

  • ChoseMyChains
    ChoseMyChains Posts: 116 Member
    Week 4 Challenge from Shrinking Assets
    This week is going to be about what makes us happy or thankful. Let’s make a list of those items. But how long is the list going to be? Well, it’s all about your age. Add the 2 numbers of your age together. For example, I am 55, so 5+5=10. My list will have 10 things that make me happy or thankful. Everyday take a few items from your list and share it with the your teammates.

    Well...I am 33 so I'll have six on my list.

    My first and foremost is my daughter. Every day I look at her and smile. She is a strength within me to keep me going no matter what is in my way.

    However this weight loss journey has slowly tore me apart. Last night I made pasta with biscuits topped with garlic, cheese, and Italian seasoning for her and my husband. She was so sad cause I didn't eat the exact same as them. I made myself zoodles and sauce with asiago chips instead. So it was close enough for me but not for her.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    Great i get 13. I will start with my family, they make me want to be strong forever to support them. In spite of everything yesterday it was great spending time with my daughter.
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Week 4, Monday
    PW: 184.5 lb
    CW: 182.8 lb

    This month's results are less than normal for me, and in trying to unpack, it has been a bit of an odd month. I have noticed that my monthly cycle has an effect on my weight, and usually that is once a month, so a slow week is made up for by the other weeks of the month (and a bit of a "whoosh" after my period). But this month, for some reason I ended up with a double period (only 13 days between cycles) and as such two 'slow' weeks, but I only had one "whoosh" week (after my normal period, but not after my unexpected second period).

    But other things could have had an effect on my weight too - I have felt more stressed this month, have had a few late nights (not abiding by my bedtime!) and have been eating sugar-free chocolate regularly (3 days a week) which I didn't used to eat, and might be having an impact.

    So, goals for next month are to put more effort into reducing stress, going to bed at a better time, and cut back on the chocolate.
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Week 4 Challenge from Shrinking Assets
    This week is going to be about what makes us happy or thankful. Let’s make a list of those items. But how long is the list going to be? Well, it’s all about your age. Add the 2 numbers of your age together. For example, I am 55, so 5+5=10. My list will have 10 things that make me happy or thankful. Everyday take a few items from your list and share it with the your teammates.

    I'm 40, so get off easy with only 4 things to list!

    1. I'm grateful for the natural world, and having the privilege to live in such a beautiful place. My home is a suburb between a mountain and the ocean. Almost every day I walk by the beach (in warm weather on the beach, in cooler weather overlooking the sea), and if I turn the other way, my view is of a forested mountain (in fact, at the right angle I can look at both the mountains and the sea at the same time).

    My home itself is nothing special, but on a nice day I can sit in the sun outside or go for a walk, breath in clean air, smell the salt spray, look at the trees, water, or animal life, and appreciate our co-dependence and interconnectedness to all things.

    Yesterday I went canoing with my family at a river about 1 hour from where we live, it was so peaceful, and we saw wombats in the wild for the first time (normally they are nocturnal, and we'd only seen them in a zoo, or dead by the side of the road). We were able to get up really close. My daughter wanted to pat it, but I reminded her that it is a wild animal and could bite if it felt threatened. We also saw an echidna, which is rare for us to see. The day before, we saw a blue tongue lizard in our backyard - which we knew had been living there, but weren't sure if it had moved on as I've only seen it maybe 4 times in the past year and a half. Where we live are also lots of beautiful birds - rosellas, rainbow lorikeets, kookaburra, cockatoos, parrots, corellas.

    I'm not a real "nature" buff, but spending time in nature definitely helps reduce stress and to 'slow down', get perspective, etc.
  • Efsim
    Efsim Posts: 129 Member
    Good day team: I’ll try to participate in weekly challenge. My number is 5
    I’m so thankful for my husband, he is my biggest cheerleader and the person that encourages me to reach my goals and dream when I think it’s impossible.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    kilobykilo wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 i have all of my steps logged on my Fitbit and am happy to share here, but, also happy to skip this month as I'm so late, just let me know what's best!

    You can share them if you like!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    Monday’s weigh Ins:
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    edited August 2019
    I am going to combine the mods challenge and the weekly challenge for this post. These 2 girls are my reason for getting healthy and I give thanks for them everyday. They are my granddaughters Hayley and Norah.

  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    Item 2 : I was lucky enough to be born in a country where having a roof over your head and food on the table and clean drinking water are not generally considered a luxury. Never take these things for granted as many don't have them.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    August target 300,000, More cycling so less days for steps this month.

    Jun '19 total 411,642 ~ average 13,721
    Jul '19 total 405,320 ~ average 13,075; Cycle 31.69 miles

    01/08 - 12,286 (5.43); Cycle 4.54
    02/08 - 18,160 (8.89); Cycle 0.00
    03/08 - 21,100 (10.32); Cycle 9.46
    04/08 - 8,812 (4.16); Cycle 14.53
    05/08 - 16,983 (8.31); Cycle 0.00
    06/08 - 13,612 (6.65); Cycle 16.21
    07/08 - 17,801 (8.71); Cycle 11.85
    08/08 - 4,594 (2.25); Cycle 6.33
    09/08 - 8,063 (3.57); Cycle 8.49
    10/08 - 15,290 (6.76); Cycle 17.55
    11/08 - 14,222 (6.28); Cycle 5.48
    12/08 - 15,757 (6.96); Cycle 1.28
    13/08 - 12,517 (5.44); Cycle 6.46
    14/08 - 5,314 (2.83); Cycle 15.37 Just counting exercise steps now
    15/08 - 5,411 (2.89); Cycle 7.63 This is a stark reality check of just how many of my step we meandering and not really beneficial.
    16/08 - 7,922 (4.23); Cycle 11.46
    17/08 - 15,374 (8.21); Cycle 5.51
    18/08 - 6,745 (3.60); Cycle 3.95
    19/08 - 5,555 (2.96); Cycle 11.62
    20/08 - 11,831 (6.32); Cycle -.--
    21/08 - 10,444 (5.58); Cycle 14.25
    22/08 - 5,538 (2.95); Cycle 3.59
    23/08 - 5,038 (2.69); Cycle 10.48
    24/08 - 8,243 (4.40); Cycle -.--
    25/08 - 11,594 (6.19); Cycle 16.87

    Aug TD total - 277,906
    Aug average - 11,116
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    kilobykilo wrote: »
    @lindamtuck2018 i have all of my steps logged on my Fitbit and am happy to share here, but, also happy to skip this month as I'm so late, just let me know what's best!

    You can share them if you like!

    Lovely, will do it when I'm home this evening :)

    Also, I'm back for sept but would like to change weigh in to Saturdays please :)
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    - 55k Steps for the week
    - <1300 cal/day avg - Thanks @lindamtuck2018 for this suggestion
    - a nice deficit for the week
    - No LNS
    - No alcohol S-Th
    - At least 2 bottles (20 oz) of water before leaving work each day

    My water intake as decreased over the past 2 weeks. I have noticed this has an adverse effect on my resting heart rate. I want to get this lower again!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    I am 42 so... my list will be 6 strong!

    1. I am thankful for my ex-husband... he gave me 2 beautiful daughters and without him I would not truly understand how wonderful my current husband is!!!!!


    2. I am thankful for my dog, Tucker. He is my best little buddy. I am so glad he can't speak, because I talk to him like he is a human. He listens and does not judge. All he asks in return is for an occasional piece of cheese and to sleep in the bed beside me.
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    8/24 17,363
    8/25 15,729
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
This discussion has been closed.