TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (August)



  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    @annabananamc good job keeping your eye on the bigger picture!
  • stubbornloser
    stubbornloser Posts: 83 Member
    Thursday weigh-in:
    Previous Week’s Weight: 218
    Today’s Weight: 218.2
  • ethelsmommy
    ethelsmommy Posts: 40 Member
    @heaz10 --you, too! Thank you! I do feel a bit better today. We walked for 40 minutes this morning, which might have been pushing it a little bit in the Florida heat and humidity. I'm aiming for a "napless Thursday," LOL, but if I need to, I will (not like I get a choice, but you know what I mean.) Gotta take each day a step at a time. Have a great one!
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    August 22
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 180
    Current- 180.6
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,026 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes, 50 minutes yardwork

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes, 75 minutes yardwork & puppy walk
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 50 minute walk
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    August 22
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- no
    Exercise- yes ( 30 min walk)
  • Ar_cervantes
    Ar_cervantes Posts: 78 Member
    August 22
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    Friday weigh in

    Last week - 214
    This week - 212.6

    In the right direction again and feeling positive (if a little exhausted) from being back at work and much more in a routine for eating 👍🏻

    Loved all the posts this week but haven’t been on as much to reply. Adding it to my post dinner routine list for next week!
    Happy weekend everyone xx
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Username: jlbtnc
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 199.0
    Todays Weight: 201.6
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Putting this out there because I feel like I need to be accountable without bring the team down with me.

    I am rolling over my weight this week because I refuse to bring the team down with my failure to stay on track during August. Did okay this week (lost 1.6 of what I have gained), but still too much over my posted weight to actually enter into the spreadsheet. As always I’m focused on next week and going to do my best to stay on track.
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini Challenge 8/22 Thursday

    but I really almost feel like I shouldn't count it. I made horrible stress eating decision of Chick-fil-a for lunch, and only recovered because I am still unpacking from move, moving lots of heavy boxes and dragging the dog around the neighborhood. I was in a big funk that I fed with crappy food.

    That ends today!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge - August Week #2 (Sun the 4th to Sat the 10th)

    Winner's Circle - 6 or 7 days:
    @annabananamc (7) - 5th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @heaz10 (7) - 2nd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @mirendybryant (7) - only attempted last week; this week lands in the Winner's Circle!!
    @murdog3t (7) - improved on her Notable Effort to land in the Winner's Circle this week!!
    @Caronell (6) - only attempted last week; this week lands in the Winner's Circle!!
    @cmhubbard92 (6) - 27th week IN A ROW in the Winner's Circle!!

    Notable Effort - 4 or 5 days:
    @abowersgirl (5) - puts in another Notable Effort!!
    @ethelsmommy (4) - dropped out of the WC this week, but still puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @Nicoletime4me (4) - only attempted last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!

    @Ar_cervantes (3)
    @susanpiper57 (3)
    @Tracie_Lord (3)
    @cossmoss15 (1)

    We had 13 participate this week, down from 15 the week before, but our number of Winners increased from four to six!! This week @annabananamc, @heaz10 and @cmhubbard92 were joined at the top by @mirendybryant, @murdog3t and @Caronell. Congratulations to all six for an outstanding week!! Of note, Ann, Heather, Mandy and Tami were accountable for ALL SEVEN DAYS!! Well done!!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    3x yes

    Sunday no
    Monday no
    Tuesday yes
    Wednesday yes
    Thursday yes
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Missing Thursday weigh-ins from:

    @enyagoboom and @sandkp
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 919 Member
    Pre-Tracked, walked/yoga and possibly swimming later, and at

    from 244.8 to 242 (good bye vacay weight luggage ;)
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    Putting this out there because I feel like I need to be accountable without bring the team down with me.

    I am rolling over my weight this week because I refuse to bring the team down with my failure to stay on track during August. Did okay this week (lost 1.6 of what I have gained), but still too much over my posted weight to actually enter into the spreadsheet. As always I’m focused on next week and going to do my best to stay on track.

    @pkg1998 We’re here with you and well done for posting. You’ve turned it around and well done for the 1.6lb loss! You can do this and don’t be too rough on yourself after a week where you’ve lost almost 2lbs! X
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge - August Week #3 (Sun the 11th to Sat the 17th)

    Winner's Circle - 6 or 7 days:
    @annabananamc (7) - 6th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @ethelsmommy (7) - returned to the Winner's Circle after a Notable Effort last week!!
    @heaz10 (7) - 3rd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @murdog3t (7) - 2nd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @Caronell (6) - 2nd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @cmhubbard92 (6) - 28th week IN A ROW in the Winner's Circle!!

    Notable Effort - 4 or 5 days:
    @abowersgirl (5) - puts in another Notable Effort!!
    @susanpiper57 (5) - only attempted last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @Tracie_Lord (5) - only attempted last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @erikNJ (4) - didn't even attempt last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @Nicoletime4me (4) - puts in another Notable Effort!!

    @ForLangston (3)
    @mirendybryant (3)
    @Ar_cervantes (1)

    We had 14 participate this week, up one from the week before, and we had the same number of Winners at six. This week, @annabananamc, @heaz10, @murdog3t, @Caronell and @cmhubbard92 were rejoined at the top by @ethelsmommy!! Congratulations to all six for an outstandiing week!! Of note, Ann, Heather, Tami and EthelsMommy were accountable for ALL SEVEN DAYS!! Well done!!
  • ethelsmommy
    ethelsmommy Posts: 40 Member
    Time to check the stats so far:
    Tuesday, 8.20.19--yes tracking, yes exercise, yes under calories
    Wednesday, 8.21.19--yes tracking, yes exercise, no-went over calories
    Thursday, 8.22.19--yes tracking, yes exercise, yes under calories
    Friday, 8.23.19--yes tracking, yes exercise, yes under calories

    So proud of myself that despite my setback last week at the scale, I still kept trying this week. Thank you, @HASWLRS, for the Notable Effort nod--it helped! And I'm proud to be working hard with a team that totally GETS IT!! Onward, my teammates--ONWARD!

    (Pray for me at the weigh-in tomorrow. :D )
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