Day 1 of Whole30

Just figured I'd post and announce that I'm starting a Whole30 today. If anyone would like to join me or give me some helpful tips, that'd be awesome :)



  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Sara!

    I am on day 10 today of the Whole30. So far so good. I think I am just starting to get over that no energy phase. Good Luck!
  • sara_alexandra
    sara_alexandra Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Sara!

    I am on day 10 today of the Whole30. So far so good. I think I am just starting to get over that no energy phase. Good Luck!

    Thanks!! and congrats to you-that's great. 1/3 of the way there. I've attempted it before, but failed. This time, i'm trying to just push through to prove to myself I can do it. The no alcohol thing is going to be tough, but i know it'll be good for the bod to take a break.

  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    I am doing auto immune whole 30 and at day 3.I have done another whole 45 this time last year.
    It is a great way to start paleo or as a reset button.
    good luck and hope it all goes smoothly!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I did the Whole30 in July. It was tough and a couple of days I ate a larabar (nuts and fruit only) to make up cals because of my crazy scheudle and being an endurance athlete. It was an awesome experience and I'm till pretty Whole30--not a lot of processed paleo products or baked goods (but yeah, my first glass of wine was aweosme!). Good luck!
  • sara_alexandra
    sara_alexandra Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks Anjelevil-I love Melissa's blog, and have read it before! Such great recipes, too. Primal Runner-I'm hoping to reset some of my bad habits, most specifically my sugar addiction which is JUST horrible. I'm a crossfitter, so I do plan to sneak in a compliant larabar in there for convenience sake if I have to and lots of sweet potatoes. My overall goal is to be a clean eater 85% of the time. One day, I'll get there.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm on day 17 of my first Whole30 (ketogenic style). I love it. It hasn't been that hard since the only change for me is giving up dairy. I have been ketogenic Primal for a year before starting W30.

    Edit: Since you have admitted to problems with sugar, you would benefit from a ketogenic version of Paleo for awhile (try 1 month). The only way to kick sugar addiction is to go cold turkey imo. It's unpleasant, but if you switch to burning fat for fuel, the sugar craving will be reduced or eliminated.
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    Sara - My toughest struggle I think will be the drinking also. The other day I had a very stressful day at work and it was friday and I wanted to have a drink sooo bad. :drinker: But I didn't! I guess since I got over that hurdle I can do this! You can too!

  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hey there! Today is my first day on the whole30 as well. How did you do today? I feel pretty good about my first day. I think I did pretty good. Didn't eat enough calories though. I will definitely need to work on that tomorrow. I have a slight headache tonight but not bad, just annoying. Good luck!!
  • sara_alexandra
    sara_alexandra Posts: 65 Member
    Hey there! Today is my first day on the whole30 as well. How did you do today? I feel pretty good about my first day. I think I did pretty good. Didn't eat enough calories though. I will definitely need to work on that tomorrow. I have a slight headache tonight but not bad, just annoying. Good luck!!

    Climberchic-Great job on day 1. I did OK. Didn't eat enough though either. Working on that. Have to do a food shop. I woke up feeling find this AM. Had 3 eggs in ghee with 1/2 sweet potato and strawberries.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Congratulations on starting a W30! I finished my first one in June and felt so amazing. My whole life was changed for....a minute. Then I went on vacation and everything fell apart. I am now here examining my food habits and how what I eat effects me, with a whole30 eating approach. Planning on doing another W30 in the fall or early Winter (nervous about a W30 holiday season though). I was really active on the whole9life forums and learned a lot, needed to take a break whilst I collected myself and licked my wounds from such a bumpy off road! I really recommend getting the book, It Starts With Food and while your at it pick up Well Fed, they were my food bibles during the month. Since then I have also picked up Gather, Beyond Bacon, and Against All Grain. LOVE them all and most of my meal planning comes from them.

