Fibre and Flax-seeds

EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
Hi Guys, one of my big concerns with the Keto diet is the digestive system.... specifically getting enough fibre.... I see that Flax seeds pretty much packs the most amount of fibre out of anything.... Do you use them, and if so, what kind of recipes do you use them in?


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    We haven't needed to add them yet. No problems with digestion so far. But we're coffee drinkers, and coffee seems to keep things moving.

    The magnesium supplement will also help digestion.

    I like taking Apple pectin for other reasons... But it is high fiber with zero side effects.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Flax needs to be ground otherwise they just pass through you whole.
    To retain the polyunsaturated fatty acids, store your flaxseed—whole or ground—in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. If you do buy pre-ground, be sure your storage container is dark—and not made of metal, which contains minerals that contribute to fat breakdown. Best bet: Buy whole. Grind only what you need. Relish the freshness. (Note: Whole flaxseeds are very hard and will pass through your body undigested if you don’t grind them before sprinkling them on your cereal or salad. A coffee grinder or small food processor does a fabulous job of “freeing” the nutrients of your flax so that you can absorb them.)
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    Hello. I use the plain brown ones ground up (can use a coffee grinder to do this) and mix them in coffee with chocolate protein powder and coconut oil. Makes a nice Keto mocha meal :)
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2019
    I also like them because they have omega 3’s :) It’s not as much as you get from fish oil, but you get the fiber too. I just use one heaping tablespoon of ground seeds
  • mmultanen
    mmultanen Posts: 1,029 Member
    Honestly I don't worry about getting enough fiber. I do use the Calm Magnesium supplement which keeps things moving. I have been doing this 4+ years with tweaks here and there and I find that if I eat mostly unprocessed meats and fats, and focus on leafy greens things move along just fine. If I start getting more processed food in me well, things stop moving.

    Growing up, my dad drank psyllium husks straight up in water. It just pushes everything out. According to him. So...there's always that route. :grimace:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I haven't had digestive issues either. I do drink coffee twice a day and take magnesium supplements. I do incorporate flax seed occasionally.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    To be honest, my fiber is over my daily recommended almost everyday. I do eat veggies and my unsweetened cocoa powder has fiber...
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Fiber is another one of those things that we really don’t need as much of as cereal companies would like us to believe.

    And I personally, wouldn’t eat flax if you paid me.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Flax seed, chia seed, and soy are not in my diet anymore. I’ve read other legumes like peanuts may increase estrogen in the body as well.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Flax seed, chia seed, and soy are not in my diet anymore. I’ve read other legumes like peanuts may increase estrogen in the body as well.

    Soy was one of the first things I ever cut out of my diet. I thought it was healthy... But it caused me to gain weight... Fast!

    I've tried telling every guy I date about soy getting converted to estrogen!

    Good to know the other foods that convert to estrogen!!!

    Red wine also. I drink red wine when I need to increase my estrogen.

  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Im not going to eat much flax seed, just enough to boost up my fibre if I need it..
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Top 200 Foods in fiber. You can change the serving size to 100 grams or 200 calories.
    Rose hips are tasty and high in vitamin c. I'd also go with avocados, cinnamon, and cocoa powder. I'm mostly carnivore so I don't really need much fiber but I do like having a variety of foods on occasion.
  • Keliz1173
    Keliz1173 Posts: 186 Member
    When I've had trouble with digestive stuff I've used ground flax mixed into the fat bombs I make. I have also made chia seed pudding with unsweetened coconut or cashew milk and cocoa power and that is also a way to help things keep moving through your system.

    Usually I try to get most fiber from veggies.

  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    I have 1 heaping ground up tablespoon of flax a day - most days. I have PCOS. I’ve read that there has been some research for PCOS (a tiny amount) that it MIGHT be beneficial. It CAN affect hormones. Google PCOS flax seed and studies and case reviews in ncbi will appear. I only occasionally have anything with soy. But a few years ago I did lose weight on Medifast and it is Soy based even with the estrogen concerns with PCOS. It is a good sub if you are craving black beans (black soy beans) because it is low carb. But with my hormones being wacky anyway I usually just avoid soy altogether.
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    And there has been more recent human and animal studies reviews saying flax MIGHT be useful to decrease tumor size. Originally because it is estrogenic I think years ago they did NOT recommend it. But if you google Flax and Breast Cancer again you will see recent literature reviews for breast cancer and flax seed as something to add to your diet with certain breast cancers. I can add links. But honestly super easy to google and see all the medical journals listed under ncbi. I did a bunch of research when I started keto on PCOS goods also because I wanted to eat healthier as well as lose weight. This was something I added based on my own comfort level and what I found.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I've read iodine deficiency could play a role in PCOS.
    "According to Dr. Jorge Flechas, PCOS is a scar tissue disease caused by a lack of iodine. He suggests that low iodine levels are responsible for the production of cysts, nodules, growths, and scar tissue. Iodine deficiency is the cause of such diseased tissues no matter where they occur in the body."
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    I don't have PCOS, but a family member does. This sounded interesting so I looked him up. One of the first things that came up in my search is a document that is a list of charges against Dr. Flechas, which was brought by the NC Medical Board. A hearing was scheduled back in 2007. I did not see information about the disposition of the case, but didn't look hard. Therefore, I suggest that anyone interested in his work look further into the charges and determine what the outcome was.
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks @TheDevastator I appreciate the information. I think they discovered a specific protein in the last couple of years that appears in childhood and may contribute (or be a part of) the PCOS process. It starts earlier than you think an I’m hoping that they have more information out by the time my daughter hits her teen years so maybe she doesn’t have some of the same things happen to her as she gets in her twenties to thirties. It seems to be genetic and in my family I can point out a line of us that seem to have symptoms that were not diagnosed like I was. PCOS wasn’t diagnosed back in my grandmothers time like it is now.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Medical boards can be jerks and bring up charges for doctors that recommend alternative therapies. I looked up the charges and they had nothing to do with the iodine PCOS theory. I know quite a few doctors that have had trouble with medical boards for recommending keto or carnivore. I also found this video:
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Medical boards can be jerks and bring up charges for doctors that recommend alternative therapies. I looked up the charges and they had nothing to do with the iodine PCOS theory. I know quite a few doctors that have had trouble with medical boards for recommending keto or carnivore. I also found this video:


    This is so true! I can't tell you all the things I've heard doctors say behind the scenes at medical conferences (or a Holiday Ball) that they would lose their licenses for if they recommended to a patient.

    And, I put three to four drops of liquid kelp (iodine) into my water bottle every day or two for hormonal support!! ;)
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    LOL, ⏫ reasons I take a lot of the controversial things I take... The things doctors can't tell you!!
  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Not sure how this turned in to a PCOS discussion, but this is good, keep it coming. My wife has PCOS and has just started Keto.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Some prebiotic fiber foods
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    LOL, ⏫ reasons I take a lot of the controversial things I take... The things doctors can't tell you!!
    Alternative health has taught me so much. I’m thankful for the GAPS diet, low carb, and carnivore which has saved my health.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited July 2019
    LOL, ⏫ reasons I take a lot of the controversial things I take... The things doctors can't tell you!!
    Alternative health has taught me so much. I’m thankful for the GAPS diet, low carb, and carnivore which has saved my health.


    Same. I had a lot of health issues that doctors wanted to stick me on prescription meds for a cash cow. Or perform unnecessary surgeries. Things that I cured (not taking herbal supplements for) cured!

    I've almost died a handful of times from being misdiagnosed.

    lol, and it kills me when I suggest something for a specific virus or disease to someone suffering, and they say.... "When I asked my dr about that, he says that doesn't work or that's toxic."

    I just reply..."Stick to the prescriptions your dr has you on, I'm sure your dr knows best and is looking out for your best interest."

    While thinking..."Well genius, the prescriptions you're on have ten pages of side effects each, known to destroy the liver, obviously isn't working if you've been on the same meds and in pain for two years with the same dr, meanwhile my friend or family member who took what I'm suggesting and listened is out of the wheelchair, no pain, and has a full life again."

    And half the Drs if sick wouldn't be taking that prescription, but will lose license if they don't follow the FDA/pharmaceutical script Erg.

    Cancer is the big one...."I've been given 6 months to a year, but my doctor says apricot pits and graviola tea are poisonous."

    WTH?? Even after I tell them behind the scenes at medical oncology conference two oncologists, a cardiologist, and a pharmaceutical representive (all were guest speakers at the conference) all confirmed to my late hubby that they all take b17 (two in form of tablets, two ate apricot pits daily).

    Oh well, can't save everyone!

    Lol, sorry original post got hijacked... Happens frequently.

  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I’m glad I haven’t had to deal with cancer yet myself. Sounds like you’ve had a tough time with it. Most Doctors only know drugs and have limited education on nutrition. All thanks to the pharmaceutical corporations.

  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I’m glad I haven’t had to deal with cancer yet myself. Sounds like you’ve had a tough time with it. Most Doctors only know drugs and have limited education on nutrition. All thanks to the pharmaceutical corporations.


    I haven't had cancer, I've watched family and friends go through it. And I try and tell them about what myself and hubby would hear at the oncology conferences or doctor's social functions.. behind the scenes... Every single one of them had said, "my oncologist says that's poison (or toxic)."

    And every single one of them is deceased now from cancer....

    I hate the medical field, which is why I got out of it.

    I would even tell family... You've been handed a death sentence, try everything and anything... But they just say..."my oncologist advises against that, and I'm going to listen to my oncologist."

    All I can say at that point is..."good luck with that."

    Within a year, I'm at their funeral.

    It's sickening!!
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I agree with you to try anything and everything you can that sounds reasonable if you have cancer. I’ve been reading Aajonus Vonderplanitz’s book and he is about raw meat to help with issues like cancer which is funny because the Gerson therapy recommends carrot and lettuce juice and used to recommend raw liver for cancer treatment.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I agree with you to try anything and everything you can that sounds reasonable if you have cancer. I’ve been reading Aajonus Vonderplanitz’s book and he is about raw meat to help with issues like cancer which is funny because the Gerson therapy recommends carrot and lettuce juice and used to recommend raw liver for cancer treatment.

    I've heard more than one doctor say that they believe almost all cancers are diet related. I've heard a couple say around 70%, heard a couple say around 85%.

    I would estimate even higher than that. I'm pro-berries, asparagus, and fruit seeds/pits (apple and apricot especially) when it comes to cancer prevention. I don't like to eat apples, just the seeds, lol.
  • Jessimom2
    Jessimom2 Posts: 109 Member
    Sorry to hijack the post! But just sharing why besides fiber I looked into having some flax everyday :)

    I also LOVE dried seaweed chips. Enough iodine for a full day with one pack. Love to supliment with real food when I can. I crave those little packs!