Getting back on track

KristaMac88 Posts: 163 Member
Good Morning! So I did keto without any cheats for 4 weeks and lost 10lbs. Felt great. Had a cheat snack (cake) to celebrate it and because our office was having a party and we had 3 cakes here. Thought I could have one cheat and get right back on track. Evidently.. I cant. I still keep my meals low carb. but i keep sneaking cookies or choc bars in and cant control myself. I keep going between being another lb down and gaining it back.. its been like this for 3 weeks now. I was so head strong going in, and now i cant get my head back in the game!! What have you done to detox yourself of the sugar cravings and/ or get your head back in the game after a long cheat - that you no longer feel so disgusting after a cheat because your use to it again. I thought I could do low carb and have the odd cheat but keep my days around 50net carbs. But I obviously cant have that odd cheat because i just go off the deep end.


  • RisaKeto1976
    RisaKeto1976 Posts: 3 Member
    I am the same way, I can't cheat and go back to Keto the next day. I cheated so today is ruined, so why not just enjoy myself, I'll start again tomorrow and that day turns into a week, a month, etc.
    I have to just get in the right frame of mind, set my goal and track every bite I eat. If I make it through one day, I can make it through next. One of my main motivations is that I always forget how good I feel when I eat Keto. Good luck you got this!
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    if i figure it out, i will help
    i am not sure what i did that triggered me…i actually did ok through the holidays and even having cinnabons in the house for a week but since about mid-jan, i just keep wanting all the sugars.
    i keep telling myself i won't eat the peanut butter at night as a snack (with the jelly. and nutella.)...oops
  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    I do an extended fast if I've eaten something that triggers cravings or struggling with self control. Also, at the end of the day, it's a choice. I can choose to have something not keto approved and feel miserable or remember that it's going to make me feel gross and walk away. Its isn't easy! But worth it.
  • m1kk1
    m1kk1 Posts: 17 Member

    Sorry. I'm afraid I'm no help at all.

    I have learned that I can't do moderation with sugar. Something about it triggers every craving and obsessive behavior I have. Very similar to what I've heard some alcoholics describe. I just have to keep it of the table as an option. Otherwise I'm always planning my next "fix" and they start getting closer and closer together.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you for the tip, @nvmomketo
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you have that strong of a reaction to sugar in terms of cravings, then be careful with alcohol too...I find that one is a bigger craving trigger for me, but if I'm mentally prepared for it I can stick to the plan...I just can't let it catch me off guard.