Set em up and knock em down.
I want everyone to post a short term goal (weekly) and a medium term (like a checkpoint 1 time per month) and a long term goal (3-6 months from now). Check in every now and again and post how you're doing, your plan for reaching those goals. if you've had to adjust your plan and definitely if you knocked out of the park.…
Post em up.
Here's our results page. Victory dances encouraged. Weigh and measure for the prechallenge by Saturday night. Don't be shy, but if you are it's not required. No one's going to kick you out or beat you up for it. We'll take measurement once a month (so go get a tape measure from Walmart or somewhere. They're about a dollar…
Week 4. Om. :)
Hitting our stride now ladies. Sounds like everyone's got a plan and a place to start. This week I think will just be a couple of mental challenges as we head toward autumn. Events and school looming, and holidays hiding in the very back to jump out at us when we aren't looking. 1. Pick your favorite body part. Eyes, knee…
so here we are. August. Week 2.
how did everyone do on the week 1 challenge? i have finally started logging again. i hate logging, i really do. but i have to. it helps if i just log in the morning (while work is quiet) and then i know how many calories i have after work (or don't) and have a clear goal in mind for the gym. that's such a grey spot in my…
week 3 here i come.
so i have a weak spot. if i dont see something i can totally ignore it. out of sight out of mind. i mean i know it's still there- i'm not a dog. but i find it really easy to pretend or just not even think about it. and then i get lazy. so maybe i'm more of a cat. this week's food challenge. plan a menu and a shopping list.…
Ideas and inspirations
Here's our melting pot. Playlists, workouts, recipes, inspirational thoughts and pics. Whatever gets you up and smiling. :laugh:
Week 1 Challenge. Gather your thoughts.
For this week the mental challenge is simple. And not so much. Sometimes we go so wrapped up in life, work, kids, parents, school, whatever it is that we lose sight of what's important. But it starts with you, inside your head and your heart. And sometimes your given an absolutely perfect moment- when all the noise and…
Ewwwww get it away get it awaaaaaaaaay!!!!
Everyone has a food they hate. I'm not fond of breen leafies much beyond lettuce. Well, spinach I guess if i have to. Kale can burn in He**. ugh. i have learned to eat baby carrots minus the salad dressing. i despise thee to the very core of my being. Gorgeous to look at, but such a hateful smell when…
If you have an idea for a challenge, post it here. All ideas are welcome, and we'll try to use everyone's ideas. As long as they don't involve explosives or anything that will us arressted. :bigsmile:
Work it Girls. :)
Here's how this is going to go down. This is a personal challenge meaning we're not competing against each other. There's no points to keep up with. This is maybe a bit more of a collaboration. I want input from everyone whenever you want to whenever you can. Venting, celebrating, asking questions, or making suggestions. I…
Hi all of you! How's it going? I have lost about 5 pounds in the last month and I did my first 5K in over 15 years about 9 days ago, so yeah, going well here.
when you're in doubt.
fear is the mind killer. if you feel self doubt creeping in or frustration about a stand still- sing this in your head and reach out to someone. this is why we're here- and we're in it together. :) Don't you ever be sad, Lean on me when times are bad. When the day comes and you're down, In a river of trouble and about to…
week 5. really?
jeez this has gone by fast. the end of summer is in sight (although the summer weather won't be leaving here for at least another month or two.) how are we doing on our goals? i'm finally finding out a good way to do pull ups. :) i did 5 negative chin ups (grip facing me, jump up to the bar and let myself down as slow as i…
I am a chicken fiend, because it is a delicious source of lean protein. However it can get kind of bland after a while. Here is a recipe for Citrus Grilled Chicken: Marinade: Juice and zest of 2 oranges Juice and zest of 2 lemons 1/2 c of olive oil 1/2 c of sweetened lime juice (the kind you use to mix cocktails) salt and…
Well, it's awfully quiet here.
And I feel hungry.
Aunt Flo
For various reasons, Wednesday morning has become my weigh-in morning, although I am sure that will change in a couple of weeks when school starts. (I am a teacher.) This morning I hopped on the scale and I am one pound heavier than last week:sick: .... it's my TOM and I know that water retention is the reason but it is…