

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Friday 9/5 checkin
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 206.5
    Todays Weight: 205.2

    Calories: over/under? Under
    Water: over/under? Over
    Exercise: lunchtime walk

    Goals or Improvements for today:
    Starting to feel a little better so today my goal is tomeet my step goal plus go get by 1000 steps.

    Hope you all are doing well!

    Friday weigh in. 205.2

  • Jamidi
    Jamidi Posts: 233 Member
    Username: Jamidi
    Week: 1
    Day: Friday
    Previous weight: 212
    Current weight: 209.8
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    @Jamidi Congrats on you loss for the week!🎉
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Great job Friday weighins! Sorry I couldn’t join in the loss category but it’s all good. I’m actually down from the start of the week so I am really happy.

    Username: kres567
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weigh in week: 1
    Previous weight: 211
    Current weight 211.8
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited September 2019
    @Kres567 -- Hurray! And while you may not be in the loss category on the spreadsheet, down for the week is so SO excellent! SO delighted for you! 🎉 🥳

    @Jamidi - 💥 Boom! Wow! Congratulations on a great weigh-in!
    I loved hearing about your tough hike and -- even better -- that you felt so ood afterwards!

    @mrmcgrath - SO glad you are starting to feel better! 😀😀😀
    I love your steps goal! 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
    Hurray for your great day yesterday! You just keep putting in these great days with exercise and calories under and water over! 💪🏽 🌊 🥗
    And wow! What a great weigh-in for you this week! 🙌🏽

    @broncobuddee - Congratulations on being level for the week after starting with a food holiday! I suspect you were pretty focused for the rest of the week -- impressive! 👍🏽👍🏽🤩

    @davors19 - Congratulations on holding steady! 😊

    @TeresaW1020 - Good luck with all that moving work! So awesome that you are checking in and keeping an eye on your health at all in the midst of all that! 😮🤩😊
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Thursday Check In
    Calories: on target, all healthy choices/on plan
    Water: on target
    Exercise: platform stepping (135 min; couple of sessions)
    Steps: over
    Martial Arts: Yes! Yay!

    Friday Plans/Goals/Improvements
    Calories: on target, all healthy choices/on plan
    Water: on plan or over
    Exercise: platform stepping
    Steps: at least 7500
    Martial Arts: at least 2 minutes
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Some quick end-of-week reminders:

    Weigh-ins due:

    Weigh-ins due tomorrow:
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Friday Check-in:
    Calories: under
    Water: going to drink more to catch up this evening
    Exercise: Tons of moving and walking

    Well, today was day one of getting moved into the new house. Hubby and I each took a couple of carloads of stuff over and then we worked on several projects. We then took trips to Lowes, Home Depot, and Target. My feet are killing me! Ohhh and we got in our new awesome fridge which I promtly filled up with my sparkling water. Bubbles are life!!! :pB)

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited September 2019
    Optional Challenge - Mindfulness

    @TeresaW1020 and I chatted about the idea of a mindfulness challenge, and are offering this to the team. She pointed out, "Practicing mindfulness and learning to understand our triggers is so key to getting control over our emotions which for me have so often ended with me stuffing my face and not even realizing it until I was done."

    So, as we work towards out weight loss and health goals, we all have many thoughts or feelings. The big thing is not to let them stop us.

    So here's a game you can try playing with yourself, if it seems like it might be helpful. If this doesn't call to you, no worries.

    Take a few quiet minutes several times over the next week to breathe. Just breathe, and notice your breath (in, out, in, out...). If you do this for several minutes, you may find your focus on your breath interrupted by a thought or feeling. When you become aware of a thought or feeling that is grabbing your attention, say to yourself "I am having the thought I am (a loser... or whatever)" or "I am having the feeling of (sadness... or whatever) now." Labeling your thoughts and feelings as they arise helps you put a little distance between you and your thoughts or feelings. See if this helps you relate to thoughts and feelings at other times as... just thoughts and feelings.
    (adapted from Thinkmindfully.com)

    Another way to relate is to think of your thoughts and feelings as bubbles in a glass of soda. You aren't attached to any particular bubble. You are just watching the bubbles as they appear, and then rise. The thoughts and feelings do their thing. You can observe and include that, and then get back to work doing the things that help you get healthier!

  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    @AustinRuadhain @raleighgirl09 Thanks
    @steplaj Westford/Chelmsford. You from MA?

