Expressions of Interest: Petition to MFP to better track net carbs.

Hi All, as KETO champions you all know that tracking carbs is super important for us.... As you are here you probably also know that MFP is awesome, but does not make it easy to track Net Carbs....

So I am proposing we formulate a Petition in the features part of the forums and get a lot of support in there.

People like big numbers, so I would like to think that 10,000 would make a reasonable impression on the administrators of this site.

My plan would be that I (or someone else) writes a persuasive brief on the reason why tracking Net Carbs is important to Keto'ers. This gets posted to the Feature request forum, and we find 9,999 other people to come in and agree...

What do you think? Do you agree with this? Do you disagree? Do you have a better idea? Let me know...


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I think the net carb feature is one that comes in the paid premium membership. I honestly don't know from personal experience, I try not to pay for weight loss help.
  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Im surprised no one has responded.... I guess that is why an expression of interest is a good idea :)
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    Premium (as far as I know) does not track net carbs. The problem with trying to track net carbs is this is an international site and some countries (European countries) list net carbs on food labels while the US does not. As long as there is a disparity in how the info is presented with the food, there is no universal way to integrate it into the app.

    I know there is an add-in (not MFP sanctioned) that will do it for you, but I don't know where to find it.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Here's the links I have from the Low Carber Daily.
    I don't bother with them myself as I just put my Carbs and Fiber columns beside one another and do the math, so I can't say if they all still work.
    baconslave wrote: »
    • Overview
      CavemanKeto Website
      Overview of the process to install the scripts required to have MFP Food Diary calculate and display "net" carbs
      You need to load the Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) extension in order to use the scripts. Once you have it installed, if you click on the .JS files in the following links, the extension should pick them up and ask if you want to install them.
      Links to the individual scripts are provided below
    • Net Carb Script
      Shows net carbs and little pie charts in your diary. Requires the protein, fat, carbs, and fiber columns.
    • Percentages and Pie Charts Script
      Shows the percentages and pie charts like the "Net Carb Script," but without the net carb column. Requires the protein, fat, and carbs columns. Does not require the fiber column.
    • Macro Settings Script
      Improves the macro goals in settings.
      (Note: This one may not work right now, due to the recent changes MFP made to the goal setting interface. It's potentially permanently broken.)
    • Calorie Hiding Script
      Hides the calorie column in your diary. Useful for ad libitum challenges.


  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    edited August 2019
    Tamper monkey is the one I constantly see people talk about that they use with the paid premium membership. Sorry, forgot that part.

    I wish my macros chart would automatically subtract fiber. But I honestly don't mind reading through my nutrients and subtracting fiber.

    Going to be a drama queen here, but on MFP, doing keto, I honestly feel like leper in the overall view of majority of the MFP community.

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Stupid Simple Macros
    Carb Manager

    Just a few of the multitude of of trackers that have net carbs as an option. Try one of those rather than trying to get MFP to change. Much easier.

    I like Cromometer (for more detail than I'd ever use) and Stupid Simple for just the basics. The only blatant error I've found on Stupid Simple is the "corn" entry but a die hard ketoer wouldn't be eating corn anyway. I'm sure there are more errors. I just haven't come across them.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    edited August 2019
    Tamper monkey is the one I constantly see people talk about that they with the paid premium membership. Sorry, forgot that part.

    I wish my macros chart would automatically subtract fiber. But I honestly don't mind reading through my nutrients and subtracting fiber.

    Going to be a drama queen here, but on MFP, doing keto, I honestly feel like leper in the overall view of majority of the MFP community.

    Believe it or not, it was 10X worse a few years ago. :confounded:
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Tamper monkey is the one I constantly see people talk about that they with the paid premium membership. Sorry, forgot that part.

    I wish my macros chart would automatically subtract fiber. But I honestly don't mind reading through my nutrients and subtracting fiber.

    Going to be a drama queen here, but on MFP, doing keto, I honestly feel like leper in the overall view of majority of the MFP community.

    Believe it or not, it was 10X worse a few years ago. :confounded:

    WOW, just WOW!!! lol
  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    woos on comments about my cystic pains being gone.

    I'm just like, how can a decrease in pain be a bad thing in anyone's eyes...

