SOOOO, recalculated TDEE and BMR due to loss... and...

micqs Posts: 186 Member
So I just recalculated my TDEE, BMR, and daily calories due to a 10 pound loss since I first did it. According to it, I am supposed to now be eating close to 2000 calories per day to lose! I am currently set to 1750 as that is what I had prior to this recalculation. I was hitting that fine and obviously it was working. I started eating "Paleo" the first of this month and I am lucky to get over 1300 calories. I am just not hungry due to the foods that I am eating. Is the TDEE method something I should still attempt to follow since it worked so well or should I just not worry about it? I do not believe I calculated it incorrectly as I did it twice using two different sites. I just cant imagine eating that many calories and I am already having problems reaching my current goal.

Edited to add: I also stepped up my exercise level. If I wouldve continued at the pace I was, my daily cal. would be 1713.. Which is alot more reasonable... But I am running more than what I was prior to the recalculation


  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Absolutely. You don't want to short change yourself even if you have started eating Paleo. I could rehash my own story, but to make a long story short I "thought" I was eating enough....even went to a doctor....but I was eating Paleo and Crossfitting and just not feeling my best! Up comes a challenge and my goal was to gain so I had to calculate and even though I ate, and felt full, I was eating only 1200 calories a day. Insanity. Don't do that! Your body will NOT thank you for it. If you find you are having difficulty eating more food with Paleo do so slowly, but make sure you get up to TDEE. It is very filling but it doesn't take your body very long to figure it all out. Now, my body acts like it's starving if I dare go under 1800 calories. Luckily it's only happened a few times.

    But, yes, you should go with your new numbers and eat the 2000 a day!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Your TDEE calculation sounds about right for your activity level. You really should try and eat closer to your goal, especially with all the running you are doing because if you don't fuel those runs adequately your body could start breaking down your muscle to make up the energy deficit.

    Just aim to get more calorie dense foods in if you are still falling short - lots of nuts and seeds, avocado, sweet potatoes, olive oil, coconut oil, oily fish such as salmon, etc. Aim for large portions of lean protein such as chiken and fish. (I'm not totally aware of what is and isn't allowed on paleo but hopefully these things are all OK).