    Good luck and anyone interested can friend me. Always looking for more paleo/primal support buddies!
  • sara_alexandra
    sara_alexandra Posts: 65 Member
    Congratulations on starting a W30! I finished my first one in June and felt so amazing. My whole life was changed for....a minute. Then I went on vacation and everything fell apart. I am now here examining my food habits and how what I eat effects me, with a whole30 eating approach. Planning on doing another W30 in the fall or early Winter (nervous about a W30 holiday season though). I was really active on the whole9life forums and learned a lot, needed to take a break whilst I collected myself and licked my wounds from such a bumpy off road! I really recommend getting the book, It Starts With Food and while your at it pick up Well Fed, they were my food bibles during the month. Since then I have also picked up Gather, Beyond Bacon, and Against All Grain. LOVE them all and most of my meal planning comes from them.

    Good luck and anyone interested can friend me. Always looking for more paleo/primal support buddies!

    Hey! Thanks for the comment. Congrats on finishing one. I have yet to finish one. I have tried 1 time before. Failed. I really just want to, like you mentioned, examine my food habits and weaknesses. So far, it's been interesting to see how my mind works on thinking about food and meals. For instance, I just got out of a meeting and started thinking about lunch and how I DONT want a grilled chicken salad again. Then I thought "ugh, is this how the next 29 days are going to be??"...then I immediately stopped that mindset and said "NO. you will find a way to not make things boring". So that was a good sign! Gotta get mentally stronger.

    I've heard great things about It Starts With Food, but have read 2 other paleo books before-Loren Courdain's book (which I found really boring) and I also have Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippano that has a lot of paleo info but is also a cook book. Given this, do you think it's worth getting ISWF too??

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Congratulations on starting a W30! I finished my first one in June and felt so amazing. My whole life was changed for....a minute. Then I went on vacation and everything fell apart. I am now here examining my food habits and how what I eat effects me, with a whole30 eating approach. Planning on doing another W30 in the fall or early Winter (nervous about a W30 holiday season though). I was really active on the whole9life forums and learned a lot, needed to take a break whilst I collected myself and licked my wounds from such a bumpy off road! I really recommend getting the book, It Starts With Food and while your at it pick up Well Fed, they were my food bibles during the month. Since then I have also picked up Gather, Beyond Bacon, and Against All Grain. LOVE them all and most of my meal planning comes from them.

    Good luck and anyone interested can friend me. Always looking for more paleo/primal support buddies!

    Hey! Thanks for the comment. Congrats on finishing one. I have yet to finish one. I have tried 1 time before. Failed. I really just want to, like you mentioned, examine my food habits and weaknesses. So far, it's been interesting to see how my mind works on thinking about food and meals. For instance, I just got out of a meeting and started thinking about lunch and how I DONT want a grilled chicken salad again. Then I thought "ugh, is this how the next 29 days are going to be??"...then I immediately stopped that mindset and said "NO. you will find a way to not make things boring". So that was a good sign! Gotta get mentally stronger.

    I've heard great things about It Starts With Food, but have read 2 other paleo books before-Loren Courdain's book (which I found really boring) and I also have Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippano that has a lot of paleo info but is also a cook book. Given this, do you think it's worth getting ISWF too??


    ISWF was a good read but for me it's not indepth enough. However, I am on day 18 of my first Whole 30, modified version (ketogenic). It took a year of Primal to finally gear up my brain to give up cream and cheese. My current favourite book is "Primal Body, Primal Mind" by Nora Gedgaudas. There was only one little thing that I did not completely agree with and she also does get far too detailed about specific supplements. Other that that, the book is awesome for explaining the WHYs of a high fat diet based on biologically appropriate foods.

