Friday Aug 16th weigh-in/challenge

aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
I hope this week finds each of you well. Remember to post your weight here and on the spreadsheet.

This weeks challenge: I borrowed this from a member (and she doesn't even know it:wink: )

Treat yourself to a subscription to a fitness magazine or purchase a health/fitness book. :heart: If you don't want to purchase one then go to the library and check one out. Please post what your choice is and why so we can share with others.

Also go on Youtube and type in Weight transformations or Weight loss and view a video or two. To say the very least they are inspiring!:flowerforyou: I watched 3 today. One brought me to tears.:cry: And the transformation..........amazing. If you have a favorite post a link here for others to view.


  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    UGH, I am up over 3 lbs. I have been so focused and it just wasn't there this week. Lots of extra stresses with work and family. I am letting those go right now.

    On a GREAT note, I swam the whole hour last night. It was the last night they were open, but I did it. I can feel it this morning.

    My hubby has to work tomorrow so I am going to call the gym and make sure someone can give me a tour and I can get started on my new journey. I am in hopes of going over 2 nights a week. I am still walking with my sister for our 3 miles in 1 hour the rest of the days if possible. We cut about 5 minutes off our time so we added looping thru different residential blocks to add it back. It's also a great way to see what the rest of the town is up to. Small towns, gotta love them.

    As for the challenge this week. YES, you came up with another good one. I have been reading about the new weight lifting for women book on the forums for weeks. I will double check the title and look out Amazon, here I come. The timing is perfect for me. Good idea on the YouTube video's too. It's amazing how someone else can hit spot on what you are feeling.

    Have a great week my friends. Hopefully I am retaining and I get to see some great numbers next week.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I'm finally in the 140's! I am at 148 lbs as of today. I'm so happy!!!

    Yes, I love watching YouTube vlogs of people's weight loss journeys! I'll get a magazine this week since I have not yet looked at one for motivation. :D
  • JasminPowerRESET
    JasminPowerRESET Posts: 19 Member
    hello everyone!
    I'm a 179 lbs. Lost one pound since last week and a total of 10 kg all together. Totally happy about that!
    Tried out a new circle training at the gym which nearly killed me ;-)

    looking foward to this week's challenge.

    Have a nice weekend!!
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    Congrats determined_erin and jasminPower. Getting into that next set of numbers on the scale is such a great feeling.
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    I'm at 137 this week. Under the circumstances I am happy. My husband took me and my peg leg out to dinner last night. That was interesting. They looked at me like I was dis formed because I came in with this silly boot on. By the time we got home I hit my chair and fell asleep. Tiring first journey. lol After I woke up I did my 5 minutes on the elliptical. Oh my goodness that was exhausting. My husband is thrilled though because he can, for the first time, do the elliptical longer and faster than me. :happy: :laugh:

    As for the challenge I am looking into a magazine subscription. Do any of you have favorite fitness magazines?

    Congrats to those of you who have done so fantastic this week! :drinker:
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member

    This is today's YouTube favorite.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    Okay. When I was traipsing about today, I bought a new cook book.... 1,001 low-fat vegetarian recipes - full of great nutrition info as well as recipes. VERY FEW recipes are over 30% calories from fat :bigsmile: I have read through the info and two "chapters" .... is it bad that I already have a list of recipes to incorporate into my menus the next couple weeks??? :wink: There are a tone of soups that sound YUMMY! :bigsmile:

    On to find other goodies of the reading variety (I eat pages like candy!!! aNewMiniMe found my weakness!!!!! LOL)
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    Okay I bought FitnessRx. I read it from cover to cover and found a few interesting tid-bits with in the magazine however I also found that they repeated a number of statements, just in a different format. There were very few articles just a large number of what I would call sound bites. One small paragraph. Also, one sound bite might contradict another. I feel this magazine is geared toward those who are within their BMI range and want to build toward perfection and/or competition.

    That being said I will not be ordering a monthly subscription. It's not for me. .