    I suffer from a disease and severe hormone issues that have significantly improved with keto. Didn't expect it, it just happened.

    Yeah, I got the same reactions when I mentioned that going low carb/keto lessened my autoimmune joint inflammation by a great deal and helped with migraine control. As if having quality of life again was a bad thing.

  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I am running tampermonkey with a script now (I am not on premium) and it definitely helps.

    Thanks for update. Awesome to know you don't have to have the premium to work with it...I might try to figure it out.
  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Remember this script REQUIRES the following columns: Fat, Protein, Carbs, Fiber!
    Chrome: Install Tampermonkey.
    Safari: Install Tampermonkey.
    Firefox: Install Tampermonkey
    Internet Explorer: Not sure anymore, old plugin is gone.
    ALL: After installing the plugin, go to mfpketo.user.js to install.
    Just visit mfpketo.user.js and click Upgrade.
    Q: Food item shows up in red and says bad data?! What gives?!
    A: Someone added the food item incorrectly, and put net carbs in the carbs value, and so the fiber subtracts from it, making negative carbs. Nothing I can really do about this without modifying more data than I wish to.
    Q: I get NaN's in the Net Carb column!
    A: It may be you didn't have all the required columns added, go to and make sure all the columns required are there (most likely, you need to add the fiber column).
    Q: What about sugar alcohols?
    A: Since MFP does not recognize these as a seperate nutrition, it will simply be up to the data entry (don't include it in carbs) or the user will have to know to ignore it.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @Emmapatterson1729 and others. re the WOO, I think that sometimes, indeed quite often, people use the woo button to go 'woo hoo' as in 'that's great' I've noticed in various comments where I'm sure the people commenting are saying and meaning positive things and then putting a 'woo'. I kind of look at it as an MTP glitch. Maybe they (MFP) should change it so that people don't have an IMOJ that can be viewed as a negative comment. Certainly not one that people do by accident thinking they're being nice!
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    @Emmapatterson1729 and others. re the WOO, I think that sometimes, indeed quite often, people use the woo button to go 'woo hoo' as in 'that's great' I've noticed in various comments where I'm sure the people commenting are saying and meaning positive things and then putting a 'woo'. I kind of look at it as an MTP glitch. Maybe they (MFP) should change it so that people don't have an IMOJ that can be viewed as a negative comment. Certainly not one that people do by accident thinking they're being nice!

    Depends on the context. I see where the woos get hit for a positive on the success stories, but the common woos on keto or clean eating are negative, these posts and comments are almost always attacked with arguments and insults.

    But, I totally agree that there shouldn't be a negative reaction on a support forum for health and weight-loss.
  • chelny
    chelny Posts: 179 Member
    I mainly track total carbs. I figure the fiber is basically a bit of a cushion. As I’m entering each food/meal, I consider the macros. It’s not like I’m surprised at the end of the day. But everyone is different. I wish you well on your endeavor.
  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    I thought Woo just meant Wooo!! like a woohoo without the hoo.... but then again, have never used that button.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I thought Woo just meant Wooo!! like a woohoo without the hoo.... but then again, have never used that button.

    It's the MFP dislike button!

    I don't get it...FB doesn't even have a negative dislike reaction, why in the hell would a support forum have one?!?!

    I personally believe it's used as a form of online cyber bullying in general forums.
  • spacedoutmfp
    spacedoutmfp Posts: 5 Member
    I just subtract carbs - fiber. For custom entries, I add net carbs already.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Honestly, I find it pretty darn simple to just glance at my diary and do the math, it's not really that hard.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    I thought Woo just meant Wooo!! like a woohoo without the hoo.... but then again, have never used that button.

    It's the MFP dislike button!

    I don't get it...FB doesn't even have a negative dislike reaction, why in the hell would a support forum have one?!?!

    I personally believe it's used as a form of online cyber bullying in general forums.

    Yeah. It absolutely is by some members. They have several threads in the Main Forum arguing/discussing ("they" being the members.)
    I'd discuss it more over PM if you're interested on my take on things, since I've been around to see all the evolutions this site has undergone since 2014.

    But let's leave that topic and enjoy how awesome we are in here and the Low Carber Daily. :wink:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Honestly, I find it pretty darn simple to just glance at my diary and do the math, it's not really that hard.

