New to Keto

prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
Hi everyone! I'm about 70-80 pounds overweight and have been told by my Dr that I'm on the line of having type 2 diabetes. He wants me to watch my carbs and sugar. I've heard about the Keto Diet and it sounds like what I need to do but since I've never done it I'm not for sure how to get started. It sounds like all I need to keep track of is my carbs, fat, protein and sugar. How do I know how many grams of each I'm suppose to eat per day? Any help will be appreciated.


  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you. All of this is new to me but I really feel this is what I need to do to be able to control my carbs and sugar plus lose weight!
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    You can do this! Sunny_bunny posted some great information. I'm the type of person that needs to go all in, so if restricting yourself to 50g of carbs per day seems overwhelming, start with 150g, then decrease to 100g, and then get yourself under 50g. Some people just do better by easing in to it.

    I personally don't do anything like Fat Bombs or Bulletproof Coffee, I just limit my carbs and focus on eating whole foods. Veggies are cooked in healthy fats like coconut oil, butter, evoo, etc., and I choose fattier cuts of meat like Ribeye instead of Filet Mignon, Chicken Thighs instead of Chicken Breast, Pork Shoulder instead of Pork Chops. I find that simply by eliminating grains and starchy carbs and high starch veggies, that my macros fall in to place pretty naturally.

    I love to read, and there are a ton of great books on the market right now. Diane Sanfilippo is one of my favorite personalities in the alternative health/diet world and she just recently came out with a great Keto book which is great for beginners, I highly recommend:
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you wholeFoods4Lyfe for the helpful advice. I like the advice on easing into it, not as scary as the thought of jumping in, that's why I'm trying to learn as much as possible before starting.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    For me, keeping the carbs low dramatically reduced my glucose readings. I am off meds and have an A1C in the normal range for a non-diabetic. Once I got the BG under control, I started work on the weight, and lost the 130+ pounds I set out to lose.

    I personally follow a higher protein version of keto as Sunny_Bunny_ suggests. I keep carbs under 20.
  • clareabow
    clareabow Posts: 17 Member
    I've been on keto since January and found the info on really helpful and there's loads of recipes.

    And this ones really useful for working out your keto macros -
  • GammieLCHF
    GammieLCHF Posts: 139 Member
    Great you have your doc on board! Mine fights me every step of the way. Experiment till you find what works for you. Under 40 carbs or I won’t lose weight. I tried 100 carbs for six months and didn’t lose a pound. But under 20 carbs and all my cravings are gone and I’m hardly ever hungry! I fast most of the day. So, 20 net carbs is my magic top number. Lately I’ve been around ten net a day - just cause I’m not hungry!

    Keto will cure type 2 diabetes. No doubt.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I began 4 years ago just doing low carb (150gm) and also found myself decreasing them rather quickly. Within 4 months I was at less than 20gm a day.

    This is the best way to eat and you get to eat all of the good food while losing weight!! It becomes easy once it becomes a habit for you. I recommend you read everything you can to help yourself in the beginning. Before long you will be losing weight almost effortlessly!!