!! Win, win!! 👏👏
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Can’t decide whether to “Like” your post or “Hug” you! Here I’m doing both and sending love too!!❤️
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    qweck3 wrote: »
    Not everyone gets the keto flu

    Yep, I never got the keto flu but I also was fairly lowish carb to begin with so it wasn't that drastic a change for me. I also made sure to immediately up my salt intake and make sure I was getting plenty of potassium and magnesium.

    Most of my neuro symptoms are better and as I've said in other threads my inflammation is much improved. Dealing with health issues all my life I'm fairly tuned into what my body is telling me. If I feel a little foggier than usual I grab a healthy dose of kosher salt and chase it with water and feel better in a bit. If my legs feel a bit more stiff than usual I know I need to up the magnesium a bit so I take an extra dose or plan for a can of spinach with one of my meals.

    Weight loss wasn't my primary reason for going keto either, but was a much needed bonus. As of this morning I'm 82 pounds lighter. And I can't remember the last time I had a full blown migraine unless I was exposed to something that triggered it.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Thumbs up on the improvement! It is often best to make only 1 change at a time. That way you'll know which is working: meds or food choices. Though I do realize it could be a combo.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I was probably 2-3 weeks in before I got keto flu so keep working on your electrolytes bc sometimes it can take a little longer.
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    That is awesome! I love to hear how so many long-term symptoms are alleviated by eating this way (your macros are great, by the way!)
    I have had a lot of relief from migraines by following this plan and it is great.
    I agree about the keto flu being avoided by maintaining proper electrolyte levels. There is no reason to deal with that!
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone! I love reading your comments.

    This is so interesting. When discovering new information, i do wonder why it is that our society doesnt just inform everybody of things that we need to know. Leaving us to suffer until we research new ways of living.
    My usual meals prior to keto consisted of around 50% starchy foods/fruit+veg and low fat - it has always been that way for me and most people i know.

    I will still look out for keto flu. Ive not been consuming anything specificly for electrolytes but i do add salt and i take magnesium daily anyway. Not sure about potassium unless its in my other usual supplements.

    Introducing meds/ dietary change at same time was bit silly but think i will have to get used to this. I will likely get another different medication in a couple weeks when i return to hospital appointment.

    Thanks again. Best wishes to you all. X
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    regarding your original worry about avoiding keto flu, i think it falls under the "all diet changes are personal."
    i also did not get it and i hadn't started adding extra salt at the time (that came later as i read more about how to succeed in this lifestyle change). another idea i have kicked around is that what everyone describes as keto flu is my norm on SAD, so i would not know if i got it; but i had a near-immediate increase of energy and not being 5-hour energy's poster child.
    other than the craving for sweets, i think there are some bodies made more for this WOE than others. i adapted without any negative impact.…as if my metabolism was made for this from the get-go