I fell off the wagon... emotional eating. Venting- sorry.

I think I’ve been fighting a viral infection and yesterday did ++ exercise. My mood today was flat and the carbs have been sneaking back in, but I have started really overeating again ;I’m too embarrassed to say what). It’s linked to mood but also because I think I felt a little bread etc wouldn’t hurt. Now my appetite is revved and I feel I’ve undone lots of hard work.

Has anyone else felt like a fraud on the Keto board and how did you push yourself to get back on track?



  • FrecklePatch
    FrecklePatch Posts: 71 Member
    Oh boy, I have two years worth of screwing around. To the point where I put back on the weight I lost plus twenty!

    I feel like not making a big deal of going off track and not using a high carb food choice as an excuse to binge is really what has me feeling like I've finally gotten a grasp on this thing!

    And I know it's going to happen again. I am just going to shrug it off again when it does and keep right on stepping, because this is life. And unless you're doing keto for medical reasons, a little derailing isn't terminal. It's really, truly only food.

    Don't give up!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Definitely what she ^^^said!! Accept that you’re human and you will have times of failure! As long as you continue to pick yourself up and make the next choice be the right choice you will do fine! No one expects perfection! Because none of us are!

    Hang in there and try to make more good choices than bad overall and you will be ahead in the game!! Hugs!!
  • Thank you. I’ve come down with a horrible cold and wonder if tha threw my resolve. Thank you so much for the support! Picking myself up and brushing myself down.. that would be harder to do without your words.
  • Oh boy, I have two years worth of screwing around. To the point where I put back on the weight I lost plus twenty!

    I feel like not making a big deal of going off track and not using a high carb food choice as an excuse to binge is really what has me feeling like I've finally gotten a grasp on this thing!

    And I know it's going to happen again. I am just going to shrug it off again when it does and keep right on stepping, because this is life. And unless you're doing keto for medical reasons, a little derailing isn't terminal. It's really, truly only food.

    Don't give up!

    Freckle path thanks for sharing this - I love that it’s not an excuse to binge. My husband came home with a loaf of freshly baked granary bread and at the time I thought “just one slice” it wasn’t just one slice...

    Back on it today -
    Black coffee for breakfast pouring away the skimmed milk !
  • FrecklePatch
    FrecklePatch Posts: 71 Member
    Hey how about half and half? One carb per serving? Eh? *waggles eyebrows*
  • Freckle half and half?
  • THachAb
    THachAb Posts: 63 Member
    I had a bad week too.., let the fact that I was attending out of town meetings be an excuse to “reward” myself. What I came to realize is that it really wasn’t a reward.. my cravings and inability to portion control came back with a vengeance and now I’m paying with lack of energy and crankiness. I’m back in the wagon today though! I realize how I took for granted how good I was feeling until I wasn’t feeling good anymore!
  • Try I’m sorry to hear you have struggled. I do relate though. I find that intitial carb rush quite euphoric but then I feel awful and want more. It’s quite hard sometimes to listen to what the body wants or what the mind wants. Tiredness, stress and hormones (and recently being ill) reduce my resolve and increase cravings.

    I wonder, if I’ve been having enough fat too... not sure what your intake has been like
  • FrecklePatch
    FrecklePatch Posts: 71 Member
    Freckle half and half?

    For your coffee! Skimmed milk is a sad sad coffee creamer. :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Yes @juststartedrunningagain skim milk is not the best choice for a coffee creamer! It will leave you sad. Get you some half and half, or even some heavy whipping cream and you will be better satisfied with it!

    If you haven’t increased your fat intake with this woe you won’t be satisfied, and you will be hungry. Which makes it easier to give in to temptations. Once you’re satisfied with the proper fuel those other, high carb foods won’t tempt you as much anymore. So, if you’re still using skim milk I think you’re making a mistake.
  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    So I've been following Keto for almost 3 months and I've had one incident where I went through this. It was the day before Christmas eve, I had WAY too much sugar from treats and fruit trays, and felt HORRID the next day. I felt like I was a bottomless pit and wanted to eat everything in my sight!! The cravings had come back ten fold that evening, and I chose to do my first 24 hour fast to get through it, and ended up fasting for 39 hours because Christmas eve I had the worst food hangover and couldn't bring myself to eat until lunch on Christmas day.

