Back on MFP and Tracking carb grams

lll0493 Posts: 10 Member
Hello there, i've been off MFP for quite some time because tracking my numbers use to get me crazed. But, i've restarted Keto/controlled carb again and am cautiously tracking macros, specifically carb grams. I tried to delete the "calories" from being tracked on the app but did not find an option to delete this with the basic membership. I have done a lot of reading on LCHF eating, have started and stopped a million times despite feeling well. I am really focused on behavioral changes because when i do follow a LCHF eating way, i do feel fantastic, eliminate all the constant thoughts of food, and sugar cravings which i am THRILLED about. I am craving community support and have come back to MFP for that and for tracking carb grams. I am working to reverse Leptin and Insulin resistance, decrease abdomen size, and increase energy. Struggles are meal planning or having food readily available when i have feelings of blah....Love reading the threads.........


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I’m not aware of any way to hide calories but you could set them to your maintenance calories if you don’t want MFP red flagging you potentially going over a reduced goal. Or just set them to some higher number as a way to not have it warning you...
    You’ll probably just have to train yourself to pay attention only to what your primary concern is.
    I personally have to eat at a calorie deficit to lose body fat but I’m also close to my goal weight and already at a healthy weight so I suppose that makes a lot of sense. I did use a calorie deficit the entire time I was losing weight on keto though.
  • cooked2
    cooked2 Posts: 4 Member
    These days I make an effort to get my protein right, can ignore the fat. Raising my net carbs to 30 gm a day helped me enormously in maintaining weight and I seem to be still in ketosis. As I generally eat more or less the same things, I will probably make my life easier by just counting carbs and ignoring the fibre, which seems to hover at about 15 - 20 gm a day.
    If you want to get down to 70 Kg for example, I suggest you follow the guidelines and try to be eating 70gm of protein a day from the beginning