Power 90 Day 1 Cardio/Abs Done!

Power 90® Day 1 Cardio/Abs DONE! Omg it was so hard, especially the yoga. I'm so outta shape, it's not funny! Most of the routine I could follow using the modifications, but could only do bits & pieces of the yoga, that was HARD...was murder! The hardest part of the cardio was the first part, kicking up your knees was pretty hard for me too, but with modifications I stayed with it okay and at my own pace. As far as abs, those last two or three positions were tough, but I did it. I know your not suppose to push yourself to hard for the first couple of workouts, but yikes, I may have pushed it too much! I'm so sore already. Anyone else starting Power 90?


  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member

    Way to go! Good for you. I think making commitment to a program like Power 90 is tough. I'm on day 81 of Power 90 so I'm almost at the end of it now. I clearly remember starting out. I was OUT OF SHAPE. I think it took me close to two weeks to become comfortable with most of the moves. The power yoga is tough. I still don't have a fluid movement from the raised leg to runner's pose - it just isn't pretty for me. The legs up portion of cardio is difficult, both for the legs and the arms. The kicking can also be tough, particularly for me the side kicks. I also found I needed to do much more stretching than included in the workouts - the closing stretches just weren't enough and my muscles were tight afterwards. I think I spend another 10 or 15 minutes most days, after the workouts or in the evening, stretching. Definitely go at a pace that doesn't cause over exertion - its a 90 day program - you have lots of time to get up to speed, strength, and endurance of it. :)

  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    I have trouble with planks, then getting up into dogs pose & back down. And yeah, the runners pose too. I do what I can, but I'm not too good at it right now. I'm so sore today, and liable to be more sore tomorrow from today's sculpt. Wow! Day 81 is awesome! So if I may ask, have your results been good? I want to lose at least 20 pounds, but 40 would be fantastic! Tomorrow, it's Cardo/Abs again. I can barely walk now, so dunno how I'm gonna do it, but certainly going to try my best.
  • engian
    engian Posts: 70 Member

    It does get better. The first week is the toughest, as you're shocking your muscles in strenuous use. I know mine were shocked, havng been relatively sendintary before starting. Each week gets better. I had one spell where I was pulling back shoulder muscles repeatedly and had a theraputic massage to get rid of them.

    I am pleased with my results to date. My only goals were 1) to get into better overall physical shape, 2) to tone up and build some muscle, and 3) to lose to 'insulation' around my mid-section. Being 51 yrs old I had no illusions of having some perfect fitness/body builder physique. A few things had me leaning towards doing Power 90 and the tipping point was when my wife measured my waist and it was 39 1/2 inches. I had thought for years I had a 36 inch waist and that measurement was a rude awakening. I WAS NOT going buy new slacks and closes to fit an ever widening mid-section.

    So...to date I have lost 16 1/2 lbs and my waist is 35 1/2 inches. Woo hoo!

    I credit following their food plan and Michi's ladder as a large part of my success. I cut out essentially all of the junk food in my diet. I have always eaten a good amount of fruits and vegetables, so I just upped those and cut all of the processed snack foods (chips, crackers, cookies, etc). MyFitnessPal has been great for tracking foods and calories. It took me a couple of weeks to tune in my weight loss goals/targets and my weight rate, but it is now working pretty well. I have myself on a 'loss 1 pound per week' rate and with exercise the calorie level isn't too constraining at all.

    I think losing 20 pounds is very achievable. Maybe 40 is also - I just don't have any experience losing that much weight with Power 90. I'm a big fan of Power 90. I hope you can stick with it. It has really changed my life and lifestyle.
