Week 4. Om. :)

mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
Hitting our stride now ladies. Sounds like everyone's got a plan and a place to start. This week I think will just be a couple of mental challenges as we head toward autumn. Events and school looming, and holidays hiding in the very back to jump out at us when we aren't looking.

1. Pick your favorite body part. Eyes, knee caps, whatever it happens to be. Take a minute and strike a pose to show it off. (Just in the mirror or something unless you really want to take it to the next level.) appreciate that part and remind yourself that that part is surrounded by the rest of you- it wouldn't be quite so stunning without its supporting cast. Take a moment to appreciate all the things your body does- with or without you knowing, and the fact that it has not crapped out on you yet despite the years if abuse. :)

2. Put on your most flattering outfit. (You don't have to go anywhere or get dressed up or anything. Unless you wanna.) the one that shows off your best assets and makes you feel like you can conquer anything. Take a selfie. Just on your phone or something but keep it with you.

3. Post a before and after pic. I know some if you just started, so if you don't want to post them that's ok. But this is important. It's a lot harder for us to see changes in ourselves. And our SO's may not see them right either just because they see us everyday too. So maybe once a week take a couple of selfies. Compare down the road when you get to the point (and you will) where you aren't seeing the changes in a dramatic way. And numbers like weight and inches etc are cool when they drop but sometimes do t tell the entire story either.

4. Ok I lied- I thought of a food challenge. Pick your favorite color. Now eat a fruit or veggie that color this week. Bonus points if its one you haven't tried before.
Also, try a fruit or veggie that starts with the first letter if your first name. Be creative with the spelling if you have to-phonetic spelling counts. :)


  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Love these challenges. You are so creative!

    Thank you!
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    anytime! :) glad you're enjoying it. feel free to drop in anytime!
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    i posted a pic from about a year ago when i decided to start losing weight. (it's in my photos. beware- it's an undie shot.) i took another yesterday morning, i figured it's been a while. i haven't really lost much since around february maybe, and i guess it may not be possible i don't know. but i have changed my shape a lot since last year. i'm firmer, more muscular, and quite a bit stronger. not yet where i want to be though. it made me realize that i don't need to see a number on the scale anymore though. i mean, as a general guideline of where i need to be, yes but not as a goal. i'm shifting gears now. i want to be stronger and more flexible. i am going to get into that aerial class- i'm just going to have to be strong enough to fling myself around at the weight i am currently i guess. and i have about 2 months to figure out how to do a pull up.

    so i think i posted this challenge a couple of weeks ago, but it has seriously taken me a little while to sort this out.
    warm up- cardio machine or swimming 20-25 minutes cool down with some yoga
    core activation and back/abs work- 20 minutes bananas, reverse bananas, supermans, planks, leg/arm lifts, c crunches, flutter kicks, parachutes
    m/w/f- arms/back/chest weights and working on hand grip (i didn't even think about that til i grabbed a pull up bar. oooowwwwww.)
    t/th sometimes sat- legs, back,core and balance with weights

    i'm still sorting out specific exercises. not quite comfy in the weight room without someone to watch my form and hubs hasnt been cleared for that yet. so i guess i need to just start light until i've got the form down. maybe hubs can just watch me to make sure. and give me an escort into man land. when did i get so self conscious about lifting???

    i tried arugula. it just tastes like leaves to me, but not quite like lettuce. (My name is Aslay by the way. :bigsmile: ) i nice salad addition every once in a while maybe. it dodn't blow my hair back. really my favorite color is green, but i eat green stuff a lot. so i tried orange. mangoes to be exact (orange on the inside?) not a huge fan as a stand alone, but impossibly good with almonds and coconut. i threw in some peach too. they were starting to get soft.

    i think i might try figs next. they're everywhere. or i might stick with orange and try a persimmon. we have persimmon trees on the farm but i didn't see any ripe ones, so i'll have to forage in the grocery store.