What's on your mind today?



  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member

    Love this@
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »

    Love this!
    Every day offers a new beginning.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    “There is no try! Just do or do not!” (Yoda)
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Ran across this post today. As I have struggled a bit to regroup after my vacation (and a bit of pre-vacation lapse), I found it very relevant.


    Loved this. Thank you!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Ran across this post today. As I have struggled a bit to regroup after my vacation (and a bit of pre-vacation lapse), I found it very relevant.


    Awesome! I actually came here looking to start a discussion about solidifying habits, and this touches on it. In my particular case, I just finished my 21st day in a row of “first thing” exercise, and it still feels a little precarious as a habit. The parts of that post that really hit home for me were “minimize the damage” (I’ve been trying to go as easy as I need to if I’m not feeling 100%, and I did a very short version once when I was pressed for time just to keep the habit going), and “what derails you/get better at noticing”. That last bit I’m going to give some thought to this morning.

    Does anyone have other advice for our overlapping topics of “Solidifying Habits” or “Restarting”?
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    @jan110144 and @KCJen thank you both so much for sharing your thoughts on this!

    "Over time, I spend less time in the old behavior and more time in the new...One needs to accept that the longer the old behavior has been in place, the more one experiences the need to "restart" since the old behaviors are the more automatic and will take over when something interferes with making the choice to behave differently."

    I agree with everything you said @jan110144, but these sentences stand out for me because they sum up my thinking lately. My weight chart here on MFP starts Feb '13 and it looks like a falling mountain range. I wish I were one of those people who lost their weight efficiently and then just kept it off, plain and simple. But comfort eating and "energy eating" were incredibly ingrained for me. For a long time I was convinced that all I could do was avoid the situations that caused that response, that the response itself was unchangeable. It's always possible I will relapse again in the future, but for now it feels like I've broken those particular bad habits.

    @KCJen congrats on quitting smoking, and all the other positive actions you are taking. Very very inspiring. You're so right about avoiding negative self-talk. Improved mental health has been a huge part of this for me.

    I did some thinking about what derails me from my morning exercise habit, and although I haven't yet been derailed completely, one reason my new habit has felt precarious is that I have delayed starting on several days and thought about skipping it altogether. The first week or so was easy, and then I started drifting back toward my old habit of sitting on my phone for a bit in the morning, scrolling through Instagram or the news or MFP. The draw is that this time felt very luxurious. Like an hour long bubble bath.

    Thinking about it, I recognize that the first hour after I wake up is a very special time in that I almost never have any competing obligations, so it's wise to use this time for something that is important to me. There will probably be time to sit on my phone later in the day and if not, it's fine, because it IS an indulgence.

    Assuming I will falter at some point, there is lots in this restart conversation to draw upon in getting me going again. Thanks again for your insights.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @goldthistime "Thinking about it, I recognize that the first hour after I wake up is a very special time in that I almost never have any competing obligations"

    Amen! Truly, I think this is the absolute best part about being retired. It has gotten so that if I happen to have an early morning appt, I will.set my alarm to wake up earlier than normal just to make sure I have this time.
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,714 Member
    I tracked I logged I exercised
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    edited August 2019
    WOW! I really enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

    I am in the restarting group. I was a member of UAC for quite a long time a few years ago. When I went back to work I stopped checking in and easily got back into my old habits. I have learned a lot about myself and my triggers that I am hoping will help me in my journey.
    I am doing low carb and tracking my calories but I am not following any program. For me this is working as I do not handle failure very good and before if I was following a program and had something I shouldn't have had I would get down on myself. Now with nothing off limits if I make an unwise choice I track it and move on. I do not beat myself up over it. Our weight loss journey is our way of life and we will have our ups and downs so I had to find my way. I do not usually eat bread, pasta, wheat, flour or potato but I tell myself if I ever REALLY want it I can have it. Funny how in 60 days I have only had it 3 times and still ended up with low carb counts on those days.

    @KCJen you are amazing, quitting smoking and now working on healthy eating. YOU GO THIS! Looking forward to sharing your journey :D
    @jan110144 thank you for sharing with us. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. I understand you are at maintenance range, correct me if I am wrong. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you :)
    @goldthistime I love your idea of solidifying habits, This is what I am trying to do. Starting over includes focusing on the habits that work and making them instinct. I find your posts very inspiring
    @Ketch_22 & @TerriRichards I love your quotes
    @w8goal4life Thank you for all the pictures you share. I absolutely love the moon and sun quotes
    @am_change I am so glad you are are back here too and we will be sharing this journey together as well. I always love reading your posts and the encouragement you give to others. For the record I am going to be a TURTLE!
    @ConfidentRaven You only need 20 minutes total a day, You go girl! You are doing GREAT. If you struggle with the 20 now it will get easier as time goes on. I have so much respect for people who struggle but continue to try!

    Keep on keeping on! Hugs everyone!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @ConfidentRaven The 20 minutes per day is to encourage at least that amount of intentional exercise. I don't overthink it. Do whatever works for you.
  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    @am_change I totally understand about the hair! I've debated getting a new hair style for quite some time, but haven't had the guts to go short again.
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    Hair...my least favorite topic...only because I haven't changed my hair for probably 30 years. I'm as archaic as they get. At almost 70, my hair is still long. I have no color that is not natural...but it's mousy color on the sides & back and mostly gray in the front. I just wish it was all white. My sister just told me yesterday she had her hair cut short and feels she looks 10 years younger. I think that's just her way to coerce me into cutting mine. She's been telling me to cut it ever since I turned 40. Think I would die of "FRIGHT" if I were to make a change and actually look in the mirror!