Daily caloric values

Hello again everyone.

As I search through the message boards I continually see the same questions being ask over and over. Now I realize that once you learn how to do something it gets generally easier to do with practice. So let me take a moment to talk with you about knowing your daily caloric needs. Almost all people believe that the best method for reducing body fat is to reduce daily caloric intake. However what most of us don't think about is this: as you get older in life, or assume more responsibility which creates more stress, our metabolisms begin to slow down. Now mix in a poorly balanced diet and over doing portions, and you have the perfect recipe for a stalled out metabolism.

Then one day you begin to realize the damage your doing and Wa-La, you have an epiphany and decide to start correcting your mistakes.So the first thing you do is reduce your caloric intake. What happens when you do this? Your vehicle starts to stall out. It does not operate efficently. We want our motor to run at optimum efficiency. that way we burn the most calories with the least
amount of effort.So how do we do this?

We jump start our metabolism by adding the proper amount of calories to sustain our motor at top speed for a few weeks. With your BMR + Your daily exercise calories+ Daily activity levels = Daliy caloric Intake. Then after you get you body properly fueled up and your metabolism running at top speed, then you can begin to run some deficits to maximize and stimulate weight loss.
Every weight loss program out there follows this basic principle. You begin to eat more, at regular times, with proper proportions, and add some exercise at least three days a week. you may gain a pound or two, don't panic. once you begin to reverse the poor choices with good choices the weight will begin to fall off much faster and much more consistently.

Remember this simple rule: "You didn't gain it all in a day, and you will not loose it all in a day"

"Conquer every Mountain"
Iron House Corps