Reading Keto Diastix

EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
Hi guys, sorry if this has been asked before..

The Keto Diastix have a 8 colours.... is the top the best result or should I be somewhere in the middle? I am current around the 40 mark (moderate). Should I be aiming to get higher?



  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I read 5-40 is where I ketoers want to fall.

    The large, I believe is where Diabetics range.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    You really don’t have the control over this like people claim you do.
    Urine ketones are just wasted ketones. Tells you nothing about ketone utilization fatty acid metabolism
    Anyone can get any range of colors throughout the day and it’s more influenced by hydration than ketone production.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited July 2019
    Exactly! I only checked ketones on day 5 after starting keto. More out of curiosity. Haven't checked since.

    Because the more your body uses the ketones being produced, the less that will be wasted in urine.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member

    I read you don't want to go over this one, 40 moderate.

  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Oh perfect.... Thats pretty much where I am :)
  • SameMeLessFat
    SameMeLessFat Posts: 11 Member
    Mine fluctuate all the time. As long as it changes at all you are good. Don’t get too hung up on trying to hit a certain color
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    I've always kinda been curious about my ketones, but in the 13 months that I've been eating this way I've never once checked my levels. Perhaps I'll pick up some strips next time I happen to be in the store.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited July 2019
    There is no specific number on those that is “better” than any other.
    You need to look at it as a positive or negative.
    You either are definitely making ketones = any color
    Or you are maybe not making ketones = no color.
    That is all. The color is irrelevant. Test and drink a big glass of water and your color will get lighter. Doesn’t mean water made you make less ketones. Don’t drink much water and it’ll get darker. Doesn’t mean not drinking water puts you in deeper Ketosis.

    Positive. Or maybe negative. That’s all they can tell you.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited July 2019

    I don't have diabetes, but I still drink a lot of water.

    Shooting to go darker on the little pee strip shouldn't be a goal.

    Like Sunny_Bunny said...I don't think it's something to worry about.

    Unless diabetic.

    Going low carb probably gets routine, like anything else in life. I get the sense some of the people who have been low carbers for a long time, forget the initial feeling of this WOE being so new and exciting (new found energy, new hormonal changes, new sciences to learn). For us newbies, it's fun to check the urine strips out of curiosity or just for fun in the beginning.

    Seeing the strip turn pink and giggling with a "Hehehe, Yes, it worked!!" lol.

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    High ketones are only a problem with high blood sugar. It’s a dehydrating illness. It’s the dehydration that makes it dangerous and that’s caused by the high blood sugar first then from the eventually very high ketones which only build up to that level out of a combination of dehydration preventing them from being removed and the desperate need for an energy source to stay alive. So the ketones are keeping the diabetic person alive...
  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback guys.