Women on Creatine

mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
I apologize if this is redundant, I searched the board first and didn't really find anything.

I have been doing the SL 5x5 program for about a month now.
I started wondering about creatine as part of a pre workout. I'm also going to use vitamin B12 and regularly take calcium with d-3 since my doctor is always saying I'm deficient.

I already ordered it at no risk because I figured I'd give it to my boyfriend or dad if I don't use it.

I want a much leaner look. I don't mind adding some muscle and then cutting down body fat. I figured 3g only on lifting days for about a month and then going off and trying to cut. I'm still a "noob" and have been trying to do my research so hopefully this doesn't sound TOO silly.

I understand that bloat comes from the water that the muscles pull in. My bf worried I'll look "puffy." Should I just avoid it all together?

Any guidance on the matter would be very much appreciated.

I'm not sure if you need my stats since this is a supplement question but just in case!
I'm 25, 133 lbs, around 21% BF last time I checked (but I'm not confident with my work with the calipers) and I eat about 1,700 calories a day.

Edited: for my horrible typos


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    The extra water, like you said, is surrounding the muscles. It's not like water retention under the skin, so it shouldn't make a visual difference.

    I don't see the point of going off of it when you cut though.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    what rock said.

    Creatine (after fully "loaded") adds about 3-5 lbs on my frame and it helps a little in the early parts of workout after a few weeks. It's one of those supplements I'd admit I "should" be taking, but I just don't out of cheapness and laziness right now.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Take it for a while and see if you like the results.

    If you order the creatine monohydrate it's relatively cheap, pretty much one of the very few things people agree on as far as helping achieve results, and it's easy to add to just about any food or drink because there really isn't any taste or smell involved.

    I'm sure you've researched it enough to know that it's common to have a "loading" period and then to maintain at 3-5 grams per day.

    Also, if you know in advance the scale may or may not go up due to water weight and you're ok with that...I don't see why you wouldn't be taking it.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Thanks for the input. I am definitely going to have to ditch the scale. I figured trying shouldn't hurt at all.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just try it. If you find yourself puffy, stop and it will go away in short order.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Just try it. If you find yourself puffy, stop and it will go away in short order.

    Agreed. Not like you're getting cosmetic surgery or something. The effects are temporary. Having said that, I take 10g a day every day and I didn't gain any water weight or change my looks at all (I've been taking it for around 6 weeks). I eat a lot of meat though, think my natural creatine intake is already pretty good. From what I understand it helps vegetarians more.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Take it for a while and see if you like the results.

    If you order the creatine monohydrate it's relatively cheap, pretty much one of the very few things people agree on as far as helping achieve results, and it's easy to add to just about any food or drink because there really isn't any taste or smell involved.

    I'm sure you've researched it enough to know that it's common to have a "loading" period and then to maintain at 3-5 grams per day.

    Also, if you know in advance the scale may or may not go up due to water weight and you're ok with that...I don't see why you wouldn't be taking it.

    You do not need to load it. Just take 5g a day.

    And as everyone said, its not 'normal' bloat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just try it. If you find yourself puffy, stop and it will go away in short order.

    Agreed. Not like you're getting cosmetic surgery or something. The effects are temporary. Having said that, I take 10g a day every day and I didn't gain any water weight or change my looks at all (I've been taking it for around 6 weeks). I eat a lot of meat though, think my natural creatine intake is already pretty good. From what I understand it helps vegetarians more.

    Meat eaters creatine levels are not that high as the cooking process effects it. However, they will be higher than vegetarians. I gained about 4lbs when I started it.

    You may not gave gained if you are a non responder - some people are.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Also adding that it is not a pre workout. Take it whenever in the day.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    A lot of great info!!! Thanks so much!!! I can't wait to try it out when it arrives.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Just try it. If you find yourself puffy, stop and it will go away in short order.

    Agreed. Not like you're getting cosmetic surgery or something. The effects are temporary. Having said that, I take 10g a day every day and I didn't gain any water weight or change my looks at all (I've been taking it for around 6 weeks). I eat a lot of meat though, think my natural creatine intake is already pretty good. From what I understand it helps vegetarians more.

    Meat eaters creatine levels are not that high as the cooking process effects it. However, they will be higher than vegetarians. I gained about 4lbs when I started it.

    You may not gave gained if you are a non responder - some people are.

    Interesting. My weight isn't consistent enough (goes up and down 1-5lbs a day) to really tell but I really didn't notice any major differences in the fluctuations or difference in appearance. I'm still a little chubby though so it might be hard to see. I bought a huge tub so I guess I might as well continue to take it.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I take creatine post workout with my shake, mainly because it's just simple to do it then.No specific timing issue or reason. I did notice about a 6lb gain right after starting it. (222 - 228) But the scale is not what I am concerned with, so it is no biggie for me .....
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    Creatine is arriving today. I am going to shoot for around 3-5g daily. Most likely in the morning because it's what will work best for me. Thanks for all the feedback! I am hoping I see the difference in my lifting. I am also going to avoid weighing myself for a while, because while this isn't what matters to me, it still messes with my head!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    You still wouldn't gain on a deficit - even with creatine, would you?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You still wouldn't gain on a deficit - even with creatine, would you?

    You won't gain muscle but you'll likely gain some weight from water retention.
  • clairemarie1016
    clairemarie1016 Posts: 44 Member
    Kre-Alkalyn Creatine is supposed to give you the same results as Creatine Monohydrate without the water retention. I found it helpful but in fairness I've never tried Creatine Monohydrate.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I've gained about 5lbs from taking it. I like the Con Cret brand best.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    You still wouldn't gain on a deficit - even with creatine, would you?

    You won't gain muscle but you'll likely gain some weight from water retention.

    Yup^^^ That's why I need to ditch the scale for a bit. Gaining water weight is no biggie for me. Fat is the problem! I might not like water weight but I can take it off.
    Kre-Alkalyn Creatine is supposed to give you the same results as Creatine Monohydrate without the water retention. I found it helpful but in fairness I've never tried Creatine Monohydrate.

    I must look into it when I finish my monohydrate. I only bought a small 100g in case I didn't like it.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Kre-Alkalyn Creatine is supposed to give you the same results as Creatine Monohydrate without the water retention. I found it helpful but in fairness I've never tried Creatine Monohydrate.


    Everything other than creatine mono hydrate Is either not any better or worse and usually more expensive. Pure marketing

    You actually want creatine to cause some water retention that's part of how it works



    ^ see link in description for full study of creatine mono v kre-alkalyn
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I just wanted to add that although I've put on 5lbs since taking creatine daily, I don't look any differently. My waist is the same so I'm sure it's just water weight as it aids in muscle repair.