What's on your mind today?



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    Random though for the day.

    I've been in maintenance for over a year. My weight and fitness have remained roughly consistent (which I class as a huge success). I plan to be on maintenance for the rest of my life. Fortunately I made maintenance for me mostly automatic. :)

    At times I notice myself slipping out of healthy habits and I adjust to get them back (usually by forgiving the past and just working on making tomorrow more in line with what I know it should be).

    How do others see their long term health/weight management plan/strategy?

    How do you get yourself back on track when you are straying from the path you set for yourself?

    I have developed healthy habits that are not only engrained but make for a lifestyle I enjoy. Not that I never get off track, I do occasionally when life gets too busy or too stressful. I regain almost reliably in December. I keep trying to pull back from the extreme way I’ve prepped for Christmas but my family loves it, and I usually have to give up most gym time to get it all done. Add in all the unusual treats that we keep in the house that time of year and how dark it is outside, and you have a recipe for weight gain. Luckily I am happy to get back on track when the load lightens.

    Maybe my advice then is to set things up in a way that gives you joy instead of feeling like a chore.

    I had unusual stress this fall/winter that played a large part in an unusual regain (15 lbs). I hope I never experience a time like that again. But I’ve been thinking that maybe I could have done better. Still thinking through strategies to deal with extended periods where life feels overwhelming.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Love how people are now being more pro-active at maintaining their health.

    For most of us, our "automatic pilot" was broken and we were steering ourselves into dangerous waters.

    For me it took a full reset of my "auto-pilot" to get me on track. My food preferences needed a change. My regular eating times needed a change. My default activity level needed a change. My response to stress needed to change. Now my "auto-pilot" is now steering me where I want to go (and I check regularly if it needs adjustment).

    For a change in perspective. Take a look at those around you: friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances. What do they do on "auto-pilot"? What do they eat when given a choice? How much do they eat? When do they eat? What activity do they do? How do they cope with adversity, increased work loads, troubles, ect...? What's their "auto-pilot" setting.

    It's what you do when you DON'T think about it that really shapes who you are. This is your "auto-pilot".

    In the "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" the 7th habit is "Sharpen the Saw" (A sharp saw cuts more effectively). This means take time to review what you do and how you have been going. Also gives time and focus to perform the maintenance required to do what you want more effectively. (Ever been too busy driving to stop for gas? {right before you ran out} ).

    How often do you "Sharpen the Saw"? (This is akin to monitoring and adjusting your auto-pilot.)
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    I hope I have not disqualified myself for not posting, but if I have, I understand. As life would have it, everything that needed to be done during my "summer break" (which was one month because I am taking a summer class) everything could not get scheduled until the very last week before classes - which is this week. I just woke up with that shocked feeling of "oh no" because I remembered I wasn't posting in UAC. I have been tracking but forgot to post.

    Is there a rule on posting? I am sure there has to be or some people would wait until the last minute to post a month's worth of info.
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @craigo3154 I resonate with your post regarding getting back on track after straying from the path I've set; this scenario is exactly how the month of June started for me. Upon reflection I am pleased that I am taking a mental and physical shrug and stepping up to make today count.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    KCJen wrote: »
    I hope I have not disqualified myself for not posting, but if I have, I understand. As life would have it, everything that needed to be done during my "summer break" (which was one month because I am taking a summer class) everything could not get scheduled until the very last week before classes - which is this week. I just woke up with that shocked feeling of "oh no" because I remembered I wasn't posting in UAC. I have been tracking but forgot to post.

    Is there a rule on posting? I am sure there has to be or some people would wait until the last minute to post a month's worth of info.

    I’m still fairly new to the group so I can’t say definitively, but the write-up says “This challenge is open to anyone until the 7th of the month”.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    KCJen wrote: »
    I hope I have not disqualified myself for not posting, but if I have, I understand. As life would have it, everything that needed to be done during my "summer break" (which was one month because I am taking a summer class) everything could not get scheduled until the very last week before classes - which is this week. I just woke up with that shocked feeling of "oh no" because I remembered I wasn't posting in UAC. I have been tracking but forgot to post.

    Is there a rule on posting? I am sure there has to be or some people would wait until the last minute to post a month's worth of info.

    @KCJen. No rule for not posting. As long as you have been tracking all is good.

    Would love to hear from you in the daily's. So please post daily (if you can or remember to).

    UAC is an honor system. Sometimes people cannot post, or forget to post. Life happens. The daily posts are there to help give a method of transparency to the accountability.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    KCJen wrote: »
    I hope I have not disqualified myself for not posting, but if I have, I understand. As life would have it, everything that needed to be done during my "summer break" (which was one month because I am taking a summer class) everything could not get scheduled until the very last week before classes - which is this week. I just woke up with that shocked feeling of "oh no" because I remembered I wasn't posting in UAC. I have been tracking but forgot to post.

    Is there a rule on posting? I am sure there has to be or some people would wait until the last minute to post a month's worth of info.

    I’m still fairly new to the group so I can’t say definitively, but the write-up says “This challenge is open to anyone until the 7th of the month”.

    @goldthistime. The reason why up to the 7th is to ensure that people are tracking and interacting to be eligible for circle recognition.

    UAC is a remote community that can only survive by honest interaction. We welcome those that start after the 7th, just they are not eligible for circle recognition.

    The best time to start working on creating a good habit is always now. :) No matter what day of the month it is.
  • Ketch_22
    Ketch_22 Posts: 12,711 Member
    Getting a little tired of MFP having technical issues so often. Hope you all have a good day
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    @craigo3154 Thank you for letting me know!
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member

    @w8goal4life I absolutely love this picture you posted. I come back to it to look at it again. Thanks for posting it!
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ketch_22 wrote: »
    People keep posting they limit processed foods. Assuming they mean frozen and take out meals etc.
    Being married to an avid hunter and fisherman... processed to me means he took care of it in the woods and he's cooking tonight :) Just thought I'd give a different perspective.

    Love it!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Summer solstice today. Enjoy all that life giving sunshine everyone.
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    For those of you with UAC a year ago, you will remember the turtle crossing pictures from last year. This turtle again made its way across our back yard today between the neighbor's pond and the neighboring creek.
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,893 Member
    For those of you with UAC a year ago, you will remember the turtle crossing pictures from last year. This turtle again made its way across our back yard today between the neighbor's pond and the neighboring creek.

    What is the diameter of the shell. That is a beauty!