    The first Paleo book that I read was Loren Cordain's "The Paleo Diet". It had such vast shortcomings that it actually scared me off of Paleo for 3 years. I knew already that avoiding fat was bad advice. I do understand that he was speaking about animals from CAFOs, but still, low fat is BAD and he didn't differentiate between sources, it was just "lean" this, and "lean" that. Thankfully, Mark Sisson and Dr. Mercola remained in my reading material for years and then I was finally ready to commit to healing myself by August 2012. Since then I have found even more wonderful online resources and reading materials. Including a whole bunch of cookbooks, one of which is Practical Paleo.
  • sara_alexandra
    sara_alexandra Posts: 65 Member
    Congratulations on starting a W30! I finished my first one in June and felt so amazing. My whole life was changed for....a minute. Then I went on vacation and everything fell apart. I am now here examining my food habits and how what I eat effects me, with a whole30 eating approach. Planning on doing another W30 in the fall or early Winter (nervous about a W30 holiday season though). I was really active on the whole9life forums and learned a lot, needed to take a break whilst I collected myself and licked my wounds from such a bumpy off road! I really recommend getting the book, It Starts With Food and while your at it pick up Well Fed, they were my food bibles during the month. Since then I have also picked up Gather, Beyond Bacon, and Against All Grain. LOVE them all and most of my meal planning comes from them.

    Good luck and anyone interested can friend me. Always looking for more paleo/primal support buddies!

    Hey! Thanks for the comment. Congrats on finishing one. I have yet to finish one. I have tried 1 time before. Failed. I really just want to, like you mentioned, examine my food habits and weaknesses. So far, it's been interesting to see how my mind works on thinking about food and meals. For instance, I just got out of a meeting and started thinking about lunch and how I DONT want a grilled chicken salad again. Then I thought "ugh, is this how the next 29 days are going to be??"...then I immediately stopped that mindset and said "NO. you will find a way to not make things boring". So that was a good sign! Gotta get mentally stronger.

    I've heard great things about It Starts With Food, but have read 2 other paleo books before-Loren Courdain's book (which I found really boring) and I also have Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippano that has a lot of paleo info but is also a cook book. Given this, do you think it's worth getting ISWF too??


    ISWF was a good read but for me it's not indepth enough. However, I am on day 18 of my first Whole 30, modified version (ketogenic). It took a year of Primal to finally gear up my brain to give up cream and cheese. My current favourite book is "Primal Body, Primal Mind" by Nora Gedgaudas. There was only one little thing that I did not completely agree with and she also does get far too detailed about specific supplements. Other that that, the book is awesome for explaining the WHYs of a high fat diet based on biologically appropriate foods.

    The first Paleo book that I read was Loren Cordain's "The Paleo Diet". It had such vast shortcomings that it actually scared me off of Paleo for 3 years. I knew already that avoiding fat was bad advice. I do understand that he was speaking about animals from CAFOs, but still, low fat is BAD and he didn't differentiate between sources, it was just "lean" this, and "lean" that. Thankfully, Mark Sisson and Dr. Mercola remained in my reading material for years and then I was finally ready to commit to healing myself by August 2012. Since then I have found even more wonderful online resources and reading materials. Including a whole bunch of cookbooks, one of which is Practical Paleo.

    Thanks for the reply. Maybe i'll check out Nora's book. I'm sure they are all good. I agree though that Cordain's publication was a bit scary. And very dry for that matter. I do get nervous sometimes about the high fat content, but realize that all of the fat we choose on this lifestyle is good ones. It's hard to debunk things though in the face of adversity from this girl at my crossfit gym last night that was like "just watch out for your cholesterol". Ugh.
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I'm on Day 2! Feel free to add me. I love seeing what other Paleos/Whole30s are eating. :)
  • RGroenland
    RGroenland Posts: 27 Member
    Wishing you all the best. I successfully completed a Whole30 last August with my then boyfriend.
    I had been mostly compliant to Paleo until my wedding/honeymoon last week. I went off the reservation!!
    Feeling better as I ween myself back into it full time.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    If you don't mind, I would like to join. If I can get everything prepped, I will be starting tomorrow, if not Monday. This will be my 3rd W30. I will likely include butter and small amounts of cheese in mine (I know they do not bother me.) I would love to have some support considering my eating has been crap lately!!!