Let's Come Together and Have a Little Talk, Shall We?

baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
Hi there.
Some of you don't know me because I generally keep my trap shut unless I feel something needs to be said.
Some of you are also over on the LCD Forum where I've been one of a group of mods since 2015. Or so. It's been so long I have no idea. :blush:

Why should you give a slice of bacon? Because now the group Mods here have been forced to appoint other Mods to help when they can't get here to put out fires right away. I'm one. Dragonwolf is the other.

We've had a little trouble here the past couple days. I'd like to apologize on behalf of KnitOrMiss and FIT_Goat, the original group Mods here. Apologize to the members who've been civil to one another despite the little kerfuffle. We're only people, volunteers, who are passionate about this WOE and our keto-folk, who also have lives outside this forum. We can only do so much so fast. Now we have more eyes and hands on the job. Thank you to those who did not engage the drama in a poor way while we struggled to be able to get on here. The app is horseapples sometimes, as you all are painfully aware, and it's not easy to mod on that thing. Some of us don't have a PC on the weekends as readily available.

We aren't as trigger-happy here in the Keto group. We don't have 62 different LC WOEs, who sometimes dicker on carb levels and which is best, like at the LCD Forum, where Dragonwolf and I have been already wearing the Mod Hat. So we can be less militant about enforcing the Community Guidelines. We can give lee-way. And we want to be as hands-off as possible so you can do your thing. But the recent threads have not been kosher. We can't be bashing each other. We need each other in our journeys.

Please read the Community Guidelines, if you haven't already.
Debate the finer points but lets be also civilized as well as intelligent. Sure you can have fun, but you can have fun without being ugly, because as funny as Mean Girls was, it was also stupid. :unamused: We can be the Cool Kids without being like that. Let's rise above.

If you see someone violating the Guidelines, or if you need anything else, you can PM myself, FIT_Goat, KnitOrMiss, or Dragonwolf any time, and we'll get on it as soon as we have internet access.

Thanks for reading. :mrgreen:


  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    Thank you bump! :smile:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Bump again!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Bumps as a reminder.