Net Carbs vs. Carbs

Hi Everyone!
I want to make sure I'm counting the right macros and I am relatively new to Keto. I started once before and was not seeing results. I am not tracking on MFP and realized that I was not seeing results because I was miscounting carbs. Can someone school me in what carbs to track? There is a HUGE difference and I just can't seem to find the right answer. Thank you in advance!



  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member

    when you look at your labels:

    Total carbs - fiber= net carbs

    For the most part, people want to stay under 20 net carbs

  • FurrryHat
    FurrryHat Posts: 4 Member
    I'm struggling to determine if MFP carbs total is net carbs or total carbs. I succumbed to way distorted thinking the other day after being devastated when I saw my carb total after I thought I had a great on-plan breakfast and lunch. Should I really just be watching the sugar total?
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    @furrryhat MFP shows total carbs, you have to subtract your fiber to get your net carbs...
  • FurrryHat
    FurrryHat Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the clarification!
  • IronGiant0
    IronGiant0 Posts: 48 Member
    I always just track total carbs.
    Keeps me lower right across the board.
  • BlueLineSki2009
    BlueLineSki2009 Posts: 2 Member
    @Everyonelies Thank you for the info!
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    You can get into a lot of grey area with tracking net carbs but I get why people do it. I myself did it for a long time and at some point will probably do it again.

    Good rule of thumb if it is a whole food like a vegetable that you are eating subtract the fiber and you are good.
    If it is a processed food that has fiber on the label take half the fiber away.

    Sugar alcohols also will play a part in subtracting and getting net carbs.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    When I did log regularly I would subtract the fiber grams from the carb total, in my head.

    Everyone finds what works for them and it’s not wrong when it does. Using a “Keto calculator”can help you too! I don’t have a way to post the link for it here, but if you’re needing help setting up your macros google that and it can help you find the balance you’re striving for.

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I track net, but I do keep an eye on fiber so if I go over a bit, but my fiber is going to cover it, then I don't fret about it...I don't generally eat any processed food items with fiber or sugar alcohols, so my fiber is all from veggies.
  • KristaMac88
    KristaMac88 Posts: 163 Member
    There is another app i was told to use called Carb Manager and it actually counts your net carbs for you and shows nice graphs of carbs fats and protein and how much you have left to eat if your tracking for a certain percentage
  • Ozme52
    Ozme52 Posts: 3 Member
    New to Keto, old MFP logger (on and off).

    So I was initially distressed by how many carbs I was seeing and "discovered" I could track fiber independently within MFP. That makes the keto friendly items match the literature. You still have to do the subtraction yourself but the data seems to be there.

    I'm looking for any advice you all can provide to better utilize the MFP features to understand and manage the diet.
  • Ozme52
    Ozme52 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to log my sweetener but will begin omitting my new choice, Truvia, as all those carbs are erythritol. Sugar alchohol. Not a net carb (but not fiber either.)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I consider fiber to be detrimental, so I definitely won't subtract it. I also consider artificial sweeteners to be a problem, so I don't subtract them either. It really depends on your goals. Fiber won't kick you out of ketosis. If that is your only goal, you can subtract it. Many artificial sweeteners won't cause issues but some will. I usually don't subtract them.

    It helps to remember that the idea of net carbs was originally created to allow people to put more natural vegetables in their diet and not processed low-carb bars or sweets.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I am in full agreement with Fitgoat.
    Dr Michael Eades created the net carb math and he has since stated that he regrets introducing the idea because of its so often applied. His only intention was to get his patients to eat more green vegetables.
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    If I look at the “nutrients” tab versus just macros tab it shows you fibre and carbs. I subtract the fibre from the carbs to get the net carbs. It took me awhile to check both tabs and I couldn’t figure out how to get lower carbs even though I was eating very strictly
  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    What's been working for me so far, since 11/12/18 is staying under 20 NET carbs, and on here I'm generally around 30 carbs. I also intermittent fast and have yet to hit a stall, though I'm sure I'm due any time now lol