Week 4 weigh in 8/19

SW: 363 (7/22)
W1: 354.4 (7/29)
W2: 350.6 (8/5)
W3: 350.0 (8/12)
W4: 347.8 (8/19)

I'd prefer faster progress but I guess this is ok.


  • Jezzie625
    Jezzie625 Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 134,5 kg / 296.5 lbs
    W1: 133 kg / 293.2 lbs
    W2: 130 kg / 286.6 lbs
    W3: 130 kg / 286.6 lbs
    W4: 130.8 kg / 288.4 lbs

    I'm sorry for the rant. I have just been feeling sad lately, and I guess this is the only place I can talk about it where people will actually understand and not judge me for it...

    I've been having a rough week, I'm still studying and stressing because of my exams that I have to get through to do my internship in September. Also, my doctor diagnosed me with a heavy form of temporary bronchitis. I'd been to his office 2 weeks ago, and he told me he wasn't sure, but he told me explicitly to rest and not exercise because my lungs couldn't/can't handle it. I've had it for 3 weeks now, so I went back to my doctor yesterday, and the initial infection is probably over, but I basically broke my lungs with all of the coughing. So now my doctor basically said I should treat it as if I have asthma, I have to use an inhaler, and rest so my lungs can heal. So I haven't been able to exercise for 3 weeks (even though I did/tried), and still can't.

    It has been taking a toll on me, also mentally. I wonder why I even try, I have been feeling sad for a few weeks now, which has probably led to overeating, which has led to gaining some weight, which makes me wonder why I should even try. It's the circle of giving up and overeating, basically. Being home all by myself, just me and my exam stuff, without having any other things to do, places to be or people to talk to and keep me on the right track doesn't really help my diet or my mental health. I just hope I'll mentally and physically start feeling better soon.