carbs and exersize??

xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
okay so iv been low carber on and off for a couple of years now, buttt am far from knowing it all.. normally i do keto but am just aiming for about 50/60 atm,
i have a problem with binging and its always carbs i end up binging on but it seems to be maybe once a week (maybe 2ce lol)
i always make sure i exersize after cz for some reason in my head its like damage control.. i know it wouldnt be damage control if i was doing keto but i wondered if it actually workied if you were just aiming for low carb as the excess glucose is stored in fat cells.. so if you exersized wouldnt i be using that excess energy instead of storing it?? just wondered if anyone knew more on this?


  • andrewh2010
    andrewh2010 Posts: 13 Member
    What you're describing (carb up before exercise) is known as TKD or Targeted Keto Diet where a small amount of carbs are consumed before intense exercise to fuel the body and store some glycogen for the workout. It typically isn't needed for your average joe and jane exercisers but it is used by athletes who are on a normally strict keto diet.

    Once you are Keto adapted (not just in ketosis, but your body being adapted to use fat as the primary source of fuel) then excess carbs are not needed for any type of exercise. Keto runners have run (and won!) marathons and /u/darthluigi on /r/ketogains has put on substantial muscle mass as well as reducing his bf% all while maintaining a ketogenic diet.

    This flowchart (humor) really sums it up;