    I forgot to weigh in tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow.

    Last night was our school open house. It was a long day. I just barely managed to drag myself out of bed this morning. I swear it felt like I never even left the building! I was tired but managed to drag myself on a run after work. Glad I did!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Weigh in week: 1(06Sep2019)
    Weigh in day: Friday

    Previous Weight: 211.2
    Current Weight 206.4

    My mantra: remember the good, be the good, encourage others on their journey

    Wow, totally was not expecting to shed nearly 5 pounds in a week, not sure I trust it but I am working on letting the numbers be what they are and not give them a greater power than they have, basically none in reality. Having a Fitbit scale connected to MFP means every loss is registered and I am more used to it - but still don't really like it. Anyway - I'll take the loss and keep this in mind when I swing the other way. =>

    Have spent more time on MFP, engaging more - working to keep that up. Have exercised daily - true exercise not just a stroll. Strolls are nice but I do like the feeling of really burning it up and sweating it out.

    Wanted to share this with you all - and I hope this is not frowned upon. I have been listening to a podcast for a few months and reallyreally like this chick's style. Perhaps because it is much the same as mine - complete with language a lot of the time. Down to earth, real. I am not endorsing her services, but I love the free podcast and wanted to share. The one I list, in particular, really spoke to me and I will probably listen to it several times. If you go to the link for this one, you will see them all.

    "4 Ways to Believing Hard You Can Lose Weight" recorded 31Aug2019 Caveat - she uses salty language, avoid if that is offensive to you

    https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/losing-100-pounds-phit-n-phat-com-real-diet-talk-from/id1233384453?utm_campaign=1abbbacdde-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_12_27_10_33_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Phit-N-Phat Subscribers&utm_term=0_e41e2f236e-1abbbacdde-563215801

    It's ok to doubt yourself - keep going.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Optional Challenge - Mindfulness

    @TeresaW1020 and I chatted about the idea of a mindfulness challenge, and are offering this to the team. She pointed out, "Practicing mindfulness and learning to understand our triggers is so key to getting control over our emotions which for me have so often ended with me stuffing my face and not even realizing it until I was done."

    So, as we work towards out weight loss and health goals, we all have many thoughts or feelings. The big thing is not to let them stop us.

    So here's a game you can try playing with yourself, if it seems like it might be helpful. If this doesn't call to you, no worries.

    Take a few quiet minutes several times over the next week to breathe. Just breathe, and notice your breath (in, out, in, out...). If you do this for several minutes, you may find your focus on your breath interrupted by a thought or feeling. When you become aware of a thought or feeling that is grabbing your attention, say to yourself "I am having the thought I am (a loser... or whatever)" or "I am having the feeling of (sadness... or whatever) now." Labeling your thoughts and feelings as they arise helps you put a little distance between you and your thoughts or feelings. See if this helps you relate to thoughts and feelings at other times as... just thoughts and feelings.
    (adapted from Thinkmindfully.com)

    Another way to relate is to think of your thoughts and feelings as bubbles in a glass of soda. You aren't attached to any particular bubble. You are just watching the bubbles as they appear, and then rise. The thoughts and feelings do their thing. You can observe and include that, and then get back to work doing the things that help you get healthier!


    @AustinRuadhain - I love this. I'm going to give this a whirl, being purposefully mindful every day, I'll see if I can do this with the breathing! And this visual - yesyesyes - this is a crystal clear example for anything you keep doing and eventually enjoy the success of that consistency. It is not a straight line - ever. There are ups and downs, bumps and bruises and that's ok. Look at the long term and focus on how your tiny, consistent contributions become measurable results. Love it.
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Howdy team!

    As noted at the beginning of the month, Jen (@Kres567) stepped down as captain this month and returned as a team member. Jen served many, many months faithfully and I, personally am very grateful for her service. I know the rest of the team agrees and we are happy she is continuing with the team!!

    Teresa (@TeresaW1020) has generously stepped up to the challenge of team captain - and getting stuck with me. This is especially impressive given the activity in her personal life at the moment. Thanks Teresa, and welcome!!
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Me again...

