Juicy Joyful July!

AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
edited July 2019 in Social Groups
Here's to another delicious month of Eating to Live!

American ETLers, what food and movement plans are you making for this holiday week?





  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I love this thread title, Austin!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    @Carla_wfpb - Thank you! And how fabulous to see you here! How are you doing? Any weekend plans? New recipes? (You have shared some good ones!)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2019
    grillsmile1.gif Great Tread Title!

    Freedom from Disease...living WFPB!

    Today's Plan:

    black coffee
    Green Juice (celery, cukes, apples, ginger, lemon)
    Mexican inspired salad with romaine, black beans, roasted corn, red onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, Ezekiel baked corn tortillas cut into strips, cilantro-lime-garlic dressing
    More Green juice
    Dinner: not sure

    Tomorrow, my handyman is coming over early and we are cleaning the garage. My big 4th celebration.

    Back to work on Friday.

    Month of July focus on getting in my green juice...one a day. MORE salads...prep veggies so that it is easy to put together.

    Watched a great YouTube of a couple that started out at 800 pounds collectively and are following the Nutritarian diet. Krocks on you tube. She kinda inspired me to get on the salad bandwagon with a little more dedication.

    I can't remember how much they have lost, but it is substantial. The wife is close to her goal. The husband looks good but still has some to go. The husband was inspired by Penn Jillette and the two of them jumped in with both feet. Lots of respect for this couple.


    They transitioned into ETL by eating potatoes only for two weeks. It sort of reset their taste buds because they were major junk food junkies/SAD eaters.

    The potatoes were only for TWO WEEKS. Now they are dedicated WFPB peeps. Good for them. They just celebrated their one year anniversary of making the change.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Excellent thread title Austin, thanks for getting July started.

    Cut out of work early. It starts getting crazy downtown for the big fireworks display and although we aren't in downtown proper we're adjacent. I will go in for a while tomorrow, but I'll have the office to myself and I can get some things cleaned up. No plans for the 4th really.

    I am going to indulge in some wine tonight and a "BLT" with baked tofu instead of bacon and a homemade cashew "mayo". Looking forward to that. I do love sandwiches. Always have.

    The new gal at the office is so awesome. I really like her and she is getting a lot done. I think we're going to make a great team. While I know it's going to be a few months before the ship is righted, I'm soooooo looking forward to actually taking some vacation time and not working every weekend after that!

    This weekend I'm going to get back into regular exercise. I have put it off because I've been so busy and, frankly, exhausted most of the time. I realized that at the exact same weight I was a few years ago I am a size larger in my clothes. I have to get toned up here! Plus I always feel like a badass when I'm doing strength training. LOL (I wonder if mfp will change that to bad*kitten)

    Happy 4th of July to those in the USA, and happy Thursday to everyone else!

    <3 y'all
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    Decided to not clean the garage...instead, just play around in the house with Lulu and prep food...Living the WFPB life...Freedom from Lifestyle Disease. More focus on health and not obsessing on the scale.


    Black Coffee
    Green Juice
    Oatmeal with flaxmeal, raisins, wild blueberries, cinnamon, oat milk
    Salad with dressing from The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show
    Either Smart Dog or Carrot Dogs that I will make myself. Not sure.
    Nice Cream

    Hope everyone has a great FOURTH!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    I took a deep dive into some junk food today. I was at the office and wanted something and got into the snack cabinet and ate a bunch of crackers. Oh well, first slip in a couple months so I'm not going to beat myself up. Back at it the rest of the day. Had salad and watermelon for dinner.

    Spent half the day at the office and did a couple more hours of work after I got home. Planning to take Saturday away from the office so I really have to get a lot done tomorrow and Sunday.

    I haven't tried carrot dogs yet, Magic, but have saved a couple different recipes. Did you make them?

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2019
    Well, did not have handyman come over...I cancelled. Just did not have it in me. He was ok with that.

    Did not make the carrot dogs. Did have the Smart Dogs...two of them...on Ezekiel. I thoroughly enjoyed them. Mustard and onions. I cooked them on the panini press.

    Did not have kale salad. Had romaine with Tahini, Lemon homemade dressing. I love her dressings...Jill from The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show.

    I did make more green juice. I needed that I guess. To help push away junk food cravings. I had Cracker Jack on Wednesday (Vegan) but total junk. The green juice is helping calm my horrible sugar addiction.

    Back to work today.

    Gosh, what to bring. I have been totally unlucky with fruit lately. Hate buying it cuz it never is sweet. No taste. Will try again...but what to get? Dilemma.

