Keto for 11 months and suddenly I'm tired all the time - any help please?

Projectjustme Posts: 47 Member
Hi all

as the title says, I have been on Keto for almost one year and have loved it - had a couple of slips where I have eaten off program, but generally have not struggled at all.

However, the last few weeks, I have been feeling exhausted all the time. My weight loss has really slowed down since Christmas (to be fair, it has been really slow throughout and I'm fine with that).

I am also feeling really fat and bloated today, with a bit of swelling in fingers etc. For further information, I am 53, peri-menopausal with very infrequent cycle. I take magnesium, drink lots of water and try to make sure my salt intake is good but I have to admit that I am really at a loss as to why everything has changed and would appreciate any suggestions that you lovely people may have for me.



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    The fatigue and water retention really fit with low sodium.
    How much salt do you supplement each day? Are you consistent?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's hard to know what's diet, and what's impending menopause. Crushing fatigue was TOUGH for me as I was about to slide through menopause. Perhaps it's a combination of the two?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    More salt is always a good idea with a keto diet.

    I only looked over the last couple weeks of diary entries, but your calorie deficit is pretty steep most days, and your protein intake is at a minimal level. It's possible that eating two weeks at maintenance (staying keto, just eating more food) and putting those extra calories to protein might help. Eleven months is a long time to be in a calorie deficit, a break from that deficit might help stabilize the inflammation.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    If you've not changed your eating,sodium/water intake I too would be curious as to why you are now feeling fatigued and are swelling.

    Might want to get yourself to a physician.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    More salt is always a good idea with a keto diet.

    I only looked over the last couple weeks of diary entries, but your calorie deficit is pretty steep most days, and your protein intake is at a minimal level. It's possible that eating two weeks at maintenance (staying keto, just eating more food) and putting those extra calories to protein might help. Eleven months is a long time to be in a calorie deficit, a break from that deficit might help stabilize the inflammation.

    I second this.
    Diet fatigue isn't just because you're tired of doing it. You're body seems to get tired of being at a steep deficit and throws on the brakes. You feel tired. And you don't move around as much. Try the "diet break" as @tcunbeliever suggests. The worst thing that will happen is that you aren't going to lose weight for 2 weeks. But you won't gain, and you'll tell your body things are just fine. It may reward you with shedding the bloat. Weight loss is a stressor.
  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    Just tossing this out there...... Could you be pregnant?

    The lady down the road is 51, and just found out she is expecting. :o
  • Projectjustme
    Projectjustme Posts: 47 Member
    VictoryGarden, absolutely not! :D The reason I know this is I had a medical procedure done in February and had to take a pregnancy test beforehand which came back negative - I would remember if there had been any 'activity' which may have changed this...believe you me, I would ;) ..thanks for the suggestion x
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    thank you all so much for your replies- I did try a couple of weeks at maintenance in March but, to be honest, really struggled to get the calories in (still fighting the old mindset) and I have been thinking about the salt and would agree that, while I think I am keeping up on it, I am probably not.
    Will up the calories and increase the salt and see where I am in a couple of weeks - thank you again, sometimes I need to see things written down to make me take a good look at myself <3

    I recommend you keep up with everything you put in your mouth for at least a week and examine that to see what’s lacking. It’s not hard to let things slip when we get into a routine. We feel like we’re doing everything right, but when we see it on paper (so to speak) we can usually identify where we may have allowed things to slip.

    I hope you find the answer and feel better real quick!
  • Lemnakimberley
    Lemnakimberley Posts: 7 Member
    Not sure if you have figured this out, but definitely get your thyroid tested (all tests not just the typical one- stop the thyroid madness is a great website)
  • Projectjustme
    Projectjustme Posts: 47 Member
    thanks for all your replies, it is much appreciated! Just to update on this; I have (tried) to up my calories over the last couple of weeks, sometimes more successfully than others. I have now left my settings here as maintenance and try for a smaller number left over each day as my deficit...there are days that I simply don't eat enough so I am trying to balance that out as much as I can.

    I have started drinking electrolyte water through the day and this has had a more positive effect and I have significantly cut down on my caffeine too.