    Our team is host of the week two group challenge. This is me begging and pleading for ideas. :D
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Weigh in week: 1(06Sep2019)
    Weigh in day: Friday

    Previous Weight: 211.2
    Current Weight 206.4

    My mantra: remember the good, be the good, encourage others on their journey

    Wow, totally was not expecting to shed nearly 5 pounds in a week, not sure I trust it but I am working on letting the numbers be what they are and not give them a greater power than they have, basically none in reality. Having a Fitbit scale connected to MFP means every loss is registered and I am more used to it - but still don't really like it. Anyway - I'll take the loss and keep this in mind when I swing the other way. =>

    Have spent more time on MFP, engaging more - working to keep that up. Have exercised daily - true exercise not just a stroll. Strolls are nice but I do like the feeling of really burning it up and sweating it out.

    Wanted to share this with you all - and I hope this is not frowned upon. I have been listening to a podcast for a few months and reallyreally like this chick's style. Perhaps because it is much the same as mine - complete with language a lot of the time. Down to earth, real. I am not endorsing her services, but I love the free podcast and wanted to share. The one I list, in particular, really spoke to me and I will probably listen to it several times. If you go to the link for this one, you will see them all.

    "4 Ways to Believing Hard You Can Lose Weight" recorded 31Aug2019 Caveat - she uses salty language, avoid if that is offensive to you

    https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/losing-100-pounds-phit-n-phat-com-real-diet-talk-from/id1233384453?utm_campaign=1abbbacdde-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_12_27_10_33_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Phit-N-Phat Subscribers&utm_term=0_e41e2f236e-1abbbacdde-563215801

    It's ok to doubt yourself - keep going.

    Thanks for the podcast suggestion! Always looking for things to listen to or read on my commute.
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Howdy team!

    As noted at the beginning of the month, Jen (@Kres567) stepped down as captain this month and returned as a team member. Jen served many, many months faithfully and I, personally am very grateful for her service. I know the rest of the team agrees and we are happy she is continuing with the team!!

    Teresa (@TeresaW1020) has generously stepped up to the challenge of team captain - and getting stuck with me. This is especially impressive given the activity in her personal life at the moment. Thanks Teresa, and welcome!!

    Woohoo!! Thanks so much @TeresaW1020! I’m excited for the team. I see you two as being the next Dynamic Duo!
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Howdy team!

    As noted at the beginning of the month, Jen (@Kres567) stepped down as captain this month and returned as a team member. Jen served many, many months faithfully and I, personally am very grateful for her service. I know the rest of the team agrees and we are happy she is continuing with the team!!

    Teresa (@TeresaW1020) has generously stepped up to the challenge of team captain - and getting stuck with me. This is especially impressive given the activity in her personal life at the moment. Thanks Teresa, and welcome!!

    I forgot to mention that Teresa's move to captain opens up a motivator position on the team. Please review the responsibilities below and let us know if you are interested!

    Motivator’s Responsibilities include:
    * Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
    * Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
    * Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
    * Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
    * Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
    * Coordinate with your awesome team captains to see if they can use any assistance or if they have any specific tasks they feel you can assist with.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Woohoo!!

    Friday Check-In

    Calories - under
    Exercise/Steps - 26 mins on the treadmill and 15208 steps total

    My main goals are to track everyday and check in here a majority of the week. Seeing everyone's progress is awesome and inspiring!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! I have a few minutes while I drink my coffee to check-in. We have another long day of moving things to the new house. We have movers coming Monday, but I don’t trust them with all my breakables and pictures. Plus, they want so much money I feel whatever we can move will just let me buy more pretty things! ;)

    I am very happy to be stepping as one of the captains and promise to give you my best effort. I want to see us as the top group on Fat 2 Fit and to be known for our encouragement, support, fun, and of course amazing weight loss! B)

    @AustinRuadhain, thank you for posting this week’s challenge! <3 Like I said to you being mindful is so important and it’s vital for an emotional eater, like myself. That graphic is great! It reminds me of my weight loss chart. There are days and even weeks when I feel like I’m not getting anywhere but if I pull back and look at the whole picture, I see just how far I have come. It’s going to be a very busy next few days so trying to remember to breathe will be a challenge in and of itself. :D

    @raleighgirl09, Wow!! What a great week you have had! Thanks for the podcast link. I have saved it and will listen to her just as soon as I have some free time. :)

    @bethanie0825, great goals and yes please do keep checking in with us. :)
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Saturday 9/6 checkin
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 205.2
    Todays Weight:

    Calories: over/under? Under
    Water: over/under? Over
    Exercise: walking

    Goals or Improvements for today: Hubby bought a small house to rent out and has been gutting it. I will be going with him today to help with walls and ceiling back up.

This discussion has been closed.