    Bringing to work:

    green juice
    Ezekiel quesadilla
    a few dried mangoes

    Hope everyone has a great day. Hats off to @Mihani for working on the Fourth. Hope you have a super day off from the office on Saturday. Really happy to hear the new gal is working out. Yippee.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    black coffee
    green juice TWO 16 ouncers
    Ezekiel panini with one slice Follow Your Heart yellow "cheese"
    a few dried mangoes
    Trader Joe's Peanut Butter granola

    After work: Romaine salad with homemade Tahini/Lemon dressing
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited July 2019
    Mihani wrote: »
    I took a deep dive into some junk food today. I was at the office and wanted something and got into the snack cabinet and ate a bunch of crackers. Oh well, first slip in a couple months so I'm not going to beat myself up. Back at it the rest of the day. Had salad and watermelon for dinner.

    Spent half the day at the office and did a couple more hours of work after I got home. Planning to take Saturday away from the office so I really have to get a lot done tomorrow and Sunday.

    I haven't tried carrot dogs yet, Magic, but have saved a couple different recipes. Did you make them?

    Hey @Mihani - I found your not beating yourself up and being back on plan the next meal super inspiring.

    And, yes, here's to your work schedule calming down soon, with the new gal there. You deserve more down time!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Thanks ladies... I was a bit perturbed with myself initially, but I made a conscious choice to eat the crackers and didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would so I doubt the temptation will arise again anytime soon.

    I am thinking my cat needs to go in to be put down and it is making me sad, but she's over 16 years old and has enjoyed great health and happiness for her whole life. She has been having good days and not so good days lately and I don't want to wait until she's literally dying, but it's so difficult making the decision!!! Anyway I have decided not to do it tonight, but will likely take her in the morning. The vet hasn't been able to find anything wrong other than she's old and maybe there's some cancer lurking somewhere, but I have no intention of putting her through a bunch of tests to find out.

    Today was much better!
    B - oats with the usual goodies (ate this so late it was more like lunch)
    D - will be a huge salad and more watermelon... it's so hot that I am loving salads even more than usual

    Magic, I always thought hot dogs were kind of gross when I was a kid, but vegan hot dogs are good! I always liked the bread, condiments and veggies more than the meat.

    Austin, I still haven't got around to making your zucchini dish... I hope after next week things are going to get into a real groove at work with the new gal and I am going to start cooking again. I used to enjoy it but not so much lately.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Oh @Mihani , I am so, so sorry about your kitty. It's always hard to get to that point with an old friend. I completely get not putting her through a bunch of tests. All best wishes as you navigate this passage with your sweet girl.

    @magic71755 - I am glad the green juice is being helpful. Sugar cravings can be a bear.

    I am having a good ETL day:
    B - spinach/blueberry/flax seed drink with a side of goji berries
    L - mustard greens with dijon mustard and spices; black eyed peas; red cabbage slaw (the fermented curtido I made last week); last smidge of the beet gazpacho; zucchini, tomato & onion salad
    S - apple slices & walnuts
    D will be a gigantic salad; going to try a dressing with avocado, parsley, garlic, lemon, scallions nooch & miso (a Dr Greger recipe from the How Not to Die Cookbook)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Oh @Mihani , I am so, so sorry about your kitty. It's always hard to get to that point with an old friend. I completely get not putting her through a bunch of tests. All best wishes as you navigate this passage with your sweet girl.

    @magic71755 - I am glad the green juice is being helpful. Sugar cravings can be a bear.

    I am having a good ETL day:
    B - spinach/blueberry/flax seed drink with a side of goji berries
    L - mustard greens with dijon mustard and spices; black eyed peas; red cabbage slaw (the fermented curtido I made last week); last smidge of the beet gazpacho; zucchini, tomato & onion salad
    S - apple slices & walnuts
    D will be a gigantic salad; going to try a dressing with avocado, parsley, garlic, lemon, scallions nooch & miso (a Dr Greger recipe from the How Not to Die Cookbook)

    Oh, my, the dressing was wonderful. Avocado, tarragon, cilantro, garlic, lime, scallions, nooch, rice vinegar & miso. Yum! Salad was massaged kale, romaine, tomato, onion and roasted beets.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2019
    @Mihani so very sorry about your kitty. I know, all too well, the pain in the decision making. But I do know our furry children depend on us to make the right decision without letting them suffer needlessly, by waiting too long. My heart goes out to you.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Kitty is hanging in there. She seemed a lot more comfortable last night and ate some food. I know it is coming but not today! She is getting very slow and is painfully thin, but she doesn't seem to be in pain although hard to tell with cats.

    I have a bunch of recipes from the HNTD cookbook marked to try, Austin. I really hope to get back into cooking soon.

    I'm enjoying my day at home, trying to catch up a bit of housekeeping. Things look better but still a loooong way to go to get this house back into shape. So many things have been put off while work has been so crazy. I have a handyman friend coming next weekend to help me with some projects like you've been doing, Magic. We always have fun when he comes over too, he's a hoot.

