Menopause and Weight Gain



  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    angeloup50 wrote: »
    rhtexasgal wrote: »
    I am just so tired of working hard all the time, especially with my aches and pains, just to maintain where I am ...

    Rhtexasgal, I hear you. Give yourself some grace as our bodies are changing. Fortunately there are more components to health than just the numbers on the scale.

    I appreciate it ... I try not to dwell too much on it but I have such cool clothes from losing and maintaining for years and now not being able to fit into half of it! So frustrating that I have to buy pants a size up just to accommodate my belly!
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    charmmeth wrote: »
    rhtexasgal wrote: »
    I am just so tired of working hard all the time, especially with my aches and pains, just to maintain where I am. ... Basically, I am just sick and tired ...

    So sorry to hear this. It is a miserable time for some people. What exercise are you using? I am finding that I need more variety and less intensity to get weight to come off. Body Fit by Amy has some really good low intensity videos that I have been following. And I have been doing Scottish Ballet's beginner's barre for 55+. That has really strengthened my feet and legs which has helped a lot.

    I found the Hasfit channel on Youtube where I have found such variety of Tabata, HIIT, low impact, etc. that they show not only in intense movement but also modified moves if you are not quite up to the intensity. I have not repeated a workout yet. If I am having a good day, I do the more intense options and not so good day, the lighter ones. I also have found some great low impact yoga and stretching videos.

    Thanks to COVID I have not been back to the gym and my membership expired. I miss a few things there but for the most part, I can still get a great workout at home. I also powerwalk, 4 mph is my "fast" pace, 4-5 times a week most of the time.
  • tinamarina66
    tinamarina66 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I am going to be 55 in June. before I turned 50, my goal was to post a bikini pic on my 50th birthday. I did it! Well, that was almost 5 years ago and I have gained 10 pounds since then. My last period was about 3 years ago... I eat very clean, almost no processed foods at all, I track my calories... workout 4 -5 times a week, HIIT training 4 at least 4 times a week as well as Strength training... ughhhh... I can't get past 145 pounds. I am 5'3. I bought one of those biometric scales to measure my fat, muscle, visceral fat.. all that stuff so that I could be encouraged if I was gaining muscle.. NO LUCK... soooo discouraing... and honestly... I am supposed to be eating 1500 calories and it is soo hard for me.. I just honestly can eat 1200 calories with no problem, but they I hear "you aren't eating enough." I am very very discourged... not giving up.. but very discouraged.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Sam_H_N wrote: »
    I didn't read **every* single post here, but I have to say to 100% of those that I did read a resounding "ME TOO!"

    I have a desk job that requires me to be seated or standing still 10+ hours per day. In my non-work hours, I chase my dog around the yard (which are both big!), my husband and I walk nearly 4 miles every night rain or shine, and I exercise either HIIT, weight training, yoga, or some combination of the three every day. In total, I spend about 2 hours a day exercising and if I consume more than 1160 calories, I gain weight. (Yes, 1160 exactly. I've been experimenting with this for a while now.) The ONLY time I lose weight is on Saturday mornings, so I'm guessing it's job-related stress.

    I can't quit my job. I can't keep exercising for 2 hours per day. Even with all this, I'm still obese. It's so depressing.

    This is the first time I've said that "out loud" to anyone but my husband. I guess just the fact that someone is reading this, and that it looks like I'm not alone is some comfort.

    I feel your pain. It's like I have to starve just to not gain weight! Reducing stress has helped me a lot. I started doing yoga and I feel a lot better and have managed to lose a bit of weight.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    Me, too.

    I think stress is a huge thing in my life, our lives. That just increases cortisol and belly fat. I have a belly now like a kangaroo pouch and I never had that before.

    However, I gained 20 pounds in the last year due to stuffing my feelings down with food.

    I did join an app Called Stepfit where you pay into a pot and then after 6 weeks of meeting your walking goals, you get a payout; the pay out is not big at all like $7 dollars (you get your entry fee plus the payout), but I have to say knowing I have to meet my daily walking goals is a huge plus. Sometimes, it's 9:00 pm and I need 1000 more steps for the day, so I walk around my house.

    I'm not endorsing Stepfit app but some type of accountability is what works for me.
    I have lost 12 pounds since Dec. 1st but need to lose much more. I also made a challenge in the challenge category if anyone wants to be part of. It's called "20 pound to lose challenge Apri 1-July 31". It's a friendly group of people and we just post our weight or tips. Again, accountability is a great motivator.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    My joints hurt, as well. I know that's a menopausal effect. I get up from a chair and feel so stiff. I think I need to do yoga; I used to really love it.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    I am 57, and I can resonate with so much of what you are all saying. This past few months I have been working out regularly with BodyFit by Amy. I still have that lower belly bulge, but my knees and shoulders are so much stronger. I've also lost 14kg (2.2 stone, so over 30 lbs) since last May. ddly with more exercise I am less hungry. I'mm working on that bulge but I feel so much fitter!
    (Amy's theme for April is "Ab-solution", so lots of core work. I am waiting to see if that helps.)
  • rslinsky
    rslinsky Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I am going to be 55 in June. before I turned 50, my goal was to post a bikini pic on my 50th birthday. I did it! Well, that was almost 5 years ago and I have gained 10 pounds since then. My last period was about 3 years ago... I eat very clean, almost no processed foods at all, I track my calories... workout 4 -5 times a week, HIIT training 4 at least 4 times a week as well as Strength training... ughhhh... I can't get past 145 pounds. I am 5'3. I bought one of those biometric scales to measure my fat, muscle, visceral fat.. all that stuff so that I could be encouraged if I was gaining muscle.. NO LUCK... soooo discouraing... and honestly... I am supposed to be eating 1500 calories and it is soo hard for me.. I just honestly can eat 1200 calories with no problem, but they I hear "you aren't eating enough." I am very very discourged... not giving up.. but very discouraged.

    UGH. This is totally me. Just turned 49 and despite working out and lifting, I still seem to be gaining weight around my middle.
  • TBlackwell7138
    TBlackwell7138 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to MFP and this group, and boy oh boy- I am so glad I found you all!

    I am 50 and feeling all the symptoms of menopause: night sweats keeping me up most of the night, depression, weight gain of 20 pounds since Christmas and just plain ol miserable.
    I had a consultation yesterday for bioidentical hormones, and I think I'm going to try it. Lab work appointment is in the morning, so this will tell us where my levels are at and we can go from there.

    I am 5'2" and could stand to lose 50 pounds. Ugh. I just want to FEEL BETTER more than anything.

    So nice to meet you all. :smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to MFP and this group, and boy oh boy- I am so glad I found you all!

    I am 50 and feeling all the symptoms of menopause: night sweats keeping me up most of the night, depression, weight gain of 20 pounds since Christmas and just plain ol miserable.
    I had a consultation yesterday for bioidentical hormones, and I think I'm going to try it. Lab work appointment is in the morning, so this will tell us where my levels are at and we can go from there.

    I am 5'2" and could stand to lose 50 pounds. Ugh. I just want to FEEL BETTER more than anything.

    So nice to meet you all. :smile:

    Good luck! I hope they work well for you!
  • dharma8040
    dharma8040 Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2021
    I hear you, I think you have to play a really long game, and just keep on at it. And take progress photos. Losing a kilo every couple of two months is a great result now in my books.