    I now know when I've eaten something that is a trigger or hurts my body based on how it reacts and what my appetite does, and when it's happened, I fast to keep myself on track. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but wanted to share what has worked for me.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    KarlaYP wrote: »
    some heavy whipping cream

  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    I had WAY too much sugar from treats and fruit trays, and felt HORRID the next day.

    I had this happen on Halloween. Now Halloween is my favorite holiday because I'm seriously part child trapped in a 44 year old body. I still dress up, hand out candy, you name it. I ate like 5 or 6 peanut butter cups and the next day ALL my joint inflammation and skin redness had come back with a vengeance. Same thing happened when I had a McRib. Because I freaking have to have a single McRib when they come out. Well, maybe not anymore. :neutral:
    I now know when I've eaten something that is a trigger or hurts my body based on how it reacts
    Same. I started low carb/keto for migraine & inflammation control and I can tell you that it's worked better than any of the meds I've taken in the last 20 some odd years. Plus as of today I've lost 87 pounds. I *could* probably add some carb type foods back to my diet but without knowing which ones do and don't trigger my issues I'm just going to avoid them all as much as possible.
    2t9nty wrote: »
    KarlaYP wrote: »
    some heavy whipping cream

    +1 Love heavy whipping cream but get sticker shock every time I walk past it in the store. Now I just use butter and run my stuff through the blender when I want something other than a plain black coffee.

  • itzcath
    itzcath Posts: 94 Member
    Just say no. Works for me. I do alot of surfing for keto recipes to satisfy my sweet cravings....ALOT. If I endulge it's always with calories, Nevah, evah with "real" sugar. I always tell myself. Why on Earth would I cheat when I can eat 3000 calories and not put on weight. I also never want to have metabolic issues again. They were seriously out of control before keto.
  • Fantastic response thank you all so much.

    Half and half I thought you meant semi skimmed milk, possibly my ignorance (likely) but as far as I’m aware we don’t call whipping cream half and half...

    I had skimmed milk (using it up honest!) again today and some 85 % chocolate and that was enough to feel awful by 9 am - was up at 5 am. I’m still scared of whipping cream in case I just keep going! I think black coffee may be the way to go- need to work on fasting.

    It’s like the old drug capaign in the U.K.- just say no. My appetite is huge at the moment doesn’t help the U.K. is cold and miserable and I’m ill- but excuses! Itzcath can you really eat all you want without gaining?!

    Shelbydodgeguy I’m sorry to hear your inflammation was triggered by a sugar binge - my goodness it was fatal for me when they brought peanut butter cups to the U.K.! I’m also part child (I would never have passed the marshmallow test) trapped in a. 40year old body.

    Itzcath what puddings do you have?

    Blonde buttercup - I can’t imagine myself going for four hours without food (always a nightmare when on antibiotics). Let alone 24! Do you sleep? Saying that I have suspected if I don’t have breakfast my appetite is dampened down...

    Karlayp yes I think I’ve been cheating and expecting to see results. Last night I had a three egg omelette and couldn’t sleep - it must have been lack of fat I think.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    half and half is made of half cream and half whole milk

    It's not quite as heavy as all cream, but heavier than just milk
  • Ah ok! I’m a bit slow! Do you make it yourselves? I don’t think we have a ready made product in the U.K...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    It's very popular in the US, and it's sold near the cream in the dairy section...I use it for cooking and for my coffee sometimes, but I have no idea if it's available in the UK.
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member

    Shelbydodgeguy I’m sorry to hear your inflammation was triggered by a sugar binge - my goodness it was fatal for me when they brought peanut butter cups to the U.K.! I’m also part child (I would never have passed the marshmallow test) trapped in a. 40year old body.

    Thing is - I'm not really a sugar eater, never was. But I love Halloween and candy is just part of it. Plus I've experimented a few times to see what does and doesn't trigger my symptoms. Sugary things definitely do. Flour coated stuff does. Oddly enough I've had small portions of rice two or three times and it hasn't, but I'm still going to avoid it simply because of the carb level, though on a special occasion I might indulge myself if I feel like treating myself to a special meal. But even when I made myself Vindaloo curry last month for my birthday I opted for cauliflower rice over a more traditional Basmati or Jasmine rice.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    (I would never have passed the marshmallow test)

    That's fun to watch. I doubt I would have passed and am sure there are still days now where I'd fail the test. :)