Easy ways to get some activity during the work day?

kp7067 Posts: 9 Member
I’m new to a desk job. I’ve always worked retail or something else that involved being on my feet. I used to get 10,000 steps in each day, easily.
Now that I’m desk-locked, It’s hard to get the same amount of activity without committing an hour each day after work.
At first, I found myself unmotivated and sort of depressed because of it. I felt pretty defeated. It definitely made things worse that I have a big bowl of candy for clients in front of me all day long.
Right now, I’m avoiding candy Monday-Friday, I get about 7,000 steps in, and I use down time to do wall pushups, squats, lunges, arm circles and standing leg lifts.

I’m wondering what other habits people are finding success with.
Let me know what’s working for you!!


  • kdanny911
    kdanny911 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to do wall push ups and think I may begin again! I also find short yoga videos on Youtube that I can do in 10 mins or less.