    That's what I do. I put the columns beside one another and to the quick math required.
    You can write down the Net # in your Notes if you like.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Here's the links I have from the Low Carber Daily.
    I don't bother with them myself as I just put my Carbs and Fiber columns beside one another and do the math, so I can't say if they all still work.
    baconslave wrote: »
    • Overview
      CavemanKeto Website
      Overview of the process to install the scripts required to have MFP Food Diary calculate and display "net" carbs
      You need to load the Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) extension in order to use the scripts. Once you have it installed, if you click on the .JS files in the following links, the extension should pick them up and ask if you want to install them.
      Links to the individual scripts are provided below
    • Net Carb Script
      Shows net carbs and little pie charts in your diary. Requires the protein, fat, carbs, and fiber columns.
    • Percentages and Pie Charts Script
      Shows the percentages and pie charts like the "Net Carb Script," but without the net carb column. Requires the protein, fat, and carbs columns. Does not require the fiber column.
    • Macro Settings Script
      Improves the macro goals in settings.
      (Note: This one may not work right now, due to the recent changes MFP made to the goal setting interface. It's potentially permanently broken.)
    • Calorie Hiding Script
      Hides the calorie column in your diary. Useful for ad libitum challenges.


    To note: I'm the maintainer for the Calorie Hiding Script and Percentages and Pie Charts Script. I've since quit using them, myself, but if anyone wants to use them and runs into trouble (MFP has changed a fair bit since I last did anything with them) feel free to drop me a line or submit an issue in the Github project -

    In other words, I'm still here and am willing to work on it!
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I thought Woo just meant Wooo!! like a woohoo without the hoo.... but then again, have never used that button.

    It's the MFP dislike button!

    I don't get it...FB doesn't even have a negative dislike reaction, why in the hell would a support forum have one?!?!

    I personally believe it's used as a form of online cyber bullying in general forums.

    Yeah. It absolutely is by some members. They have several threads in the Main Forum arguing/discussing ("they" being the members.)
    I'd discuss it more over PM if you're interested on my take on things, since I've been around to see all the evolutions this site has undergone since 2014.

    But let's leave that topic and enjoy how awesome we are in here and the Low Carber Daily. :wink:


    Agreed...The groups are awesome!

  • imatraveldiva
    imatraveldiva Posts: 15 Member
    i appreciate the support. i am new to keto. i have sent fr if you dont mind accepting. i need to see support on my feed. ☺️
  • EelkoDoesKeto
    EelkoDoesKeto Posts: 72 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Here's the links I have from the Low Carber Daily.
    I don't bother with them myself as I just put my Carbs and Fiber columns beside one another and do the math, so I can't say if they all still work.
    baconslave wrote: »
    • Overview
      CavemanKeto Website
      Overview of the process to install the scripts required to have MFP Food Diary calculate and display "net" carbs
      You need to load the Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox) extension in order to use the scripts. Once you have it installed, if you click on the .JS files in the following links, the extension should pick them up and ask if you want to install them.
      Links to the individual scripts are provided below
    • Net Carb Script
      Shows net carbs and little pie charts in your diary. Requires the protein, fat, carbs, and fiber columns.
    • Percentages and Pie Charts Script
      Shows the percentages and pie charts like the "Net Carb Script," but without the net carb column. Requires the protein, fat, and carbs columns. Does not require the fiber column.
    • Macro Settings Script
      Improves the macro goals in settings.
      (Note: This one may not work right now, due to the recent changes MFP made to the goal setting interface. It's potentially permanently broken.)
    • Calorie Hiding Script
      Hides the calorie column in your diary. Useful for ad libitum challenges.


    To note: I'm the maintainer for the Calorie Hiding Script and Percentages and Pie Charts Script. I've since quit using them, myself, but if anyone wants to use them and runs into trouble (MFP has changed a fair bit since I last did anything with them) feel free to drop me a line or submit an issue in the Github project -

    In other words, I'm still here and am willing to work on it!

    Still works perfectly. Job done right :)
  • jamm70
    jamm70 Posts: 2 Member
    Carb manager is great for keto does the net carbs for you and has alot of great feature's in the free version
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I just moved the fiber column right next to carbs so it just takes a quick glance to see it. Although, I see better results when I am eating based on my true carb number.