    I am still feeling tired most days, but nowhere near as bad when I initially posted and I have booked an appointment with my GP to discuss getting the full set of thyroid tests done - the more I read about this, the more I am convinced that I have completely tanked it through the years of ridiculous reduction.

    The bloat has gone down, so I think that might have been my wavering hormone levels and the added water flushing the retention out.

    Finally, I am looking at ways to try and combat my stress levels, which are having an impact on my sleep.

    Again, thank you so much for all your help, t'is why I like the group so much :smile:
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    thanks for all your replies, it is much appreciated! Just to update on this; I have (tried) to up my calories over the last couple of weeks, sometimes more successfully than others. I have now left my settings here as maintenance and try for a smaller number left over each day as my deficit...there are days that I simply don't eat enough so I am trying to balance that out as much as I can.

    I have started drinking electrolyte water through the day and this has had a more positive effect and I have significantly cut down on my caffeine too.

    I am still feeling tired most days, but nowhere near as bad when I initially posted and I have booked an appointment with my GP to discuss getting the full set of thyroid tests done - the more I read about this, the more I am convinced that I have completely tanked it through the years of ridiculous reduction.

    The bloat has gone down, so I think that might have been my wavering hormone levels and the added water flushing the retention out.

    Finally, I am looking at ways to try and combat my stress levels, which are having an impact on my sleep.

    Again, thank you so much for all your help, t'is why I like the group so much :smile:

    How much sodium are you getting from that electrolyte water? They usually don’t really have much.
    You need what conventional wisdom would consider to be a lot of sodium. I really doubt you’re getting enough.
  • Projectjustme
    Projectjustme Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Sunny_Bunny, yup I totally agree with you - I've started crunching on some Himalayan crystals that I keep in my drawer at work

    Just to update, I have significantly increased my calories, taken off my deficit on my diary and set it to maintenance and am feeling so much better.
    Energy still dipping a bit, but nowhere near as bad as it was and definitely improving.

    The stress is still an issue, but I have just started swimming after a break of 30+ years and I am really enjoying the activity and the time on my own.

    Thank you once again for you input
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Hi Sunny_Bunny, yup I totally agree with you - I've started crunching on some Himalayan crystals that I keep in my drawer at work

    Just to update, I have significantly increased my calories, taken off my deficit on my diary and set it to maintenance and am feeling so much better.
    Energy still dipping a bit, but nowhere near as bad as it was and definitely improving.

    The stress is still an issue, but I have just started swimming after a break of 30+ years and I am really enjoying the activity and the time on my own.

    Thank you once again for you input

    This right here jumps out to me. Cortisol can wreak havoc when elevated. I think your plan to increase calories to maintenance and adding an activity you really like is great. Best of luck and glad to hear that you are feeling an improvement.
  • TamaraLoe
    TamaraLoe Posts: 7 Member
    Low on vitamin B1 possibly.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited June 2019
    Hi Sunny_Bunny, yup I totally agree with you - I've started crunching on some Himalayan crystals that I keep in my drawer at work

    Just to update, I have significantly increased my calories, taken off my deficit on my diary and set it to maintenance and am feeling so much better.
    Energy still dipping a bit, but nowhere near as bad as it was and definitely improving.

    The stress is still an issue, but I have just started swimming after a break of 30+ years and I am really enjoying the activity and the time on my own.

    Thank you once again for you input

    Glad you're feeling a bit better.
  • Projectjustme
    Projectjustme Posts: 47 Member
    Bit more of an update - still getting improved energy and mood, working really hard on managing stress (but not so hard that it's adding to it!!) and this morning I jumped on the scale to find a 3lb loss- the answer seems clear to keep calm and keto on!!
  • LRLemon
    LRLemon Posts: 51 Member
    Not sure if others mentioned this... have you tried increasing your salt and water intake? A keto diet allows the liver to release fats in the form of water. You lose lots of salt along with it.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    At a certain age, women stop absorbing B vitamins through digestion, which is crucial for muscles and energy.

    I take a sublingual B supplement--under the tongue.

    Which helps energy levels.

    I also supplement iodine with liquid kelp if I'm not in the mood to eat fish for an extended time, because my sea salts are not iodized. Iodine supports thyroid health.