    Had a veggie wrap and watermelon for lunch and will likely be dinner too.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    @AustinRuadhain thanks for the warm welcome back :) not really in the groove of things here but not doing terrible either. Not enough greens and nary a mushroom in sight!

    Mihani, I love it so much that you actually have time to do things other than work and sleep. How long have we known each other? Your work has been way too busy that whole time! Years! Have a great time with your handyman friend!

    Magic, if you don't already, see if you can get local produce from a farmer's market. That should boost the yum factor :) It is disappointing to get a run of bad fruit! I need to follow my own advice! I missed yesterday's local market and haven't actually made it there this year yet. oops!

    I have 'weaver fever' over here so I am working on my tapestries and doing little else. I upgraded my loom and it is a huge improvement. I will post a pic of something once off the loom, I have space on there for multiple projects but it means I can't take it off to look at until they are all done.

    I'm sorry to say that I don't recall if I mentioned our anniversary trip to the OR coast. We had a fabulous time. Ruby loved running loose on the beach at 6 am when it was deserted. We had a great laugh watching her run full tilt towards the ocean and then turn tail and run away from the waves as they washed in. We're thinking of renting a place there for a month next summer and then just working from there as needed.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    So glad you had such a nice anniversary trip, Carla! <3 Can't wait to see some of your latest creations. And yes it is nice to get a day off now and then! We've been hopelessly behind for so long it will take a while to dig out, but at least it's no longer all on me!

    Went to the grocery and got kale, collards and broccoli. I'm going to steam or saute them and also make some of the caramelized onions that Carla shared a while back. Then a batch of quinoa or brown rice and I can have simple bowls for dinner all week. I need to make a sauce, probably lemon tahini. My salad prepper is on vacation so I also got some box spring mix for the week and I'll just chop up a few veggies to add to the salads.

    B - oats with the usual
    L - salad
    D - thinking cheezy chickpeas, sauteed kale and onions
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited July 2019
    Great picture Carla!

    Today looked like this

    Quart green juice
    Massaged kale salad
    Ezekiel grilled cheese
    Dried mango
    Roasted broccoli cauliflower baby potatoes with tahini lemon dressing
    Nice cream chocolate with tiny bit of PB

    PEACH. TRADER JOE’S GAVE ME A FREE CASE WHEN I TOLD THEM TWO CASES WERE NOT THEIR USUAL AMAZING JUICY, SWEET 🍑! Trader Joe's is a very nice company! They did not have to do that...and I certainly did not ask.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Our Farmer's Markets are mostly on the weekends and I work the hours they are open. But I do think there may be one open on my weekend tues-thurs that is an indoor market. Summer here in the Phoenix area not a good fit for outdoor summer farmer's markets. I will have to check into that.

    Today will be pretty much like yesterday:

    black coffee
    quart green juice
    roasted veggies with tahini/lemon sauce
    kale salad
    nice cream

    Have a great Monday everyone.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    @Carla_wfpb - What a great picture! You guys look very relaxed and happy!
    I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more about your weaving project!

    Hey @magic71755 - How very cool that Trader Joe's gave you a free case of peaches! 🍑🍑🍑 And I hope this batch is tastier! Your menu is looking so healthy! Roasted broccoli cauliflower and baby potatoes with tahini lemon dressing sounded especially delicious!

    @Mihani - I was thinking about you and your kitty last night, as I was scritching my old kitty. He will likely leave us sometime in the next year, though he may surprise us, so we are trying to appreciate him and his time with us now.

    My ETL day yesterday:
    B - blueberry/spinach/flax seed smoothie, with a side of goji berries
    L - chopped turnip greens with diced turnips and black-eyed peas, with the last of the fermented hot sauce (I need to make more of that this week!); zucchini, tomato & onion salad; a bit of curtido (fermented red cabbage salad); apple
    S - walnuts & apple slices
    D - big salad of kale, romaine, onions and roasted beets, with the avocado-lime-cilantro-tarragon dressing that is my current favorite
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Love roasted broccoli and cauliflower, Magic. Roasting brings out such great flavor.

    Thanks, Austin... kitty still hanging in there. She has actually seemed better the past couple days! I know it's overall going to continue to be a downhill slide. I have mostly decided that I am not going to worry about it anymore, but when she has a couple bad days in a row it is scary and I know the day is coming. You reminded me... I have to try that dressing from HNTD cookbook.

    Today was rough at the office. Got there at 7 a.m. and didn't get out until 6 p.m. I hate these days! I am going to bed early tonight and rest up for another round. The new employee got a good feel for what an "everything hits the fan" kind of day can be like. LOL

    B - it was nearly lunchtime so I had a Dr. McDougall soup (and a few pretzels ugh)
    L - late afternoon hunger so I had my oatmeal that I never ate for breakfast
    D - veggie wrap and an apple