Tortoise or Hare?

Flintwinch Posts: 854 Member
When it comes to weight management, are you more of a tortoise or a hare? I think Aesop was right, that the tortoise winning the race is an important fact in success. Nobody is all-tortoise or all-hare, but success comes more from day-to-day consistency rather than otherwise. I'd say I'm mostly tortoise, but like to get off to a hare-like start.

Some of you celebrate milestones that mark your success. Here's a story about a guy I've followed now and then with his daily bicycle-riding streak. Maybe there are some lessons here for other goals in life.

'It's hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch'


  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 5,999 Member
    Everybody would like to lose like a hare, and we all do in those first exciting weeks or perhaps months where you can post a loss of 1 pound or more every week. Its less thrilling & exciting when you get to the tortoise phase where your celebrations are for "I lost another 1/10!" Or " didn't gain this week!"! Me I am most definitly a tortoise, 13 years and still counting!
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    I ride "every day" I can, but not every day. I missed one day this year due to weather so 220 out of 221 days thru Friday. I am definitely more tortoise than hare in general. Hang in there for the long haul. Also I avoid some of the all or nothing scenarios as they might just lead me to give up. Lately a lot of wimpy rides but still have ridden more than half way to the moon.

    Persistence not perfection is more my mantra. Welcome aboard.
  • GavinFlynn1
    GavinFlynn1 Posts: 1,664 Member
    I really admire those who put together long streaks of accomplishments. The very thought of putting together a streak of some health related accomplishment challenges some part of my self image. I hear the inner voice tell me that I could never do something like that; that I’m already too old; it’s too late, etc... That inner voice ignores the healthy streaks I have accomplished, such as not drinking since January 16, 1997. I have to remind myself of that, and choose my own narrative. I really enjoyed the video and the thoughts it’s provoking inside me.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,585 Member
    Definitely a tortoise here. Trying to be a hare usually ends up with frustration and a crash somewhere along the way. I find it easier to just settle into the lifestyle and keep moving ahead. It has been awhile since I have been able to do that and it feels good. I am with Bob motto wise.
  • Jerdtrmndone
    Jerdtrmndone Posts: 5,712 Member
    Tortoise for sure but with accomplishment.
  • gadgetgirlIL
    gadgetgirlIL Posts: 1,381 Member
    Tortoise here. But this tortoise bike rider can get in and out of controls (rest stops) much faster than most hares. So even though my average pace is slower than theirs I can often finish a long ride in about the same elapsed time.

  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,010 Member
    When I started WW, I was a hare for sure. I had a nearly-perfect streak of losing each and every week (with a single exception week) until I hit goal and lifetime. That was clearly a "honeymoon" period for weight-loss for me. Before I started I felt like I had really hit "rock-bottom" (or perhaps, "rock-top") and needed to do *something* about it. WW seemed like a reasonable way to go, and many of you will recall that first week big-weight-loss that many of us enjoyed. That was enough to get me going, and thankfully I got to goal and lifetime in 6-8 months.

    Now, however, it's much harder, and I think I've come to value consistency more than speed. Unfortunately, I've been pretty lame at both consistency AND speed with getting off the last few pounds I'd like to re-lose. Of course, the level of urgency I had 10 years ago isn't there, and it's certainly harder to take off weight when you're below goal than it is when you're obese!

    In other areas of my life, I really appreciate consistency, though I don't really track that. For example, every morning I take 20-30' and do some learning. I try to get in 3 runs per week and two other aerobic days in-between. Etc.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member

    We’ve all been around the block a number of times. The hares are over on the Motivation board. Their calories are set at 1200 and they are losing 60 lbs in 30 weeks.

    If you aren’t 100% for this and say so on their thread, they will summon a MFP administrator and have your post deleted. Yes, that did happen. No demotivating reality allowed.

  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Slow but steady progress Tortoise!
    2013 -60 A hare at age 65?
    2014 -37 Learned to LTL
    2015 -15 to NOT GAIN a success
    2016 -37 (goal was -52)
    2017 -43 (goal was -52)
    2018 Made GW from 376 to 184
    2019 Successful on Maintenance below GW over one year.

  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,124 Member
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,243 Member
    In general I'm a tortoise. But last year I lost 24lbs in 16 weeks. The first 12 were from my own eating plan and felt good. The next 12 were the result of a medical study I enrolled in where I had to eat very low carb for eight weeks. That was fine for about three weeks, then I was miserable.

    I've said it before, "The waiting is the hardest part."
  • Flintwinch
    Flintwinch Posts: 854 Member
    88olds wrote: »

    We’ve all been around the block a number of times. The hares are over on the Motivation board. Their calories are set at 1200 and they are losing 60 lbs in 30 weeks.

    If you aren’t 100% for this and say so on their thread, they will summon a MFP administrator and have your post deleted. Yes, that did happen. No demotivating reality allowed.

    That's why I don't like boards like the one you described. Life is effort. Unremittingly repeated. Fast weight loss happens. The faster you lose it, the harder it is to sustain it.
    The long-time weight losers , whether goal weight or a portion thereof, are the winners
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,124 Member
    Flintwinch wrote: »
    88olds wrote: »

    We’ve all been around the block a number of times. The hares are over on the Motivation board. Their calories are set at 1200 and they are losing 60 lbs in 30 weeks.

    If you aren’t 100% for this and say so on their thread, they will summon a MFP administrator and have your post deleted. Yes, that did happen. No demotivating reality allowed.

    That's why I don't like boards like the one you described. Life is effort. Unremittingly repeated. Fast weight loss happens. The faster you lose it, the harder it is to sustain it.
    The long-time weight losers , whether goal weight or a portion thereof, are the winners

    As one Goadie puts it "it'a a death march".
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,301 Member
    I'm a tortoise...although, there have been sporadic periods where I've mimicked a hare.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,020 Member
    🐢 Tortoise for sure but it seemed like a hair starting back in 2011. Lost the big hundred in about a year then was still no where near goal. It was however closer then I am now. I just had another hundred and ten to go to my goal weight. I stayed steady and firm at 295 lbs for about 3 years then the beginning of 2018 I started a new business venture and took all my focus on that and just grabbed things to eat whenever and whatever came about.

    So I need to start over and go with the tortoise pace but just stay consistent day after day.