Please don't bail on me.



  • Ok. Im in!! I have lost a total of 60 lbs .. doing WW my lowest was 160.. I was happy there (hungry but happy) it has crept up to 176 just because I was tired of sweating out my hair and was way too lazy to cook. Needless to say I'M BACK!!!My goal is to get to 162.. so about 15 pounds must leave me!!

    ??? how is this going to work? are we just checking in or are you ( Nikki) going to post challenges for us? LMK
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! I posted a new topic regarding how the challenge is going to work. Welcome aboard and I look forward to working with and getting to know you during the challenge.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm all in! I NEED THIS, I've been so off my game for the summer months and I definitely want to look fabulous for the holidays. I have about 25 lbs I need to lose before then (anything close to that would be awesome), so I need the motivation. Keep us posted on how this works.

  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I am just going to say that I love all of you right now. LisaMfit4life for starting this group and all the rest of you for the support that you have already given. This is going to be the best challenge I have joined.
  • Amyzeppy
    Amyzeppy Posts: 23 Member
    I am in!! I have about 15 - 20 pounds to lose and cannot seem to do it! I am pretty much maintaining as I run 3 miles 3-4 times a week but I continue to eat whatever I want which I know is something I need to work on! Plus, I am 43 years old and it is definitely harder to lose and much easier to gain! I have 2 boys, 12 and 13 who keep us very busy running them around for all of their sports and we tend to eat out a lot! I need all the support I can get and love to help others with support! Friend me if you would like!
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I am in!! I have about 15 - 20 pounds to lose and cannot seem to do it! I am pretty much maintaining as I run 3 miles 3-4 times a week but I continue to eat whatever I want which I know is something I need to work on! Plus, I am 43 years old and it is definitely harder to lose and much easier to gain! I have 2 boys, 12 and 13 who keep us very busy running them around for all of their sports and we tend to eat out a lot! I need all the support I can get and love to help others with support! Friend me if you would like!

    We eat out a lot too. But I truly hate to cook. I do it because I know that it is healthier and cheaper but if I can manage it money wise I will eat out. If I ever get rich I am going to have a few personal chefs on hand at all times. LOL!
  • doronajay
    doronajay Posts: 222 Member
    The last two groups that I joined disappeared without any warning or notice. I need the motivation of a group challenge to keep me going. I am two steps away from calling it quits. This may sound extremely selfish but I need you all to get me through this.
    Congrats on your weight loss! I can certainly empathize with joining a group that vanishes... I'm hopeful that this group can stick together for the next few weeks! It seems like everyone here is extremely motivated.
  • GmomLinC
    GmomLinC Posts: 45
    Hi all!
    I'm in for the challenge too. Little background....I'm 57, 5'6", pear shape. I never had a weight problem until menopause in my mid-40's. Over these past 10 years....I've gained the weight, lost the weight, gained it, lost least 5 times if not more. I don't seem to have a problem losing weight, it's keeping it off that I fail at. I started back here on mfp in early May this year at 212.3. Yikes. Today I weighed in at 175.6. Not bad for 14 weeks of working at it. And was a lot of work! Thing is, in the past, I usually get lazy around week 14-15.....and slowly the weight starts to creep back on until I find myself right back to where I started. By lazy, I mean I start eating like I did when I was in my 20's and 30's and could eat anything and everything I wanted and never gain a pound. Obviously I can't do that anymore. So, this challenge is starting at just about the right time for me. I'm hoping it will help keep me motivated as I continue to watch portion sizes and make healthy choices with what I eat....and if I continue to work out at least 5 times a week, that should really help firm up my body.
    Looking forward to getting fit with all of you.....
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Great. I look forward to this group and how exciting it's going to be! Welcome aboard!
  • sissy848
    sissy848 Posts: 53
    Hi. I'm in. Just recently started and I was going through the groups and this one seemed to fit.
    Looking forward to this challenge.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    Over these past 10 years....I've gained the weight, lost the weight, gained it, lost least 5 times if not more. I don't seem to have a problem losing weight, it's keeping it off that I fail at.

    exactly the same for me. except i am 36 years. so this motivate me even more to stay on track for good as it seem to get harder over the time.

    in my 20s i was in university gaining 20 lbs over the year then losing it during summer. stress was making me fat.
    i always tought that when i would finished school i would be able to keep it off. WRONG!!!
    it is even harder now. stress at work is FAR WORSE.
    in the 5 years i did lose 30 lbs throught exercise and eating healthy. i kept it off for maybe 8 months then i gaining it all back and more. Now i really want to lose it and keep it off for good!
  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    I just joined MFP this morning and found this group. I need all the support and motivation I can get. I've been trying almost 12 years to get down to a healthy weight and so far I've been unsuccessful.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Where are you now Nikki???